
at the science location Jena, regional and international

With the Friedrich Schiller University as the driving force, a unique culture of cooperation has developed in Jena. The University, non-university research institutions, the University Hospital, the University of Applied Sciences, foundations and high-tech industry work closely together to form a lively, productive and highly visible science and business region with partners all over the world. Jena has the highest density of research institutions in Germany in relation to the number of inhabitants (Städteranking 2022, IW Consult).

Research, business and city united in one network

  • Gründungsurkunde JenaVersum
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
    Together for the science location JenaExternal link More than 20 partners from science, business and the city have joined forces to form the "JenaVersum" network.
  • Panorama Jena
    Image: André Gräf (jenaparadies)
    City of Light JenaExternal link About one third of Jena's population studies, researches or works at the University or at pne of the numerous non-university institutions. Even today, Jena is still the "stacked city of knowledge" as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once described it.

Living and working in Jena

placeholder image — View of Jena with the German words "Welcome to the City of Light. Welcome to paradise."

Screenshot: JenaWirtschaft