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  1. Olga Schmitz (right) and Paul Mehlhorn sampling the sediment of a lagoon in Richards Bay (South Africa).
    Image: Peter Frenzel (Universität Jena)
  2. LIFE-"Connect" fund
    Graphic: Franziska Eberl edited by Dania Rose-Sperling
  3. Jena University Hospital is ranked 23rd among the best hospitals in Germany.
    Image: Anna Schroll/UKJ
  4. Titel der Konferenz mit dunklen Hintergrund und Punkten
    Image: Jeanne Wilbrandt
  5. Award winner Dr Pepe Eulzer.
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  6. The ultra-thin fibre-optic endoscope.
    Image: Sven Döring/Leibniz-IPHT
  7. A mountain meadow in the Alps. Here, too, changes in temperature influence the diversity of species.
    Image: Gernot Kunz
  8. With an app a research consortium wants to improve the diagnosis and treatment planning of post-COVID patients.
    Image: UKJ
  9. Cracks in soil (Hainich).
    Image: Robert Lehmann/Universität Jena
  10. Gianni Panagiotou dedicates his research to understanding the interactions between microbiomes and their environment.
    Image: Anna Schroll/Universität Jena
  11. Part of the intestine of Caenorhabditis elegans under the microscope, enriched with malpinins.
    Image: Constanze Schultz/Leibniz-IPHT
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