
Professorship with Tenure Track

Academic tenure period with a long-term perspective: a new path towards professorship
Image: Kiattisak- stock.adobe.com

Tenure track professorships form a reliable and attractive option to achieving a life-term professorship for all outstanding scientists - from an early career phase on.

Advantages to tenure track professorships:

  •  appointment to an initially fixed-term position as a professor, shortly after the completed doctorate
  •  excellent conditions for the development of an individual and strong academic profile
  •  early scientific independence in both research and teaching
  •  guaranteed transition into a life-term professorship after a successful tenure evaluation (usually after six years)

Commitment on a national scale

The University of Jena is committed to the ongoing promotion and development of academic careers throughout Germany. In a joint venture with the Universities of Freiburg, Mainz, Frankfurt am Main, Hannover and German U15, it initiated the founding of a national academic network for Tenure Track at the 2020 Tenure Track ConferenceExternal link. By 2025, the Tenure Track NetworkExternal link represents the commitment of more than 100 people from a multitude of institutions of higher education and academic institutes throughout the country. The network as such is coordinated by the Universities of Freiburg and Jena. 

It is the declared aim of the network to diuscuss and further develop major topics around the implementation of the Tenure Track Professorships in Germany, to collect best practices and join competencies in the ongoing development and reformation of academic career options not only for professorships.
Since 2023, the Tenure Track Network has formed a cooperation with the Universitätsverband zur Qualifizierung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in Deutschland (German University Compound for the Qualification of Early Career Researchers, UniWiNDExternal link).

  • Karrierebausteine
    Graphic: j-mel - stock.adobe.com
    For interested persons and applicants Information on German tenure track and recent professional announcements at Jena University
  • Unterstützungsangebote
    Image: Stockwerk-Fotodesign - stock.adobe.com
    Tenure Track Portal Information and further documents for appointed Tenure Track professors and persons involved in tenure track procedures
  • Team
    Graphic: ImageFlow - stock.adobe.com
    Funding programmes Information regarding the university's participation in current Tenure Track funding Programmes