Here you can find publications, regulations and information material of Graduate Academy.
Second Jena Postdoc Survey (2019) (in German)
Publication cover
Image: Graduierten-AkademieBased on the postdoc survey in 2012, the Jena postdocs were asked again in 2016 about how they perceive their working situation, their qualification conditions, and their career paths. The survey was conducted within the project "House for young researchers" which has been funded by the Mercator Foundation. More than 400 postdocs from FSU Jena and other non-university research institutes in Jena provided information about their career goals within and outside of the academic system, about their assessment of future career opportunities, the support they received from their supervisors, and about the compatibility of family and career.
The study "Analysen zu Arbeitssituation, Qualifizierungsbedingungen und Karrierewegen von Jenaer Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden" was published in 2018 and can be downloaded herepdf, 5 mb · de (in German).
Conference proceedings "Fundiert forschen" (2017) (in German)
Book cover
Image: Graduierten-AkademieThe conference proceedings show how researchers can become more familiar with a critical reflection of their own research. Therefore, it connects different topics and players and thus enables the transfer of knowledge from science philosophy, ethics and science sociology into graduate supporting structures as well as qualification structures for young researchers. The authors not only prove the necessity of a reflexive academic education but also offer content-related and methodic starting points to implement it.
The proceedings are based on a symposium called "Profound Research" ("Fundiert Forschen. Wissenschaftliche Bildung für Promovierende und Postdocs"), which took place in December 2014, when over 70 scientists discussed these questions.
Article in the conference proceedings "Nachwuchsförderung in der Wissenschaft" (2014) (in German)
Book cover
Image: Graduierten-AkademieThere is very little data available on doctoral candidates in Germany. Reliable figures exist only with respect to the number of enrolled doctoral candidates as well as the number of PhDs completed. However, German universities generally do not know how many young researchers are currently working on their PhDs. At Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the situation did not look any better than elsewhere. Therefore, it was decided to develop a PhD management and administration system, with which it is possible to manage the doctoral process online.
This system was presented at a conference of the GraduateCenter of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 2012. In 2013, the conference proceedings were published including the contribution on "Doktorandenerfassung an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität".
Conference transcript: "Das deutsche Wissenschaftssystem und seine Postdocs" (2013) (in German)
Book cover
Image: Graduierten-AkademieOften, being a postdoc means showing strong commitment at low pay and existential uncertainty for young researchers. Universities which are supposed to win the cleverest minds for academia, quite often lose talented and highly qualified young researchers. Yet, how can the interests of science on the one hand and the career demands of postdocs on the other hand be compatible? Which courses of action do the different actors in the economic system have in order to improve the general conditions of the postdoc phase?
These questions were discussed at the symposium in Jena which was organised by the Graduate Academy of Friedrich Schiller University in November 2012. The conference transcript concerning the symposium has been released in 2013 by the university press Webler. It gathers the presentations and findings of this symposium as well as some thoughts of participants that were expressed afterwards. The transcript can be ordered via university press Webler and costs 24.80 Euro.
First Postdoc Survey (2012) (in German)
Publication cover
Image: Graduierten-AkademieIn order to develop quality standards for the postdoctoral training phase, the University set up a working group in autumn 2010. With the aim to provide empirical facts to support the committee's work, a survey was conducted among postdocs to assess their actual conditions of work and research and their professional perspectives. The results of this survey are summarised in the postdoctoral report titled "On the Situation of Postdoctoral Researchers at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena." It formed the basis for the "Recommendations for Improving the Professional Situation of Postdoctoral Researchers at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena". You will find the full report herepdf, 2 mb · de (in German).
Yearbook "PhD graduates" of Friedrich Schiller University Jena (each year)
Book cover
Image: Graduierten-AkademieThe yearbook "PhD graduates" is published annually on Schillertag (Schiller Day) and contains all doctorates completed at University of Jena in the previous academic year. A doctorate is considered as completed only if the doctorate was finished (decision by the Faculty's Board) and deposit copies of the dissertation have been handed in at the library.
Until 2023, the yearbooks were handed out to doctoral candidates in printed form. Since 2024, the yearbook has only been produced digitally as a PDF and made available to doctoral candidates in this form. All texts of the yearbook are written in German and English.
