Words of welcome from the President
Prof. Dr Walter Rosenthal, President of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Dear new colleagues,
Welcome to Friedrich Schiller University Jena. I am glad that you decided for Jena and for our University, and wish you a warm welcome on behalf of all our members. If you have any questions regarding your new working environment, please ask your colleagues who will be happy to help you. Please do not hesitate to contact the University’s management either if there are any critical matters we should address. We all wish you to have a good start in Jena!
You opted for one of the German cities in which it is worth living to the utmost. Jena, the ‘small big city’ at the river Saale, impresses with its beautiful setting and young appearance. For centuries, the University has been holding its central position in the city and contributing to the atmosphere in Jena significantly. You can look forward to a vivacious and diverse cultural scene, scenic walking tours along the river Saale or in the green hills, and—particularly important in the everyday life—short ways. In Jena, everything is close to each other: tradition and high tech, top-level research and an economy with a strong innovative capacity, historical places, and modern industrial architecture.
You will be able to make contact with others quickly and feel at home. The University is a lively place we all shape. Engage in your new working environment and the university activities, make suggestions, and formulate your critic. We are curious about your ideas—we evolve together.
I wish you a successful start and I am looking forward to a fruitful collaboration!
Prof. Dr Walter Rosenthal
Words of welcome from the Head of Administration and Finance
Jena University Head of Finance and Administration Bartholmé
Dear new colleagues,
On behalf of the University’s management and all other members of Friedrich Schiller University Jena, I kindly welcome you at the alma mater jenensis, at the university that has been decisively shaping the city of Jena and the whole region for four and a half centuries. We feel bound to follow this tradition, but we stand for innovation and progress in research and teaching at the same time.
If you are about to begin your work at the University, you will have great prerequisites to further develop and use your knowledge, skills, and interests. This refers to both your occupation and the manifold offers in culture, leisure, and continuing education.
Please support the University in its future development, shape change processes actively, and do not hesitate to suggest improvements.
Numerous employees of the University have made an effort to make your start at your new job easier by carefully preparing the contents of this A to Z guide. In addition, your new colleagues will introduce you to your workplace, offer their support, and will be glad to answer to your questions beyond the content of this website, which provides information on your occupation and on the structure and organization of Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
I wish you all the best for your future at the University and in Jena and look forward to a fruitful collaboration!
Dr Klaus Bartholmé
If you feel that important information is missing or if you find information that is not (or no longer) correct, please let the Section Staff Development in the Division for Human Resources know.
Many thanks!
Room 2nd Floor
Zwätzengasse 2
07743 Jena
Postal address:
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena
(Workplace / Work-related / Commuting) Accidents
Accidents at work are to be recorded and reported. Minor injuries must be recorded in an accident book located at the first-aid kit or in the administrative assistant's office. Major injuries require an accident report. Work-related and commuting accidents of employees (excluding civil servants) are to be immediately reported to:
Office for safety in the workplace
Fürstengraben 1
07743 JenaTelefon: +49 3641 9-414050
Fax: +49 3641 9-41405Accidents of civil servants are reported to the Division for Human Resources.
The appropriate form must be used for accident reports. For more information concerning accidents and the form, please refer to information and provisions regarding occupational safety and accident protectionExternal link (in German only). Civil servants inform the Division for Human Resources of their accident. They then receive the respective form and must also return it there. Defibrillators for first aid in the case of cardiac arrhythmia can be found at the following locations:
- University Main Building (entrance Schlossgasse)
- Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3 (hallway)
- ThULB Bibliotheksplatz (Security Service)
- Max-Wien-Platz 1 (hallway)
- Döbereiner lecture theatre, Am Steiger 3, House 4 (entrance Am Steiger)
Useful links:
- Accident reportExternal link (employees subject to collective agreements; in German only)
In order to use the central IT services of the University of Jena, you need an account, which is assigned by the University Computer Centre.
Addiction prevention
The Working Group for Addiction Prevention and Addiction Assistance is the contact point for executives and employees when alcohol or other addictive substances have become a problem or are becoming one. It offers counselling for employees who are addicted or at risk of becoming addicted and provides support in case of addiction-related problems in the workplace.
Email: suchthilfe@uni-jena.de
Business trips / travel expenses
Business trips are trips for carrying out official business outside the place of employment (Jena), which have been either ordered or approved electronically or in writing in individual cases. The calculation of travel expense allowances is based on the Thuringian Travel Expenses Act (Thüringer Reisekostengesetz, ThürRKGExternal link). There are a few things to be kept in mind so to ensure full reimbursement of your expense. The most important points can be found in the University’s travel guidelinesExternal link.
Applications for approval of business and/or educational trips must always be submitted prior to the beginning of the travel. Application, approval, and accounting procedures take place via the online travel expenses portal of the University. More information can be found in the user manual.
Applications for reimbursement of travel expenses must be submitted to the Office for Travel Expenses within three months after the business trip—in writing or electronically. The period begins on the first day after the end of the business trip.
The Office for Travel Expenses in the Division for Human Resources provides more information and guidance on business trips.
Division for Human Resources / Travel Expensee
Telephone: +49 3641 9-415120
Useful links
- Travel expensesExternal link (DE-Link) (Division for Human Resources)
- Travel expensesExternal link (DE-Link) (HanFRIED)
University employees can use the canteens and cafeterias of the student services organization Studierendenwerk Thüringen. They identify themselves as employees with their Thoska and can also pay with it. These are the catering facilities:
- Mensa Carl-Zeiss-Promenade (canteen)
- Cafeteria EAH
- Mensa Ernst-Abbe-Platz (canteen)
- vegeTable
- Cafeteria Carl-Zeiss-Straße
- Cafeteria Zur Rosen
- Mensa Philosophenweg (canteen)
- Cafeteria in the University Main Building
- Cafeteria in the University Library
Child benefit
Employees of the University must submit the application for child benefit directly to their employer. Employees working in projects funded by third parties, however, must submit it to the Family Benefits Office of the Federal Employment Agency.
