Hand and index finger pointing to an illuminated screen with a table of numbers in the background and a line and bar chart in the background

Facts and Figures

University statistics in a nutshell
Hand and index finger pointing to an illuminated screen with a table of numbers in the background and a line and bar chart in the background
Image: AdobeStock_586352183
  • collage of images showing students in the library, at Frommansches Anwesen, and in front of the main university building
    Image: Christoph Worsch, Jens Meyer
    17,046 students ... ... were enrolled at the University of Jena in 10 faculties and 126 degree programmes offered in the winter semester 2023/24. Among these students were 3,734 first-year students taking up studies in their first subject semester and 2,436 first-year students taking up their studies at a German university for the first time (first-time enrollees). Of the total number of students, 56.3% were women and 14.3% were international students from 118 different nations.
  • collage of images showing employees in the antiquities collection, laboratory, and carpentry shop
    Image: Jens Meyer, Jan-Peter Kasper
    10,022 staff members ... ... were employed at the Central University (3,685) and University Hospital (6,337), working in teaching, research, technology, administration, and patient care at the end of 2023. Of these employees, 4,030 were academic staff, including 411 professors, and 5,992 were non-academic staff, including 431 trainees. 84.7 % of employees were paid from budget funds and 15.3 % from third-party funds.
  • collage of images showing money, a laptop and people communicating
    Image: Adobe Stock
    A 203 million euro third-party funding budget ... was managed by the Central University (144 million euros) and University Hospital (59 million euros) together in 2023. This means that third-party funding reached an all-time high in 2023.


Degree programmes offered in the winter semester 2023/24

Degree programmes, total 126
  Bachelor’s degree (without minor subjects) 40
Master’s degree (consecutive) 72
State examination 4
Teacher training (German grammar school and German intermediate secondary school) 2
Diplom 1

Continuing education and advanced programmes


International degree programmes/subjects 1)


1) Criteria: programme content and intercultural elements, foreign language of instruction, high percentage of international students, or compulsory study abroad.

Students in the winter semester 2023/24 and graduates in the examination year 2023




Students, total 2)

17,046 56.3% 14.3%

First-year students: 

1st semester enrolled in a specific subject 3)




1st semester enrolled at university 4)




Students by degree:    


Bachelor’s degree 5,190 53.6% 6.8%
Master’s degree (consecutive) 3,497 56.9% 33.5%
State examination 3,791 64.5% 6.9%

Teacher training
(state examination) 5)

2,904 50.3% 1.4%

Others 6)

1,664 55.3% 37.1%

Students by faculty:









Faculty of Theology

103 48.5% 7.8%

Faculty of Law

1,208 56.0% 4.8%

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

1,165 43.5% 22.1%

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

3,054 64.2% 16.6%

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

3,760 57.4% 5.7%

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

939 28.8% 12.7% 

Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

836 30.0% 36.8%

Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences

1,335 44.6% 18.7%

Faculty of Biological Sciences

1,934 67.6% 20.3%

Faculty of Medicine

2,712 67.2% 12.2%

Graduates 7)

2,618 58.5% 14.1%

1) Persons without German citizenship.
2) Includes students in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, continuing education, complementary and advanced programmes, doctoral programmes, DSH courses, guest students graduating abroad, students with compulsory restricted enrolment status and students on leave of absence. (Status: 31 October 2023)
3) First-year students taking up their studies in a specific degree programme for the first time. This also includes first-year students who were previously enrolled in another degree programme and who are therefore no longer considered first-time enrollees.
4) First-year students taking up their studies at a German university for the first time (first-time enrollees).
5) Includes teacher training for German grammar schools and German intermediate secondary schools.
6) Includes students enrolled in Diplom and Magister programmes, continuing education, complementary and advanced programmes, doctoral programmes, DSH courses, guest students graduating abroad, students with compulsory restricted enrolment status and students on leave of absence.
7) Students who passed their final examination (only 1st subject; excluding doctorates and certificates) in examination year 2023 (winter semester 2022/23 and summer semester 2023).

Internal student statistics

Students and employees of the University of Jena with a URZ login can access the University’s administrative handbook HanFRIED de for a comprehensive list of student statistics compiled since winter semester 2011/12 by the Section for Academic Controlling/Planning/Statistics (Division 1).