Regulations and guidelines
- Doctoral examination regulations of the faculties of FSU Jena de
- General doctoral regulations of the faculties of the Friedrich Schiller University Jenapdf, 576 kb
- Geschäftsordnung des Rates der Doktorandinnen und Doktorandenpdf, 38 kb · de (Statutes of the Doctoral Council of FSU) (in German)
- Grundordnung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jenapdf, 445 kb · de (Constitution of Friedrich Schiller University) (in German)
- Statutes of the Graduate Academypdf, 182 kb · de (in German)
- Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice at the Friedrich Schiller University Jenapdf, 338 kb · de (in German, 2023)
- Richtlinie für die Ausgestaltung von befristeten Beschäftigungsverhältnissen wissenschaftlicher MitarbeiterInnen an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jenapdf, 474 kb · de (2015) (Guidelines for the arrangement of temporary employment contracts at Friedrich Schiller University Jena) (in German)
- Richtlinie zur Einrichtung und Besetzung von wissenschaftlichen Funktionsdauerstellen an der FSU Jenapdf, 312 kb · de (2016) (Guidelines for the appointment and filling of academic permanent posts with special capacities at FSU Jena) (in German)
- Satzung über die Besetzung von Tenure-Track-Professuren (Tenure-Track-Satzung)pdf, 280 kb · de (2017)(Statutes for the recruitment and hiring process for Tenure Track Professorships) (in German)
Concept papers and recommendations
- Guidelines for the doctoral Phasepdf, 351 kb · de (2021)
- Guideline for the Postdoc Career Planning Conversationpdf, 175 kb (Appendix to Richtlinie 2015, version of 2019)
- Guidelines for the Structuring of Doctoral Programmes at the GApdf, 173 kb (2008, revised in 2018 (see German versionpdf, 163 kb · de))
- Qualitätssicherung für Promotionsprogramme an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Grundsätze des Evaluierungsverfahrens für Mitgliedseinrichtungen der Graduierten-Akademiepdf, 366 kb · de (Quality assurance of structured doctoral programmes at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Principles of evaluation procedures of Graduate Academy's member institutitions) (Juni 2018) (in German)
- Personalentwicklungskonzept für das wissenschaftliche Personal und den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchspdf, 189 kb · de (Personell development concept for the academic staff and young researchers) (2017) (in German)
- Ergebnis der AG "Promotion"pdf, 22 kb · de (Result of the working group on doctorate at FSU (AG "Promotion")) (May 2013) (in German)
- Handlungsempfehlungen des Senats zur Verbesserung der beruflichen Situation von Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden an der FSU Jenapdf, 78 kb · de (Recommendations for action by the senate for the improvement of the occupational situation of postdocs at FSU Jena) (June 2012) (in German)
- Conceptual Frame of the GApdf, 115 kb (adopted in October 2007)
External position papers and publications on the doctoral phase
- "Prinzipien wirksamer Karriereunterstützung in der Wissenschaft"pdf, 131 kb · de (2021) (Principles of the German Research Foundation)
- "Vielfalt durch Kooperation"pdf, 711 kb · de (2019) (Recommendations by the German University Association of Advanced Graduate Training (UniWiND) on doctoral procedures with partner institutions) (in German)
- Helmholtz Doctoral Guidelinespdf, 322 kb (2019) (Helmholtz Society)
- Conflict resolution and power abuse in sciencepdf, 95 kb (2019) (Joint position paper of helmholtz juniors, PhD candidates of IPP Mainz, Leibniz PhD Network and Max Planck PhDnet)
- Doctoral education in Europe today: approaches and institutional structurespdf, 2 mb (2019) (Study of European University Assosiation - Council for Doctoral Education)
- Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practicepdf, 337 kb (2019) (Code of conduct of the German Research Foundation)
- Promotionen in Kooperation zwischen promotionsberechtigten Hochschulen und Unternehmen (Promotion mit externem Arbeitsvertrag)pdf, 123 kb · de (2018) (Joint position of Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA), BDI The Voice of German Industry, German Rector's Conference (HRK) und Stifterverband) (in German)
- Perspektiven nach der Promotion. Berufswege außerhalb der Wissenschaft: Teil 1: "13 Portraits"pdf, 2 mb · de & Teil 2 "Arbeitgeber im Gespräch"pdf, 534 kb · de (2018) (Special publication of the German University Association of Advanced Graduate Training (UniWiND)) (in German)
- Guidelines on the training of doctoral students at the Max Planck Societypdf, 566 kb (Update 2018) (Max Planck Society)
- Eckpunkte zur Qualitätssicherung der Promotion mit externem Arbeitsvertragpdf, 151 kb · de (2017) (Recommendations by the German Rector's Conference (HRK)) (in German)
- Promotion im Umbruchpdf, 827 kb · de (2017) (Joint statement of German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, National Academy of Sciences and Engineering (acatech) and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities) (in German)
- Personalentwicklung für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs. Bedarf, Angebote und Perspektiven - eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme im Zeitvergleichpdf, 1 mb · de (2016) (Study of Stifterverband and German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)) (in German)
- Handhabung der Kooperativen Promotionpdf, 70 kb · de (2015) (Recommendations by the German Rector's Conference (HRK)) (in German)
- Doctoral Supervision. Recommendations and good practice for universities and doctoral supervisorspdf, 662 kb (2015) (Recommendations by the German University Association of Advanced Graduate Training (UniWiND))
- Empfehlungen zu wissenschaftlicher Integritätpdf, 1 mb · de (2015) (Positionspapier des Wissenschaftsrates) (in German)
- Eckpunkte für die Gestaltung von kooperativen Promotionsverfahrenpdf, 59 kb · de (2014) (Recommendations of German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband)) (in German)
- Empfehlungen zu Karrierezielen und -wegen an Universitätenpdf, 1 mb · de (2014) (Recommendations by the Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat)) (in German)
- Orientierungsrahmen zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses nach der Promotion und akademischer Karrierewege neben der Professurpdf, 127 kb · de (Recommendations by the general assembly of the German Rector's Conference (HRK)) (2014) (in German)