Divison for Human Resources
Childcare / Day care
In Jena, there are 68 childcare facilities of different sizes and orientation in Jena. The Student Services Organization Studierendenwerk Thüringen operates four day care centres, mainly for student parents (Fuchsturmweg, Landgrafenstieg, Seidelhaus, and Beutenberg Campus). However, children of employees are given priority if there are free capacities. Other than that, ‘JUni-Kinder’ on the campus offers short-time flexible childcare for children up to ten years.
Office for Youth Welfare
Fachdienst Jugend und Bildung
Am Anger 13
07743 JenaTelephone: +49 3641 49 26 20
Email: kitaportal@jena.de
INFOtake Jena, Studierendenwerk Thüringen
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 5
07743 JenaTelephone: +49 3641 9-400506
Email: infotake-jena@stw-thueringen.de
Office hours:
Montag 10:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Mittwoch 10:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
Freitag 10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr
Useful liks
- City Administration of Jena / Municipal childcare centresExternal link (DE-Link)
- JUniKinder de (DE-Link)
Cleaning of buildings and rooms
An external company generally cleans the offices once a week. Desks and shelfs (cupboards, side tables etc.) are only cleaned if they can be accessed. Windows are cleaned by external service providers twice a year—in spring and in autumn.
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Estate Property and Land ManagementTelephone: +49 3641 9-414250
Collective agreement
The new Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Federal States (Tarifvertrag der Länder, TV-L) came into effect on 1 November 2006, replacing the collective agreements BAT-O, MTArb-O, and a number of supplementary agreements that had been in effect until then.
The transition of employees of the Federal States to the new collective agreement is regulated by a separate transitional collective agreement (TVÜ-L).
In case of questions or problems, please contact your personnel officer.
Useful links
- Basics of Labour LawExternal link (HanFRIED) [DE-Link]
- Collective agreementsExternal link (HanFRIED) [DE-Link]
The Thuringian Higher Education Act together with the University’s Constitution are the constitutional documents of the University, the latter regulating fundamental University matters.
Continuing education
Friedrich Schiller University attaches great value to the further training to maintain and expand the competences of its employees. For information and offers on the topics of staff development and continuing education, please turn to the Section Staff Development in the Division for Human Resources.
Staff development and further training
The Section Staff Development de in the Division for Human Resources can help you achieve your professional goals by providing advice on topics such as personal development, in-house training, leadership development, coaching, mediation and much more.
Graduate Academy
The objective of the interdisciplinary qualification programmeExternal link is to support all doctoral students and postdocs at the University of Jena in their current work and to prepare and qualify them for future areas of work within and outside of science.
Service Centre for Higher Education Didactics (LehreLernen)
The Service Centre for Higher Education Didactics (LehreLernen) offers continuing education opportunities for all members of the teaching staff. The offer covers certificate programmes, short-term and day workshops on specific teaching topics as well as individual counselling and individual feedback on courses.
Service Centre for Research and Transfer (SFT)
SFTExternal link offers regular information events on research funding, research transfer, R&D marketing, intellectual property rights, business start-ups and entrepreneurships. Individual consultation appointments for your concrete projects can be arranged at short notice.
Useful links
Counselling services
Employers of Friedrich Schiller University can make use of different counselling services on a variety of topics and areas such as health promotion, psychological stress, occupational safety, conflict management, and balancing family and career. Please see the flyerExternal link (in German only) on the University’s counselling services with more details and contact persons. Moreover, you may turn to the Section for Staff Development with any questions you may have.
Cumulus image database
Employees of the University of Jena have access to images and photo files provided via the Cumulus image database.
Data protection
The regulations of the Thuringian Data Protection Act (Thüringer Datenschutzgesetz, ThürDSG), are to be observed. This includes treating personal data confidentially and properly, providing it timely, making sure it can be assigned to its origin and that its processing can be traced in a timely manner. All employees must take the respective technical and organizational measures necessary in order to ensure data protection within the scope of their possibilities. This includes locking away files and locking the office and the PC even when leaving the room for a short time. Furthermore, passwords are to be kept secret and phone calls involving personal data are to be avoided in the presence of third parties. Personal data may not be used without the order and consent of the University, even after the end of your employment.
Legal Office
Data Protection Officer
Fürstengraben 1
07743 JenaTelephone: +49 3641 9-402087
Document shredding
Sensitive documents containing confidential information are to be shredded and disposed of with the paper waste. For this purpose, the Division for Construction and Facility Management provides safety containers in three different sizes upon request.
For the disposal of sensitive documents / shredding:
Division for Construction and Facility Management – Staff Unit Caretakers
Telephone: +49 3641 9-414250
Useful links
- Order for the shredding of documents (HanFRIED)
Door signs
Signage of outdoor areas, university facilities, doors, and wayfinding systems is the responsibility of the Division for Construction and Facility Management. The signage design is predefined. Fixed signage and changes are to be requested from the Division only.
For new paper inserts for the door signs in University Main Building, please contact the Office of the Head of Administration in writing or electronically.
In all the other University buildings, the users create paper inserts for door signs and corresponding signpost boards by themselves.
Division for Construction an Facility Management
Section Contruction Management I
Nollendorfer Straße 26
07743 JenaEmail: daniela.strehl@uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 341 9-414106
The member groups of the University of Jena have the opportunity to determine their representation in the Senate, the Faculty Councils, and the Advisory Board on Equal Opportunities in committee elections. For the employees of the central administrative units, elections take place every three years.
Office of the Head of Administration
Electoral Office
University Main Building
Raum 1.39
Fürstengraben 1
07743 JenaEmail: wahlamt@uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 3641 9-402020
Email / Exchange
Together with the login credentials for the University network, every employee automatically receives an email address with an inbox. It can be used via various mail clients (Webmail, Outlook etc.). Depending on the faculty and the department, different administration and organization systems are used.
