Three trophies of the Thuringian Research Award stand side by side

Science Awards

Science prizes and special research awards
Three trophies of the Thuringian Research Award stand side by side
Image: Jürgen Scheere

Science prizes, awards and memberships honour researchers for their work and are an important part of promoting science and research. A selection of awarded researchers of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena can be found on the following page.

International Awards

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

2021: Prof. Dr Bas Dutilh

placeholder image — Bas Dutilh stands on a platform and looks over Jena.

Image: Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung


ERC Starting Grants

2024: Prof. Dr. Janine George

2022: Prof. Dr Martin Oschatz

2021: Prof. Dr Dietmar Gallistl

2018: Prof. Dr Kai Papenfort

2017: Prof. Dr Sebastiano Bernuzzi

2009: Prof. Dr Jens Limpert

ERC Consolidator Grants

2024: Prof. Dr. Ilona Croy

2023: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bocklitz

2023: Prof. Dr. Sebastiano Bernuzzi

2021: Prof. Dr. Bas Dutilh 

2020: Prof. Dr. Miriam Agler-Rosenbaum

2020: Prof. Dr. Philipp Adelhelm (jetzt Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

2018: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gräfe

2016: Prof. Dr. Lothar Wondraczek

2014: Prof. Dr. Jens Limpert

ERC Advanced Grants

2024: Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöhlker

2024: Prof. Dr. Christian Hertweck

2023: Prof. Dr Ulrich Schubert

2021: Prof. Dr. Alexander Marx

2019: Prof. Dr Jens Limpert

2015: Prof. Dr Andreas Tünnermann

ERC Synergy Grant

2024: Prof. Dr. Carsten Ronning

2020: Prof. Dr Joachim Denzler 

ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant

2021: Prof. Dr Lothar Wondraczek

  • Prof. Dr. Jens Limpert
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    Triple ERC

    Prof. Dr. Jens Limpert is one of the few researchers in Germany who has succeeded in obtaining ERC funding three times: in 2009 he received a »Starting Grant«, followed by a »Consolidator Grant« in 2014, crowned with an »Advanced Grant« in 2019.

National Awards

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize

  • 2023: Prof. Dr Hartmut Rosa
    2023: Prof. Dr Hartmut Rosa
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  • 2023: Prof. Dr Sarah O'Connor
    2023: Prof. Dr Sarah O'Connor
    Image: David Ausserhofer, DFG
  • 2020: Prof. Dr Johannes Grave
    2020: Prof. Dr Johannes Grave
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  • 2020: Prof. Dr Markus Reichstein
    2020: Prof. Dr Markus Reichstein
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  • 2015: Prof. Dr Christian Hertweck
    2015: Prof. Dr Christian Hertweck
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  • 2009: Prof. Dr Karl Lenhard Rudolph
    2009: Prof. Dr Karl Lenhard Rudolph
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  • 2007: Prof. Dr Falko Langenhorst
    2007: Prof. Dr Falko Langenhorst
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  • 2005: Prof. Dr Andreas Tünnermann
    2005: Prof. Dr Andreas Tünnermann
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Deutscher Zukunftspreis (German Future Prize)

2013: Prof. Dr Stefan Nolte (middle) together with Dr Dirk Sutter (left)and Dr Jens König (right)

Laureates of the Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2013

Image: Deutscher Zukunftspreis Ansgar Pudenz

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize 

2021: Prof. Dr Kai Lawonn

2014: Prof. Dr Nico Eisenhauer (presently Leiptzig University)

2006: Prof. Dr Holger Gies

1999: Prof. Dr Anne S. Ulrich (jetzt Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) 

  • Prof. Dr. Kai Lawonn
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
    Prof. Dr. Kai Lawonn
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Regional Awards

Thüringer Forschungspreis (Thuringian Research Prize)

(Award winners of the past ten years, only current members of the University of Jena at the time of proposal)

2024: Prof.Dr. Andrey Turchanin, Dr. Antony George, Dr. Falk Eilenberger, Dr. Christof Neumann (Applied Research)

2023: Prof. Dr Benjamin Dietzek-Ivansic, Dr Linda Zedler (Applied Research)

2022: Prof. Dr Sebastian Böcker, Dr Kai Dührkop, Dr Markus Fleischauer, Dr Marcus Ludwig, Martin A. Hoffmann (Basic Resarch)