Early career researchers

Doctoral candidates, doctoral degrees and postdoctoral lecturing qualifications (›Habilitation‹) in 2023





Doctoral candidates 2) 4,280 52.9% 26.1%
Doctoral degrees 3) 502 50.4% 25.1%
Postdoctoral lecturing qualifications (›Habilitation‹) 4) 24 62.5% 4.2%

1) Persons without German citizenship.
2) Includes all doctoral candidates and enrolled doctoral candidates from the student statistics. (Status: 1 December 2023)
3) Examination year 2023 (winter semester 2022/23 und summer semester 2023).
4) Calendar year 2023.


Selected ongoing research projects


  Number 1)

German Research Foundation (DFG) 2)

      DFG Cluster of Excellence


      DFG Research Centre


      DFG Collaborative Research Centres


      DFG Research Training Groups


      DFG Research Units


      DFG Priority Programmes


      DFG Individual Research Grants


Federal association-based projects 3)


EU Framework Programme 4)


      ERC grants 5)


Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung (CZS)

      CZS Center


      CZS Breakthroughs


1) Reference date: 31 December 2023.
2) University of Jena is applicant university.
3) Joint projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and other federal ministries.
4) Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.
5) Incl. external grantees affiliated with the University of Jena.

An overview of the projects in coordinated programs at the University of Jena can also be found here.


Staff (main occupation) and newly appointed professors (academic appointments) in 2023

  Total Female Interna-tional1)
Staff (main occupation), total 2)
10,022 62.8% 10.3%
  Central university 3,685 48.4% 16.0%
University Hospital 3) 6,337 71.1% 7.1%
Academic staff 4,030 47.4% 20.8%
  Central university 2,258 40.8% 25.0%
University Hospital 3) 1,772 55.7% 15.4%
411 28.0% 7.1%
  Central university 329 29.8% 8.8%
University Hospital 3) 82 20.7% 0.0%

Non-academic staff



  Central university 1,427 60.3% 1.7%
University Hospital 3) 4,565 77.1% 3.9%
431 73.8% 6.0%
  Central university 48 47.9% 0.0%
University Hospital 3) 383 77.0% 6.8%
Newly appointed professors
(academic appointments)




1) Persons without German citizenship.
2) Status: December 2023.
3) Includes the Faculty of Medicine (University Medicine Integration Model: The University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine, form a partial statutory corporation of the University with legal capacity).
4) Calendar year 2023.
5) Professors from international institutions.


Expenditures in the financial year 2023

  Total Main budget

Third-party fun-ding

Expenditures, total (million euros)
594.5 391.5 203.0
  Central university 1) 420.6 276.9 143.7
University Hospital 2) 173.9 114.6 59.3

1) Payments in accordance with the financial statement.
2) Includes the Faculty of Medicine (University Medicine Integration Model: The University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine, form a partial statutory corporation of the University with legal capacity). The University Hospital’s main budget includes fully-spent grants awarded by the Free State of Thuringia for investments and current expenses in research and teaching.


International collaborations 1) Total
University partnerships worldwide 2) 212
Erasmus partnerships 299

1) Status: 31 December 2023.
2) Bilateral contracts facilitating the academic exchange of students, scientists and scholars.


International scientists and scholars 1) Total
International visiting scientists and scholars 2) 135
Humboldt fellows 14

1) Calender year 2023.
2) International guests who already hold a doctorate (postdoctoral researchers, professors) and are not employed by the University of Jena. As university affiliates, they are either self-funded or scholarship holders

Student mobility via international mobility programmes 1) Total
Outgoing students 2) 474
  Erasmus+ 329
Guest students 3) 214
  Erasmus+ 133

1) Academic year 2023 (summer semester 2023 and winter semester 2023/2024).
2) Includes students enrolled at the University of Jena who spend one or more semesters studying abroad.
3) Includes students from partner universities or scholarship holders of funding schemes who study one or two semesters at the University of Jena, without obtaining a university degree here.

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Office of the Head of Administration and Finance, Reporting

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Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link