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  1. A fox in a garden.
    Image: Dalia & Giedrius/Adobe Stock
  2. Mushroom with a high concentration of the toxin muscarine.
    Image: Dirk Hoffmeister
  3. Bacteria are injected into a fungus with an extremely fine tip. The bacteria migrate into the spore-forming tissue (yellow) and are passed on to the next generation.
    Picture: Sean Kilian
  4. Kaffeetasse daneben liegt ein Block mit einem Stift darauf
    Image: Stock Image
  5. The common wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) migrates westwards at a speed of around 5 kilometres per year and northwards at around 0.1 kilometres per year.
    Image: Petr Harant (CC-BY)
  6. Julia von Gönner with the ‘Knowledge of the Many’ research prize for citizen science.
    Image: Claudia Höhne/Wissenschaft im Dialog
  7. The new core research building in Leipzig.
    Image: Stefan Bernhardt / iDiv
  8. Constanze Schultz (right) from Leibniz IPHT and Dr. Thomas Wichard from the University of Jena use Raman spectroscopy to study the growth of the green alga Ulva.
    Image: Stela Todorova/ Leibniz-IPHT
  9. LIFE-"Connect" fund
    Graphic: Franziska Eberl edited by Dania Rose-Sperling
  10. Flyer zum Fair4Chem Award
    Image: NFDI4Chem
  11. An experiment with bacterial cells under a microscope.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  12. The research team collects for their studies unicellular microalgae from the sea.
    Image: Samues Bollendorff, Fondation Tara Océan
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