2021: Prof. Dr Stefan Lorkowski, Dr Christine Dawczinski (Applied Research)

2021: Prof. Dr Klaus Dörre, Prof. Dr Hartmut Rosa (Basic Resarch)

2019: Prof. Dr Ulrich Brose (Basic Resarch)

2018: Prof. Dr Lambert Wiesing (Basic Resarch)

2017: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schubert, Dr. Martin Hager, Tobias Janoschka (Applied research)

2015: Prof. Dr Christian Hübner, PD Dr Ingo Kurth (Basic Resarch)

2014: Prof. Dr Thomas Heinze, Friedrich Scholz (Applied Research)

Awards of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

  • Rowena Morse Prize

    Friedrich Schiller University annually awards the Rowena Morse Prize as a distinction for academics who are outstanding in research and teaching, who have attained their eligibility for appointment for a professorship, but who were not yet appointed to a tenured professorship at the time of their special achievements. The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros.

    Laureates of the past ten years

    2024: JP Dr Anika Klafki - Faculty of Law

    2023: JP Giancarlo Soavi - Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

    2022: Dr Anja Träger – Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences

    2021: PD Dr Lukas Werther – Faculty of Arts and Humanities

    2020: PD Dr Paula Wojcik – Faculty of Arts and Humanities

    2019: PD Dr Tony Bruns – Faculty of Medicine

    2018: PD Dr Andreas Koeberle – Faculty of Biological Sciences

    2017: PD Dr Claudia Schnohr – Faculty of Physics and Astronomy 

    2016: PD Dr Dana Kralisch – Faculty of Biological Sciences

    2015: PD Dr Thomas Ernst – Faculty of Medicine

    2014: PD Dr Jessica Schmidt – Faculty of Law

  • Doctoral Prizes

    The doctoral prize of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena is an award for researchers who have achieved outstanding results in their doctoral studies and have thereby promoted the reputation of the Alma Mater Jenensis. The prize is endowed with 750 euros.

    Laureates of the past five years

    Faculty of Theology

    2024: Dr Jonathan Steensen
    2023: Dr Christian Kamleiter
    2022: Dr Magdalena Steinhöfel
    2021: Dr Kerstin Krauß
    2020: Dr Felix Durner

    Faculty of Law

    2024: Dr Leo Juri Kriese
    2023: Dr Luise Sophia Kavacs
    2022: Dr Philipp Köhler
    2021: Dr Julian Schick
    2020: Dr Philipp Selentin

    Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

    2024: Dr Thomas Robert Holy
    2023: Dr Leonard Hoeft
    2022: Dr Daniel Rodenburger
    2021: Yoan Hermstrüwer
    2020: Dr Felix Weidinger

    Faculty of Arts and Humanities

    2024: Dr Florian Hesse
    2023: Dr Sven Eric Büchel
    2022: Dr Markus Wegewitz
    2021: Dr Katharina Schwinde
    2020: Dr Peter Naumann

    Faculty for Social and Behavioural Sciences

    2024: Dr Adreas Stotzt
    2023: Dr Simon Lübcke
    2022: Dr Philipp Baumbach
    2021: Dr Sebastian Pusch
    2020: Dr Christian Opitz

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

    2024: Dr Daniel Dörfler
    2023: Dr Benjamin Hinrich
    2022: Dr Jonas Brock
    2021: Dr Melchior Wirth
    2020: Dr David Krieg

    Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

    2024: Dr Maja Struczynska
    2023: Dr Silvia Simionato
    2022: Dr Martin Hafermann
    2021: Dr Sebastian Grieninger
    2020: Dr Carolin Rothhardt

    Faculty for Chemistry and Earth Sciences

    2024: Dr Karl Michael Ziems
    2023: Dr Paul Strobel
    2022: Dr Carolin Müller
    2021: Dr Robert Freund
    2020: Dr Philipp Engelmann

    Faculty of Biological Sciences

    2024: Dr Shuaibing Zhang
    2023: Dr Paul Mike Jordan
    2022: Dr Marina Pekmezovic
    2021: Dr Sarah Patricia Niehs
    2020: Dr Sarah Irmscher

    Faculty of Medicine

    2024: Dr Leonie Karoline Stabenow
    2023: Dr Stefanie Quickert
    2022: Dr Thomas Kaas
    2021: Dr Judith Hammrich
    2020: Dr Yves Werner