Emergency telephone numbers
- Police:
- 110
- Fire Department/Rescue Service:
- 112
In-house emergency units (during office hours)
- Security officer:
- +49 3641 9-414050
- Division for Construction and Facility Management – Section Technical Infrastructure:
- +49 3641 9-419777
- Occupational Health (‘AMD’):
- +49 3641 9-398101
- Coordinator of Biological Safety:
- +49 3641 9-49030
- Officer for Radiation Protection:
- +49 3641 9-328480
Outside the office hours or in case the above numbers are not available:
- Security Service for the central units of the University:
- +49 3641 9-419999
- Police:
Employee database
In order to publish your contact information on the website of Friedrich Schiller University, your information must be entered into the employee database.
Energy saving measures
Due to its size, the University has a high energy consumption. Everyone can contribute to minimize the amount through simple actions including periodic airing of rooms, switching off electronic devices and turning off the lights when leaving the office for a longer time, or switching off the PC monitor even during short breaks.
Every facility has an energy certificates on which the energy rating of the building is displayed.
General energy saving measures
- Optimization of energy use of multifunctional devices (scanner, printer, fax), switching off network printers overnight
- If possible, general connection to network printers
- Optimization of energy use of monitors: switching them off overnight (no screensavers)
- Switching off the lights when leaving the room
- Using daylight, partly switching off the lights, using individual light sources if necessary
- Coffee machines off (no stand-by mode), using thermos flasks, decalcifying regularly
- Water kettles off (no stand-by mode), heating only as much water as necessary, decalcifying regularly
- Setting the heating to 20 °C (monitoring setting); every degree increases the energy consumption by 6%
- Closing doors
- Switching off air conditioning in winter
- Periodic airing of rooms for 5–10 minutes, with heating off in winter
- Air-conditioning in summer only when necessary (25 °C room temperature)
- Defrosting the refrigerator regularly, setting it to 7 °C, not exposing it to sun or heat
- Closing the blinds against the sun
Additional measures in the laboratories
- Switching off drying/heating cabinets when not in use for longer and overnight
- Optimizing fume cupboards with regard to ventilation
- Measurements overnight or during other periods of low energy (avoiding peak times)
- No autoclaving at peak times
- Defrosting chemical refrigerators/freezers, optimum temperature setting
- Switching off heating plates / gas burners / oil baths / water baths after use
- No stand-by mode of devices that are not in use
- Process cooling by means of water with cryostat (only if necessary), not with drinking water
- Carrying out energy-intensive experiments outside peak times, e.g. after 16:00
A significant amount of CO2 can be saved by using public transport.
Equal Opportunities Officer, Advisory Board for Gender Equality
The Equal Opportunities Officer of the University is named as candidate for office by the Advisory Board for Gender Equality from among the academic staff of the University and is elected by the Senate for a period of three years. The task of the Equal Opportunities Officer is to promote equal opportunities for women and men at Friedrich Schiller University. Members of the Advisory Board are elected from within the respective status groups during the board elections. The members’ term of office is three years; the Equal Opportunities Officer is chair of the Advisory Board.
Carrying out of business affairs within the place of employment is referred to as an ‘errand’. The employer must be informed of the beginning and end of the errand.
Family Office 'JuniFamilie'
The University’s Family Office ‘JUni Familie’ provides you with help on all family-related issues such as caring for relatives, parental leave, and financial support.
No matter if you are a student, a trainee, a scientific or non-scientific staff member—everyone is involved in families and partnerships and bears responsibilities and care for others. Being one of eight German Higher Education Institutions in the best practice club ‘Family in the University’ demonstrates the high value the University assigns to this topic.
Familienbüro JUni Familie
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 5
07743 - JenaTelephone: +49 3641 9-415417
Email: familie@uni-jena.de
Fire protection
Every staff member is responsible for preventing and fighting fires. In case of fire, the fire brigade must be informed immediately by calling 112. Taking into consideration one’s own safety, rescue and firefighting should be started. Therefore, it is essential to know the locations of fire extinguishers, fire alarms as well as the escape routes. You will receive the relevant information at your workplace.
Office for safety in the workplace
Telephone: +49 3641 9-414050
First aid / first responders
First responders initiate immediate action in case of emergencies, call for help, prepare medical care and avert acute threats to health and life. Generally, anyone who has the necessary training can become first responder. Every unit at the University with up to 20 employees must have one first responder—or more if more than 20 people are employed. First-aider training courses are offered on a regular basis. Defibrillators for first aid in case of cardiac arrhythmias can be found at the following locations:
- University Main Building (entrace Schlossgasse)
- Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3 (entrance hall)
- Thuringian State and University Library Bibliotheksplatz (security service)
- Max-Wien-Platz 1(entrance hall)
- Döbereiner lecture theatre, Am Steiger 3, House 4, (entrance Am Steiger)
Registration for first aid training courses (basic and advanced training) is done via the Qualifications PortalExternal link.
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Staff Unit Management of Safety Critical SystemsPostal address
Nollendorfer Straße 26
07743 JenaVisitors
Zwätzengasse 2
07743 JenaEmail: technische.sicherheit@uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 3641 9-414051
FriedolinExternal link (short for German Friedrich-Schiller-Universität online) is the online student administration system of the University. Nearly all student matters may be managed via the portal. The only exception is the Faculty of Medicine, which uses the portal DOSISExternal link. [DE-Link]
Lecturers use Friedolin to manage contents and participants of their courses as well as the assigned examinations. There is also an interface with moodleExternal link, the e-learning platform of the University.
