EC2U Students Week Coimbra

Travel grants available -EC2U Students Week in Coimbra

Experience Europe! Apply by 27 March 2023 for one of 15 scholarships for Uni Jena to travel to Coimbra (Portugal) from 2. to 4.5.2023 for a meeting with students from the entire EC2U University Alliance.
EC2U Students Week Coimbra
Graphic: Universität Coimbra
  • Liberty

Published: | By: Fleur Frenk
Source article

Apply now for the EC2U Students Week and share your vision for Europe!


The EC2U Students Week is a truly European experience for students from across the EC2U Alliance. University of Jena students will interact with peers from Coimbra, Portugal; Salamanca, Spain; Poitiers, France; Pavia, Italy; Iasi, Romania, and Turku, Finland, for three days of cultural & sporting events and a United Nations COP simulation ("conference of the parts", i.e. a compact version of the Model United NationsExternal link). 

The meeting language is English.


The EC2U Students Week invites participants both to reflect on Europe together with their international peers and to take action. In this way, the goals of the EC2U Students Week are the goals of the EC2U Alliance itself.

University of Jena is one of seven Partner Universities of EC2U, one of the many European University Alliances now taking shape throughout the European Education Area. Together the Partner Universities are exploring and implementing new ways of sustainable, in-depth cooperation in studies, research and administration, both across national borders and with the cities they are located in. 

See ec2u.euExternal link or de for an overview of the broad spectrum of EC2U activities.


From 02. to 04. May 2023

The EC2U Students Week takes place during Europe Week, commemorating the founding of the Council of Europe on May 5, 1949 and the Schuman Declaration of May 9, 1950. On these important dates, the foundation was laid for the European Union - an idea and an alliance that continues to evolve, test values and face ever new challenges.


At the Universidade de Coimbra in central Portugal. link


Students currently enrolled at the University of Jena or any of the EC2U Partner Universities in any discipline and at any level of study (Bachelor, Master, PhD) can apply.


Apply online at link by 27.03.2023

Selected University of Jena students will receive a travel grant totalling 1050 Euros to supplement travel and subsistence costs.

Time is short! Apply now!

The Program

Informieren Sie sich hier über das Programm: 

EC2U Students Week Program
EC2U Students Week Program
Graphic: Universidade de Coimbra
EC2U Logo
EC2U Logo
Graphic: EC2U

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