
Integrated DFG Research Training Group AquaDiva

Information about the programme and the application procedure
Image: Aquadiva

The integrated Research Training Group (iRTG) AquaDiva aims to advance the scientific qualification of the doctoral (and postdoctoral) researchers involved in the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1076 AquaDiva by teaching the quantitative relationship between surface and subsurface biodiversity of the Earth´s Critical Zone (CZ). The iRTG AquaDiva has unique aspects that bring together hydrology, geology and biology within the CZ, taught by international scientist in interdisciplinary courses. The combination of a structured study program provided by iRTG AquaDiva on the one hand and the responsibility for their own projects on the other offers doctoral researchers the opportunity to become experts in understanding the role of the CZ as a fundamental ecosystem influencing the whole earth´s surface biodiversity and consequently for evaluation of anthropogenic interference in the context of global change, including groundwater quality and supply, stabilization of carbon, and nutrient and trace gas cycling.

Scientific key words
Critical Zone, Subsurface biodiversity, Hydrogeochemistry, Isotopes, Biodiversity, Informatics

Participating Faculties of FSU Jena
Biological sciences, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science

Cooperation partners
Helmholtz Interdisciplinary GRADuate School for Environmental Research (HIGRADE), Young Biodiversity Research Training Group (yDiv), International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical Cycles (IMPRS-gBGC), Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)

Preferred language

Current number of doctoral candidates

How can I become a doctoral candidate? What is the method of selection?

The recruitment process is handled by an internal assessment committee. The iRTG AquaDiva uses international advertising to reach international and highly qualified applicants. Promising candidates with a Masters degree are selected. A group of candidates will be invited to interview, which will consist of an oral presentation (typically on their past research) followed by meetings with the PI of the project, members of the assessment committee and also the research group of the PI. Selection will then be made by the PI, pending final approval by the assessment committee.

Are there fixed dates to apply?
Yes, usually at the beginning of the next funding period (perspectively in 2021)

Are there possibilities to be funded in this programme?
Yes, all are funded by the DFG

Interesting for graduates of the following subjects:
Graduates with a Masters degree in biogeosciences, microbiology, chemical ecology, geology, chemistry, informatics or related subjects

Dr. rer. nat.

Dr. Christine Hess
iRTG AquaDiva Coordination Office
Dornburgerstraße 159
D-07743 Jena, Germany
Phone: +49-(0)3641-949451
Fax: +49-(0)3641-949462
Internet: link