The Division for Student Affairs regularly offers introductory courses to Friedolin for students, lecturers, examiners, and departmental administrators. Employees can register for these events in Friedolin ‘Schedule of classes’ ‘Courses for staff members’ ‘Angebote Dezernat 1’.
In the Friedolin help centreExternal link, you will find FAQs and a user manual. Here you can submit an online enquiry and get access to Friedolin (for this, you will need a valid login from the University Computer Centre): https://servicedesk.uni-jena.de/servicedesk/customer/portal/
124/user/login?destination=portal%2F124External linkCurrently, we are working on the further development of Friedolin to Friedolin 2.0 (https://www.uni-jena.de/en/Studienverwaltung).
Guest houses
Three separate guest houses are available for the short-term accommodation of scholarship holders, doctoral candidates, visiting scientists and scholars, employees and guests of Friedrich Schiller University.
Useful links
HanFRIED (administrative manual)
HanFRIED is the digital administrative manual of the University, which contains forms, documents and information about and for the University’s administrative units as well as up-to-date versions of all legally-relevant texts.
Health promotion
Health and wellbeing of the whole staff of the University Jena is important. Thus, the University sets itself to the task to actively support its employees in staying healthy, motivated, and efficient, or to accompany them on their way towards these goals. In the framework of the occupational health scheme, many measures and offers regarding the topics ‘healthy working’, ‘health-driven leadership’, ‘exercise and healthy nutrition’ and ‘mental healthmindfulness’ are developed.
Follow the link to find all offers:
Holiday / Holiday leave
The entitlement to holiday leave for employees subject to collective agreements is mainly governed by the provisions of the collective agreement TV-L. In case of civil servants, it is based on the Thuringian Leave Regulations (Thüringer Urlaubsverordnung, ThürUrlVO). Applications for leave are to be submitted in writing to the supervisor. The leave certificate is to be kept as proof.
Useful links
- Holiday / holiday leaveExternal link (HanFRIED) [DE-Link]
House rules
The General House RulesExternal link for Buildings, Rooms and Properties of the University of Jena apply to all University employees and students. They are supplemented by house rules for individual buildings. The General House Rules are publicly displayed and can be accessed via HanFRIED de.
Incapacity for work / invalidity / sick note
Employees are obliged to notify their employer immediately in case of incapacity for work or illness, the likely duration of their absence and their return to work. If the incapacity for work lasts longer than three calendar days, a medical certificate must be submitted no later than on the following working day. The sick note is to be completed by the employee of the department authorized to sign and to be sent to the Division for Human Resources.
Useful links:
- Sick note form
- Incapacity for work /invalidity (HanFRIED)External link
IT in the central administrative units
Procurement, installation, maintenance, and support service regarding hardware in the University’s administrative units fall under the responsibility of the University Computer Centre.
IT service and support
The IT Service Centre is the central contact point of the University Computer Centre for employees’ questions and problems.
Jena University Hospital
Employing more than 5,600 people and constituted by more than 50 facilities, Jena University Hospital is a large corporation whose organization requires a wide-ranging internal structure. The Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital include individual departmentsExternal link such as clinics, institutes and central areas like administration in their cooperation.
Jobticket / Public transport
Central stops for the vehicles of the Jena public transport company JeNah are ‘Universität’ for the University Main Building and ‘Ernst-Abbe-Platz’ for the campus. Employees have the opportunity to purchase reduced season tickets of the Verbundtarif Mittelthüringen (public transport network of Central Thuringia) at a 10% discount. There are annual tickets with one-off payment and annual tickets with monthly payment available. It is also possible to buy annual tickets for the city area of Jena (bus/tram).
Note that being an active employee of the University is a prerequisite in order to use the company ticket and that it has to be returned after leaving the University. If the contract is terminated before the minimum contract period of four months is reached, the ticket will be charged at the usual monthly price for the remaining period of use.
Division for Human Resources
Useful links
Keys (Room keys)
All employees, students and temporary employees of the University can receive keys for rooms and buildings which they are authorized to enter. The head of the organizational unit is to request these keys. They are exclusively handed over by the authorized person against signature.
In case of need, exchange or loss of keys for the University buildings, the Division for Construction and Facility Management must be informed. It is prohibited to procure duplicates privately.
The person receiving the keys is obliged to use them for official purposes only, to store them in an appropriate way and protect them against loss. It is generally prohibited to pass on the keys to third parties.
Keys not needed any longer or for which there is no authorization of use in accordance with Section 2.4 of the House Rules must be returned immediately to the issuing office. This applies in particular to the return of rooms or the end of employment at the University.
In order to prevent unauthorized use of found or stolen keys, the recipient must refrain from using a marking from which the assignment to particular rooms or buildings can be recognized.
Please refer to the Division for Construction and Facility Management, Section Estate Property and Service Management for your contact person.
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Staff Unit Property ManagementE-Mail: schließanlagenverwaltung@uni-jena.de
Telefon: +49 3641 9-414218 oder +49 173-589 53 55
Useful links:
- Division 4 — Section Estate Property and Service ManagementExternal link [DE-Link]
- Procurement form (HanFRIED)
- Notification of loss (HanFRIED)
- House Rules (HanFRIED)
Leisure and cultural activities
For sports enthusiasts
For those interested in culture
- Music and theatre
- Deutsches Nationaltheater WeimarExternal link
- JenaKulturExternal link [DE-Link]
- Freie Bühne Jena e.V.External link [DE-Link]
- Theaterhaus JenaExternal link [DE-Link]
- Jenaer PhilharmonieExternal link [DE-Link]
- UniversitätschorExternal link [DE-Link]
- Akademische OrchestervereinigungExternal link [DE-Link]
- Museums
- Cinema and film events
For nature lovers
Summer in Jena
- University summer festival de [DE-Link]
- Kulturarena JenaExternal link [DE-Link]
- Music and theatre
Mail / parcels / internal mail
The University Post Office where incoming mail is processed and outgoing mail is dispatched is located in the University Main Building. Mailboxes are available there. A secondary mailroom is located on the Ernst-Abbe-Platz campus (postal address: Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3). It receives all types of postal items (internal mail and mail for dispatch), assigns them to the mailboxes of the respective institutes and facilities on campus, and forwards mail for dispatch to the University Post Office in the University Main Building.
