Dr. Oliver Mothes

Evening Talk with Dr. Oliver Mothes

On 04.05.2023 there will be an evening talk with Dr. Oliver Mothes (research transfer coordinator at TZLR) on "Bridging the gap: Transferring AI methods into science".
Dr. Oliver Mothes
Image: Oliver Mothes


The next evening talk will take place on Thursday, 04.05.2023, at 6:30-8:00 pm with Dr. Oliver Mothes (reasearch transfer coordinator at the Thuringian Center for Learning Systems and Robotics) on the topic "Bridging the gap: Transferring AI methods into science" in the Auditorium zur Rosen, Johannissstr. 13, 07743 Jena.

Dr. Mothes will give us an insight into his scientific career path and is open for questions around artificial intelligence in research and science management.

Please register for the evening talk, there you can also formulate questions to ask Dr. Mothes: 

RegistrationExternal linkThe event will be held in English.

All Honours students are welcome to attend the event!