- Career Guidelines of the Leibniz Associationpdf, 1 mb (2013) (Leibniz Association)
- Zur Qualitätssicherung in Promotionsverfahrenpdf, 151 kb · de (2012) (Recommendations by the Presidium of the German Rector's Conference (HRK)) (in German)
- Anforderungen an die Qualitätssicherung der Promotionpdf, 244 kb · de (2011) (Position paper of the Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat)) (in German)
- Empfehlungen zur Promotion an deutschen Universitätenpdf, 484 kb · de (2011) (Recommendations by the German University Association of Advanced Graduate Training (UniWiND)) (in German)
- Salzburg Conclusionpdf, 45 kb (2005) & Salzburg II Recommendationspdf, 200 kb (2010) (European University Assocation - Council on doctoral education)
- Empfehlungen zur Doktorandenausbildungpdf, 609 kb · de (2002) (Recommendations by the Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat)) (in German)
- Nachwuchsförderung und Zukunft der Wissenschaftpdf, 354 kb · de (1999) (Recommendations by the work group "Young Researchers" of the Presidium of the German Research Foundation (DFG)) (in German)
External position papers and publications on the postdoctoral phase
- Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Associationpdf, 187 kb (2019) (Helmholtz Association)
- Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practicepdf, 337 kb (2019) (Code of conduct of the German Research Foundation)
- Perspektiven nach der Promotion. Berufswege außerhalb der Wissenschaft: Teil 1: "13 Portraits"pdf, 2 mb · de & Teil 2 "Arbeitgeber im Gespräch"pdf, 534 kb · de (2018) (Special publication of the German University Association of Advanced Graduate Training (UniWiND)) (in German)
- Postdocs als selbstständige Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler - Wie sehen gute Bedingungen aus?pdf, 338 kb · de (2017) (Position paper of the board of German University Association of Advanced Graduate Training (UniWiND)) (in German)
- Guidelines for postdoc stage in the Max Planck Societypdf, 968 kb (2016) (Max Planck Society)
- Postdoctoral Funding Schemes in Europepdf, 8 mb (2016) (Study of Science Europe Working Group on Research Careers)
- Personalentwicklung für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs. Bedarf, Angebote und Perspektiven - eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme im Zeitvergleichpdf, 1 mb · de (2016) (Study of Stifterverband and German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)) (in German)
- Qualifizierung in der Postdoc-Phase. Handreichung zur Planung und Umsetzung von Angebotenpdf, 292 kb · de (2015) (Publication of the German University Association of Advanced Graduate Training (UniWiND)) (in German)
- Empfehlungen zu wissenschaftlicher Integritätpdf, 1 mb · de (2015) (Positionspapier des Wissenschaftsrates) (in German)
- Orientierungsrahmen zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses nach der Promotion und akademischer Karrierewege neben der Professurpdf, 127 kb · de (Recommendations by the general assembly of the German Rector's Conference (HRK)) (2014) (in German)
- Empfehlungen zu Karrierezielen und -wegen an Universitätenpdf, 1 mb · de (2014) (Recommendations by the Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat)) (in German)
- Nach der Promotion: Übergang zur Postdoc-Phase und in den außeruniversitären Arbeitsmarkt. Unterstützungsangebote an Universitäten und Handlungsempfehlungen zur Förderung des Karriereübergangspdf, 222 kb · de (2014) (Publication of the German University Association of Advanced Graduate Training (UniWiND)) (in German)
Admission as a doctoral candidate
Information about all necessary steps to get the admission as a doctoral candidate at one of the faculties of FSU Jena
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- 253 kb
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Admission as a doctoral candidate (Smartphone)
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- 259 kb
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Career Service for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs
i.a. information about individual career counselling, workshops and events on the topic "career"
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- 124 kb
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City map Jena
City map of Jena showing all institutions that are important for doctoral candidates and postdocs
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- 2 mb
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Enrolment as a doctoral candidate
Information about all necessary steps for the enrolment as a doctoral candidate at FSU Jena
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- 2 mb
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Enrolment as a doctoral candidate (Smartphone)
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- 1 mb
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Funding your doctorate
Information about the different ways of funding a doctorate
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- 201 kb
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History of House Zur Rosen
Overview of the building complex "Zur Rosen" and its history since the 15th century
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- 1 mb
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Offers for doctoral candidates
i.a. information about advice, welcome service, career service and qualification offers
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- 262 kb
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Offers for Postdocs
i.a. information about career counselling and qualification offers for Postdocs
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- File size:
- 215 kb
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Welcome and Service Desk for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs
Short overview of advice topics and contact details
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- File size:
- 123 kb
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Welcome Service for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs
Information about all offers of the Welcome Service for new doctoral candidates and postdocs
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- File size:
- 877 kb
- Modification date:
Admission as a doctoral candidate