All administrative units and institutes have mailboxes and assign staff members who are responsible for mail. Within the University, mail is delivered to selected locations once a day and mail for dispatch (letters and parcels) is collected for central dispatch. Internal mail is to be sent in special and reusable envelopes or circulation folders. Please do not use staples to close them.
For external mail, standard envelopes must be used. Envelopes indicating the sender’s information should be obtained primarily from the Printing Centre de. Alternatively, the sender is indicated by a stamp of the respective institution (including the cost centre, if applicable). Mail for dispatch includes letters and parcels. The address of the recipient should be indicated in machine-readable form (PC). Parcels are addressed informally, with the recipient’s address being clearly legible (important: indicate street and house number) and the sender’s address including the cost centre.
The transport of internal parcels (more than two) and large amounts of letters (more than two boxes) is organized and carried out by the Staff Unit Property Management and Transport ServiceExternal link.
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Staff Unit Postal ServiceTelephone: +49 3641 9-414240
Useful links:
- Postal serviceExternal link (HanFRIED)
Multimedia Centre (MMZ)
The Multimedia Centre (MMZ) is part of the University Computer Centre and is located on the campus (Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8). It is equipped with computer rooms, seminar rooms, and a language laboratory. There is also a multimedia lecture theatre (E028), where lectures can be broadcast to and from other universities.
Museums and collections
The University of Jena maintains numerous collections, museums, and memorial sites. The following are open to the public:
- Phyletisches Museum
- Ernst-Haeckel-Memorialmuseum
- Mineralogical Collection
- Botanical Garden with Goethe Memorial
- Schiller’s Garden House
- regular special exhibitions of the Archaeological Collections, Institute of Classics, Fürstengraben 25
- regular special exhibitions of various collections: exhibition cabinet, University Main Building, room E025, entrance Fürstengraben 1 (accessible for persons with reduced mobility)
For more information, please see the Collection Portal of Friedrich Schiller University:
Occupational Health
Occupational Health is responsible for in-house medical services for the employees of Friedrich Schiller University, Jena University Hospital and other companies in and around Jena. The scope of duties of Occupational Health includes not only occupational medical precautions and vaccination consultations, but also examinations on specific issues (e.g. Youth Employment Protection Act, re-integration into the work process after long-term illness), advising the employer on occupational health and safety and accident prevention. Further focal points are cooperation in the context of workplace health promotion and addiction prevention, advice on the protection of expectant and/or breastfeeding mothers.
Universitätsklinikum Jena (Jena University Hospital, UKJ)
Arbeitsmedizinischer Dienst (Occupational Health)
Erlanger Allee 103
07747 JenaEmail: betriebsarzt@med.uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 3641 9-398101
In-house medical consultation hours at UKJ:
To make an appointment, call: +49341 9-398101Vaccination consultation:
Mondays and Wednesdays 13:30 - 14:30Blood collection:
Weekdays 07:15 - 11:30 -
Occupational safety
Occupational safety and health protection measures serve to create occupational safety, to maintain health and to prevent accidents at the workplace. Therefore, the University Leadership has appointed an Officer for Safety in the Workplace. In addition, there are also safety officers in the individual University facilities who support the University Leadership in fulfilling its duties under occupational safety law.
Please see the website of the office for safety in the workplaceExternal link for more information.
Office for safety in the workplace
Postal adress
Fürstengraben 1
07743 JenaVisitors
Bachstraße 18k
07743 JenaTelefon: +49 3641 9-414050
Office supplies and equipment
The University procures office supplies and equipment via a framework agreement with an external provider.
Via an online shop, employees using the system may order catalogued office supplies directly at the expense of the respective cost centre. Deliveries are carried out per point of use.
The office equipment required is requested via the form ‘Bestellauftrag’ in the Section Purchasing, and is then ordered from the provider. Deliveries are also made per point of use.
Useful links:
- PurchasingExternal link (HanFRIED) (DE-Link)
Organization chart of the University
The organization chartExternal link shows the academic and administrative structure of Friedrich Schiller University.
Occupational Health
Occupational Health is responsible for in-house medical services for the employees of Friedrich Schiller University, Jena University Hospital and other companies in and around Jena. The scope of duties of Occupational Health includes not only occupational medical precautions and vaccination consultations, but also examinations on specific issues (e.g. Youth Employment Protection Act, re-integration into the work process after long-term illness), advising the employer on occupational health and safety and accident prevention. Further focal points are cooperation in the context of workplace health promotion and addiction prevention, advice on the protection of expectant and/or breastfeeding mothers.
Universitätsklinikum Jena (Jena University Hospital, UKJ)
Arbeitsmedizinischer Dienst (Occupational Health)
Erlanger Allee 103
07747 JenaEmail: betriebsarzt@med.uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 3641 9-398101
In-house medical consultation hours at UKJ:
To make an appointment, call: +49341 9-398101Vaccination consultation:
Mondays and Wednesdays 13:30 - 14:30Blood collection:
Weekdays 07:15 - 11:30 -
Occupational safety
Occupational safety and health protection measures serve to create occupational safety, to maintain health and to prevent accidents at the workplace. Therefore, the University Leadership has appointed an Officer for Safety in the Workplace. In addition, there are also safety officers in the individual University facilities who support the University Leadership in fulfilling its duties under occupational safety law.
Please see the website of the AGU management systemExternal link for more information.
