In the preamble of the University’s Constitution, it is stated that the members and affiliates of the University take account of their joint responsibility for the consequences and possible misuse of scientific findings in their research and teaching activities. While conducting their research, they are committed to the peaceful coexistence of people and the preservation of the natural foundations of life.
The Senate of Friedrich Schiller University Jena established the “Committee for Environmentally and Security-Relevant Research” (Kommission für sicherheits- und umweltrelevante Forschung, KSUF).
Objectives of the Committee for Environmentally and Security-Relevant Research
In particular in scientific work likely to generate knowledge, products or technologies that could be directly misused by third parties, there are risks relevant to security and the environment. Against the background of the conflicting priorities between scientific freedom and scientific responsibilities, KSUF offers assistance in the form of advice and assessment with regard to the goals deserving protection which are relevant to security and the environment.
In addition, the Committee raises awareness for aspects of research that are relevant to security and the environment within Friedrich Schiller University. Freedom of research also entails risks. These result primarily from the danger that research results could be misused (‘dual use dilemma’).
On the website of the Joint Committee of the DFG and LeopoldinaExternal linkyou will find additional information on dealing with security-relevant research.
Assessment of planned research projects and procedures
Further information on the assessment of planned research projects can be found in the key questions on the assessment of projects in the context of environmentally and safety-relevant researchExternal link.
Regulations regarding the Committee’s activities and proceedings are laid down in the Guidelines of the Committee for Environmentally and Security-Relevant ResearchExternal link
The Committee takes its decisions in German. Therefore, these are only provided in German. For researchers who are not native German speakers, a legally non-binding translation of the decision is included in the letter by which they are informed about the Committee's decision.
Group of professors
Prof. Dr. Claudia Hammerschmidt
Prof. Dr. Carsten Ronning
Prof. Dr. Stefan SchusterProf. Dr. Michael Wermke (Stellvertretung)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kleinlein (Stellvertretung)
Prof. Dr. Peter Walgenbach (Stellvertretung)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schweinberger (Stellvertretung)
Prof. Dr. Björn Schmalfuß (Stellvertretung)
Prof. Dr. Lothar Wondraczek (Stellvertretung)
Prof. Dr. André Scherag (Stellvertretung) -
Group of academic staff
Mareike Hillebrand
Dr. Luisa Conti (Stellvertretung)
apl. Prof. Dr. Ignacio Rubio (Stellvertretung) -
Group of students
Johann Ullrich