The Graduate Academy is led by a scientific director. The scientific director is responsible for the close connection to the university leadership and is primarily responsible for the strategic orientation.
In addition, there are the Executive Committee and the Board of the Academy. The latter meets twice a year and is mainly active in the admission and evaluation of member institutions as well as in an advisory capacity. The operational management of the Graduate Academy is organised by an administrative office. Since August 2016, the office is led by a joint board of two female directors.
The Executive Committee consists of the scientific director and two deputies. They are elected from among the group of professors. The deputies must be spokesperson of a graduate school or a research training group. The Executive Committee is elected by the Board of the Academy. It is a four-year term.
All status and subject groups of the member institutions are represented in the Board of the Academy. The allocation of seats is conducted according to five selective groups:
- Professors of natural sciences, mathematics and informatics (3 seats)
- Professors of humanities and social sciences (3 seats)
- Postdocs (1 seat)
- Doctoral candidates of natural sciences, mathematics and informatics (2 seats)
- Doctoral candidates of humanities and social sciences (1 seat)
Members of the Graduate Academy's member institutions associated with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena elect the representatives of their respective voting group. The term of the professors' representatives amounts to three years, the term of the young researchers' representatives amount to one year.
Current members with voting right:
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Pertsch (as Scientific Director)
- Prof. Dr. Käthe Schneider (Deputy: Prof. Dr. Christina Brandt)
- Prof. Dr. Mirka DickelExternal link (Deputy: Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf KoerrenzExternal link)
- Prof. Dr. Christoph OhlerExternal link (Deputy: Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef NeyerExternal link)
- Prof. Dr. Dorothee D. Haroske External link(Deputy: Prof. Dr. Joachim DenzlerExternal link)
- Prof. Dr. Felix Schacher de (Deputy: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dietzek de)
- Prof. Dr. Regine Heller (Deputies: Prof. Dr. Erika Kothe, Prof. Dr. Kirsten KüselExternal link)
- Dr. Christin David
- Jana SchützExternal link (Deputies: Julia PeterExternal link, Elisa StumpfExternal link)
- Dr. Kerstin Thriene
Members in an advisory capacity:
- Dr. Gunda Huskobla - Administrative director of Graduate Academy
The results of the elections for the Board of the Graduate Academy can be found here de.
Graduate schools
Abbe School of Photonics
(Natural and life sciences)- Fraunhofer Graduiertenschule für Angewandte PhotonikExternal link
- Integrated Research Training Group of Transregional Collaborative Research Center 234 "Catalight"External link
- Integrated Research Training Group of Collaborative Research Center 1375 "NOA"
Graduate school at German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (yDiv)External link
(Natural and life sciences)Graduate school "Human Behaviour in Social and Economic Change"
(Social and behavioural sciences, economics)Jena School for Microbial CommunicationExternal link
(Natural and life sciences)- International Leibniz Research School for Microbial and Biomolecular InteractionsExternal link
- International Max Planck Research School "The Exploration of Ecological Interactions with Molecular and Chemical Techniques"External link
- InfectControl (TFP)
- InfectoOpticsExternal link
- Collaborative Research Center FungiNetExternal link
- CRC 1127 ChemBioSysExternal link
Jena School of Molecular MedicineExternal link
(Natural and life sciences)- Research Training Group of the Center for Sepsis Control and Care (CSCC-RTG)External link
- Else Kröner Promotionskolleg "Jena School for Ageing Medicine"External link (JSAM)External link
- Graduate Programme of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research (IZKF)External link
- Leibniz Graduate School on Ageing and Age-Related Diseases (LGSA)External link
- Research Training Group 2155 "ProMoAge"External link
Research training groups
Doctoral school of the Imre Kertesz Kolleg JenaExternal link
Doctoral school of the Jena Center "Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts"External link
Doctoral school of the Michael Stifel Center JenaExternal link
Doctoral programme "Religion-Conflict-Reconciliation"
Frege Kolleg - Doctoral programme of the Faculty for mathematics and computer science de
Integrated Research Training Group of CRC 1076 "AquaDiva"
Integrated Research Training Group of CRC 1278 "Polytarget"
International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical CyclesExternal link
International Max Planck Research School for the Science of Human HistoryExternal link
International Research Training Group TreeDì (GRK 2324) External link
Max-Planck-School of PhotonicsExternal link
Research Training Group "Advanced Photon Science" of the Helmholtz Institute JenaExternal link
How to become a member of Graduate Academy
All doctoral programmes can become member institutions of the Graduate Academy.
As part of the admission procedure, the Board of the Academy examines whether the conception of the doctoral programme meets university-wide binding quality standards in doctoral qualification. Accordingly, membership of the Graduate Academy represents a seal of quality. If you have any questions regarding the admission of a doctoral programme to the Graduate Academy, please contact Dr. Gunda Huskobla.
In the interests of quality assurance, all member programmes of the Graduate Academy are to be evaluated regularly. For this purpose, the principles of the evaluation procedurepdf, 366 kb · de (in German) were established in 2018.