Postal address:
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Staff Unit Management of Safety Critical Systems
Nollendorfer Straße 26
07743 JenaVisitors:
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Staff Unit Management of Safety Critical Systems
Zwätzengasse 2
07743 JenaTelefon: +49 3641 9-414050
Office supplies and equipment
The University procures office supplies and equipment via a framework agreement with an external provider.
Via an online shop, employees using the system may order catalogued office supplies directly at the expense of the respective cost centre. Deliveries are carried out per point of use.
The office equipment required is requested via the form ‘Bestellauftrag’ in the Section Purchasing, and is then ordered from the provider. Deliveries are also made per point of use.
Useful links:
- PurchasingExternal link (HanFRIED) (DE-Link)
Organization chart of the University
The organization chartExternal link shows the academic and administrative structure of Friedrich Schiller University.
Parking / Parking spaces
A limited number of parking spaces for private cars is available to employees of the University. Allocation of parking spaces is regulated in the service agreement. If you are interested in renting a parking space, please send the signed original application form with details regarding the desired parking space and the SEPA direct debit mandate to the below contact details. As the demand is very high, it may not be possible to offer you a parking space immediately. However, your name will be added to a list of interested parties and you will be contacted as soon as a suitable place is available. Parking spaces are allocated in accordance with Section 4 of the Parking Space Service Agreement. In order for your individual reasons to be taken into account, you must provide proof (—an email is sufficient).
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Section Estate Property and Service ManagementEmail: parkplatzvergabe@uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 3641 9-414212
Useful links
Personal data
In case of changes to your personal data (e.g. due to moving, change in marital status, birth of a child, change in bank details), please inform the competent staff unit of the Division for Human Resources.
Division for Human Resources
Useful links:
- Notification of change to personal data de (HanFRIED)
Personnel number
The personnel number is assigned by the respective accounting centre. You can find your personnel number on your salary slips or you can ask the Division for Human Resources.
Pregnancy / maternity leave / paternal leave
As soon as the expectant mother learns that she is pregnant, she should notify her employer/supervisor. The Division for Human Resources, the Family Office ‘JUni Familie’, and the Equal Opportunities Office provide early labour law advice on maternity and parental leave. Occupational HealthExternal link offers advice to supervisor and/or employee on issues related to the health in the workplace and risk assessment.
As a sign of special appreciation, staff members of the University receive a baby welcome package on the birth of their child. In addition to useful information, it contains some small surprises. You can obtain the welcome present from your personnel officer in the Division for Human Resources.
The printing centre provides offers the possibility to realize various printing projects: small formats up to A3 in colour or black and white, large-format posters, billboards, roll-ups and advertising banners printed on different materials for outdoor and indoor use. All orders are cut, folded, stapled, or bound by the printing centre. Do not hesitate to contact us.
All orders must be carried out by authorized persons by means of a completely filled order via email or in person. The printing service of the University Computer Centre is subject to a charge.
Opening hours of the IT Service Centre (collection of items and consulation on largeformat prints)
Monday to Friday
07:30 ‐ 21:30Advice in the printing centre (small format/ up to ½ A2)
Monday to Friday
07:30 ‐ 16:00Contact
Druckzentrum (Printing Centre)
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 4
07743 JenaTelephone: +49 3641 9-404591 oder 9-404777
Useful links
Printing in the PC poolExternal link (DE-Link)
Public holidays
The University of Jena is closed on public holidays as well as on 24 and 31 December.
Re-integration of employees
Employees who have been unfit for work for more than 42 calendar days within a 12-month period receive a written offer by the Division for Human Resources to participate in a re-integration process. The aim of re-integration is to find ways of creating the best possible conditions at the workplace or in the working environment to facilitate complete recovery and avoid future illnesses. Participation is voluntary.
This legal basis is Section Section 167 (2) of Book IX of the German Social Security Code (Sozialgesetzbuch, SGB IX) supplemented by the “Integration Agreement pursuant to Section 166 of Book IX of the Social Security Code” (Integrationsvereinbarung gemäß § 166 Sozialgesetzbuch – Neuntes Buch, SGB IX) of Friedrich Schiller University.
Reporting of security-related incidents (IT)
If you have been victim of a cyber-attack or if your computer has been damaged in any other security-related way, the University Computer Centre strongly recommends you to report such incidents.
The IT Service Centre can provide the necessary help. At the same time, by reporting such incidents you can contribute to protect the security of all IT systems of the University.
Representative for Employees with Disabilities
The Representative for Employees with Disabilities is involved in all matters concerning severely disabled persons. These include, for example, labour law or organizational measures in which the employer seeks the advice of the representative. In case of any questions on severe disabilities in working life, please turn to the Representative for Employees with Disabilities.
Representative for Emloyees with Disabilities
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3, room 386
07743 JenaEmail: sbv.mail@uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 3641 9-400910
Representatives for Young Employees and Trainees
The Representatives for Young Employees and Trainees of the University are responsible for taking care of the interests of young employees and trainees and support them in case of problems.
Rewards / presents
In order to avoid the impression of being receptive to personal advantages, accepting presents and/or rewards from third parties (exceeding a de minimis limit of €25) in relation to the post to employees of the University is generally prohibited. Exceptions require the consent or approval of the employer/supervisor.
Dr. Stefan Danz
- Anti-corruption representative of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena -
University Main Building, room 3.61
Fürstengraben 1
07743 JenaEmail: stefan.danz@uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 3641 9-402080
Room management
The administration and allocation of lecture theatres, seminar rooms, and other event areas is the responsibility of the Division for Construction and Facility Management, Staff Unit Lecture Hall and Guest House Management. In order to reserve a room, simply send an email stating the period, number of persons and the event.
