A red pen lies on a sheet of paper showing a multicoloured bar chart.

International Rankings

The University of Jena's current results in international rankings
A red pen lies on a sheet of paper showing a multicoloured bar chart.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
Jena in the twilight
THE World University Ranking 2023
The University of Jena is ranked 189th in THE World University Ranking 2023, placing it among the top 200 universities worldwide and among the top 20 in Germany for the first time.

The University of Jena is listed in various international university rankings:

  • Times Higher Education World University Ranking (THE WUR)
  • Quacquarelli Symonds World University Ranking (QS WUR)
  • Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai ARWU)
  • Highly Cited Researchers List
  THE WUR 2024 QS WUR 2024 Shanghai ARWU 2023
international 201-250 (von 1904) 461 (von 1499) 401-500 (von 1000)
national 22 (von 49) 26 (von 50) 25-31 (von 45)

You can find more details here.

International university rankings such as THE, QS and the Shanghai Ranking evaluate universities worldwide on the basis of various indicators. However, depending on the method, orientation and choice of departments, they vary greatly and must be interpreted with caution when assessing the quality of a university.

The University of Jena also successfully participates in national rankings, including the CHE-Ranking de.

Highly Cited Researchers List

The Highly Cited Researchers List ranks the most influential researchers worldwide. The list of the most cited researchers is compiled annually by Clarivate Analytics.

Currently, two researchers from the University of Jena are among the Highly Cited Researchers.

  • Bioinformatician Prof. Dr Bas E. Dutilh.
    Image: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung/Elbmotion
    Bas Dutilh Bas E. Dutilh is Professor of Viral Ecology and Omics at the University of Jena and a member of the Cluster of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse", where he combines his work on virus discovery with his line of research on modeling the microbiome. Prof. Dutilh is fascinated by the ecological and evolutionary dynamics in the microbial world and works to understand the interactions of microbes with each other and their environment.
  • The physician Prof. Dr Andreas Hochhaus.
    Image: Anna Schroll/UKJ
    Andreas HochhausExternal link Andreas Hochhaus is Director of the Department of Hematology and Internal Oncology at Jena University Hospital and spokesman of the Jena University Tumor Centre.
    His research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of hematological diseases and the active principles of new substance classes for the treatment of leukemias. In recent years, he has been particularly interested in research results on the use of innovative drugs in chronic myeloid leukemia.

Details of the rankings in the overview

THE World University Rankings 

The THE World University Ranking has been published annually by the British magazine Times Higher Education (THE) since 2004. It is based on indicators in the areas of research, teaching, citations, international affairs and industry/transfer.

Inclusion in the THE ranking is subject to certain conditions (e.g. minimum number of publications). Active data reporting by the university to THE is required for this. In 2021, the University of Jena participated in the THE ranking for the first time.

Year Rank national Rank international
2024 22 (von 49) 201-250 (von 1904)
2023 20 (von 50) 189 (von 1799)
2022 23 (von 50) 201-250 (von 1600)
2021 25 (von 48) 251-300 (von 1526)

The publication of the Top 200 is done with individual rankings. The places behind are given in rank groups.

In addition to the World University Ranking, individual subject groups are also evaluated in THE Subject Ranking. Out of 11 subject groups, the University of Jena is listed in 8 areas.

Subject 2024 2023 2022 2021
Arts and Humanities 201-250 251-300 301-400 301-400
Clinical and Health 301-400 301-400 201-250 251-300
Computer Science 401-500 501-600 501-600 401-500
Education 301-400 126-150 - -
Life Sciences 126-150 126-150 176-200 201-250
Physical Sciences 176-200 176-200 301-400 301-400
Psychology 151-175 176-200 176-200 176-200
Social Sciences 176-200 151-175 251-300 251-300

QS World University Rankings 

The Quacquarelli Symonds World University Ranking (QS ranking for short) has been published since 2009 and is based half (40% "Academic Reputation" and 10% "Employer Reputation") on reputation surveys. In addition, indicators in the areas of research, teaching, and international affairs are included.

In the QS ranking, participation is indirect. This means that the universities are ranked without reporting or having to report data to the ranking providers themselves.

Year Rank national Rank international
2024 26 (von 50) 461 (von 1499)
2023 19 (von 46) 352 (von 1422)
2022 19 (von 46) 344 (von 1300)
2021 20 (von 47) 323 (von 1000)

In addition to the World University Ranking, 5 subject groups are evaluated in the QS Subject Ranking. The University of Jena is listed in 3 areas.

Subject 2023 2022 2021
Arts and Humanities 401-450 401-450 393
Life Sciences and Medicine 291 316 304
Natural Sciences 309 348 389

Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

The ARWU is based solely on research indicators, such as Nobel Prizes won by alumni and current employees, publications in Nature & Science or number of Highly Cited Researchers. In the ARWU, participation is indirect. This means that universities are ranked without having to report data to the ranking providers themselves.

Year Rank national Rank international
2023 25-31 (von 45) 401-500 (von 1000)
2022 26-31 (von 47) 401-500 (von 1000)
2021 25-28 (von 50) 401-500 (von 1000)
2020 25-30 (von 49) 401-500 (von 1000)

Shanghai Ranking´s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS)

GRAS 2023:

  • 1900 universities from 104 countries were ranked in 55 subject groups from the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences and Social Sciences
  • best ranking in the subject group Ecology (Natural Sciences) and Dentistry and Oral Sciences (Medical Sciences)
  • Ecology: 51-75 (2022: 76-100) (German comparison: 5-6)
  • Dentistry & Oral Sciences: 101-150 (2022: 151-200) (German comparison:8-14)