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Staff Unit Lecture Hall and Guest House ManagementEmail: raumverwaltung@uni-jena.de
Salary / remuneration
Salaries or remuneration for employees paid from the University budget are provided by the Thuringian State Office for Finance. The amount is determined by in accordance with the collective agreement or the Thuringian Salary Act (Thüringer Besoldungsgesetz, ThürBesG) and the relevant salary regulations. For information on the collective agreement and pay scales, please turn to the Division for Human Resources. You should immediately inform the Division for Human Resources of any changes relating to your personal or account details. Also see: ‘Personal details’.
Salaries of employees financed through third-party funds and student/graduate assistant are generally accounted for by the Division for Human Resources.
Division for Human Resources
Secondary employment
Secondary employment is any work carried out in addition to the main occupation. Depending on its nature and the status of the staff member (employee / civil servant), the secondary employment may be notifiable, subject to authorization, or exempt from authorization.
The responsible unit oversees and processes the subareas of personnel law, in particular applications for aid, reimbursement for relocation expenses, secondary employment, and leave of absence.
In case of problems or questions, please turn to your personnel officer.
Division for Human Resources
Telephone: +49 3641 9415112
With regard to the period between Christmas and New Year, an annual agreement on shutdown is made with the Staff Council. For more information, please see ‘Current newsExternal link’ on the website of the Division for Human Resources.
Since 15 February 2004, there is total ban on smoking in all facilities and buildings of the University. Smoking must take place outside the buildings in designated smoking areas. Leaving the workplace in order to smoke counts as a break and must be recorded accordingly.
Useful links:
- Non-smoker protection de (HanFRIED) [DE-Link]
Special leave / leave of absence
In addition to regular vacations, staff members may request additional leave, special leave or paid leave. The relevant regulations are based on the collective agreement, the Thuringian Leave Regulations (Thüringer Urlaubsverordnung), and the Thuringian Working Hours Regulations (Thüringer Arbeitszeitverordnung) for civil servants. See the website of the Division for Human Resources for an information leaflet on the subject of special leave for all and specifically for scientific staff. Lecturers may apply for research and practical semesters.
Useful links:
- Information leaflet on special leave without pay for civil servantsExternal link [DE-Link]
- Special leave / leave of absence / research semester de (HanFRIED) [DE-Link]
All employees of the University have the opportunity to make use of the various offers of the University Sports Centre. The courses are published before the beginning of the semester and are subject to a fee.
In addition, there are special offers for employees aiming at a health promotion and helping with increasing the daily time of physical activity. These include offers directly at or near the workplace like Pausenexpress, Business Yoga, RückenFit, as well as special courses taking place in the facilities of the University Sports Centre. All offers are embedded in a range of support measures and can be used at a reduced price.
Information on access, offers, and organization can be found at the University Sports website.
Here you can find a list of special offers for employeesExternal link. [DE-Link]
Moreover, the University Sports Club (USV)External link with its 29 departments offers a wide range of sports activities.
Staff Council
Employees as defined in the Thuringian Staff Representation Act (Thüringer Personalvertretungsgesetz, ThürPersVG) are civil servants, employees, and trainees, excluding guest employees, civil servants and employees in secondary employment, and enrolled students with part-time employment contracts. The Act does not apply to university lecturers.
It is the duty of the Staff Council to check if the employees are treated lawfully and fairly. In addition to general tasks (applying for measures in the employees’ interest, monitoring the implementation of collective agreements), it has graduated participation and co-determination rights.
Personalrat (Staff Council)
Fürstengraben 1
Rooms E0.13-E0.16
07743 JenaEmail: personalrat@uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 3641 9-400900
State aid
State aid is financial assistance for civil service employers and their families in the case of illness, nursing care and other individual cases. It constitutes a supplement to their current remuneration. Under Section 72 of the Thuringian Civil Service Act (Thüringer Beamtengesetz, ThürBG) in conjunction with the Thuringian State Aid Ordinance (Thüringer Beihilfeverordnung,ThürBHV), civil service employers and pensioners in the Free State of Thuringia are granted state aid. The details on the recognition of expenses, eligibility and payment are laid down in the Thuringian State Aid Ordinance.
View the link below for more information on application, information and legal bases. The application is to be sent to:
Thüringer Landesamt für Finanzen
- Beihilfestelle Land -
Am Burgblick 23
07646 StadtrodaUseful links
Technical malfunctions / damages
Damages, hazards related to technical installations or buildings as well as serious technical malfunctions of technical building systems are to be reported to:
During office hours (Mondays to Fridays 7:00–15:30):
- Electrical systems, heating, ventilation, sanitary devices:
- +49 3641 9-419777
- Telecommunication systems:
- +49 3641 9-419333
- Projector and sound systems:
- +49 3641 9-419888
- Structural hazards:
- +49 3641 9-419777
Outside office hours (all malfunctions and damages):
- Secrurity Service:
- +49 3641 9-419999
These numbers are to be called only in the following situations:
- failures of building and utility systems preventing the continuation of courses or urgent experiments in progress
- conditions of structural systems or supply systems representing or expected to represent a hazard
- acute structural hazards
- failure of telephone and fax machines
- failure of projector and sound systems during courses
For other repairs, you should send an informal repair order in writing or by fax to
Division for Construction and Facility Management, Section for Technical Infrastructure, Fax: +49 3641 9-414302, for
- heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, sanitary devices
- electrical systems
- telecommunication systems
- projector and sound systems
- carpentry and locksmith work
Division for Construction and Facility Management, Section Construction Management II, Fax: +49 3641 9-414102, in case of
- structural damages and defects.
- Electrical systems, heating, ventilation, sanitary devices:
The telephone numbers of the University of Jena consist of the area code (+49 3641), the university-specific first digit ‘9’ and a subsequent five- or six-digit individual telephone number. Internal calls are free of charge. Just dial the individual number without the leading digit ‘9’.
In order to make official calls, you must dial a ‘0’ first. For private outside calls, dial a ‘7’ first. Private calls are charged when €15 are reached or at least once a year if a de minimis limit of €2.50 is exceeded. These regulations apply for sending faxes accordingly.
Due to the low demand, the telephone exchange service of Friedrich Schiller University was discontinued as of 1 April 2020.
The central University fax number at the Post Office is +49 3641 9-414242.
Telephone access / change
For notifications of changes to a telephone connection (change of name, location, cost centre, etc.) or registration of a new connection, the form application form ‘Antrag Telefonanschluss’ must be completed, signed and submitted to the Division for Construction and Facility Management, Staff Unit Communications Engineering. The form is available online. Changes to the telephone book, the telephone number, names, name affixes, and academic titles are to be reported in writing or by fax or web form to the Division for Construction and Facility Management, Staff Unit Communications Engineering.
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Staff Unit Communications Engineering and Safety SystemsFax: +49 3641 9-414332
Useful links:
- Web formExternal link [DE-Link]
Thoska for employees
The Thüringer Hochschul- und Studierendenwerkskarte (short thoska) is a multifunctional chip card which can be used by various user groups of Thuringian higher education institutions and supports contactless data communication in the different applications. It functions as an electronic wallet for paying your meals in canteens, as a copy and printing card, or as an electronic key for accessing rooms and lockers. After registration with the Thuringian State and University Library (ThULB), the card can also be used as library user card.
As an employee of the University of Jena, you can apply for a personal thoska card in the Thoska Office. Follow the link below to access the form and more information.
The thoska card you are issued as an employee of the University is assigned a limited validity period based on your employment. However, the validity period cannot be longer than two years. Afterwards, the thoska must be revalidated. To validate your thoska, please use one of the self-service terminals or visit the Thoska Office.
Employees receive the thoska free of charge. However, if you lose your thoska card or damage it, the Thoska Office will charge you a fee of €10 for a replacement card.
Student Service Centre
University Main Building, room E0.50
Fürstengraben 1
07743 JenaEmail: mitarbeiter-thoska@uni-jena.de
Telephone: +49 3641 9-411150 or 9-411151
Transport service
For business trips, vehicles (cars, small buses or vans) may be used, either with driving service or for self-drive. Assessment of eligibility and provision of the driving service is carried out centrally.
Please turn to the Division for Construction and Facility Management, Section Estate Property and Service Management to find your contact person.
Division for Construction and Facility Management
Section Estate Property and Service ManagementTelephone: +49 3641 9-414215
Email: fahrbereitschaft@uni-jena.de
University Computer Centre (URZ)
The University Computer Centre is the main IT service provider of the University of Jena.
Waste / waste disposal / waste management
The waste bins set up at the workplaces are intended for paper waste only and emptied once a week. For other waste, the waste separation systems placed in the tea kitchens or in the corridors (for paper, plastic/packaging, residual waste, organic waste) are to be used. The cleaning staff empties the waste bins. Glass waste must be disposed of by yourself. Disposal of hazardous waste takes place upon request to the Division for Construction and Facility Management.
Office for safety in the workplace
Telephone: +49 3641 9-414055
See the AGU management system of Friedrich Schiller University for more information, regulations and forms concerning disposal:
WiFi / Eduroam
The University Computer Centre operates an extensive WiFi network on the University premises. This allows you to access the University network with your mobile devices (e.g. laptop or smartphone).
Working time / flexitime / break time
The regular working time for full-time employees subject to collective agreements is currently 40 hours per week. As a matter of principle, it may not exceed 10 hours per day and 50 hours per week in the case of a 5-day week. Civil servants are subject to the Thuringian Working Hour Regulations (Thüringer Arbeitszeitverordnung). Corresponding regulations for university lecturers can be found in Section 97 of the Thuringian Higher Education Act (Thüringer Hochschulgesetz, ThürHG).
Please see the website of the Division for Human Resources for more information and your contact person.
Working time regulations / flexitime
Working time is regulated differently depending on the respective areas within the University. The University Library (ThULB), the Botanical Garden, the central administrative units, the scientific workshops of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy allow for flexible working hours.
For the central administrative units, a framework service agreement regarding flexitime has been concluded with the staff council. The bandwidth period (between the earliest creditable start and the latest end) is Monday to Friday, 6:30–20:00. Within this period, there are core hours during which the employee has to be present and flexible hours (individual working time). Service agreements and arrangements of the respective departments must be observed.
Current core working hours in force:
- Monday to Thursday, 8:30–15:00
- Fridays and working days preceding public holidays or 24 and 31 December
8:30–13:00 - Creditable working time 6:30–20:00
Within the faculties, there are no uniform regulations. Please enquire about the regulations that apply to you. Daily working hours are to be recorded by the employees themselves.
Time off in lieu / breaks / working time balance
These arrangements apply only within the framework of flexitime. If you exceed or fall short of the daily standard working hours, this must always be compensated for within the framework of flexitime on other working days. The limits for time credits or time debts must be observed. Service operations must be guaranteed in all cases.
Division for Human Resources de [DE-Link]
Telephone: +49 3641 9-415000
Useful links:
- Flexitime in the central administrative unitsExternal link [DE-Link]
- Working hours de (HanFRIED) [DE-Link]
Works outing
All organizational units are free to organize and carry out an annual works outing. The responsible superior—in accordance with the responsibility for travel expenses the dean or director of the institute, or the Head of Administration and Finances for the central administrative units—must be informed about the planned outing in good time through official channels. In order to maintain accident protection, it is important that the character of a joint event be guaranteed through a sufficiently large number of participants, that the responsible superior recognizably supports the organization of the event and that the outing takes place with the entire organizational unit. Appropriate planning is required to ensure University operations. On the day of the outing, participants are not obliged to work or perform any duties.
Division for Human Resources
Travel ExpensesTelephone: +49 3641 9-415120 or 9-415121
Useful links:
- Circular on works outingsExternal link [DE-Link]
- Travel expenses de (HanFRIED) [DE-Link]