Anyone visiting Jena will inevitably notice one thing: the city is young and full of ideas. With an average age of 42.9 years (2021), people between 18 and 40 make up the largest group in the population.
In addition to the more than 20,000 students, who represent around 20 percent of all residents, it is above all young families who shape the cityscape and the vibrant atmosphere. And that is no coincidence. On the one hand, the landscape of various research institutions and companies offers an attractive job market with a wide range of career paths. The Zukunftsatlas (future atlas) 2022 of the economic research institute Prognos, for example, confirmed Jena's very good development prospects by listing the city in 24th place out of 400 districts and independent cities nationwide – higher than any other eastern German city.
On the other hand, in Thuringia's youngest city, work and family can be combined ideally. As early as 2014, the daily newspaper "Welt" called Jena "the most child-friendly place in the republic". This is because the proportion of fathers taking parental leave here is the highest in Germany. For children born in 2019, for example, it is 65.2 percent. These are just some reasons in favour of the "Young City Jena" – and here are a few more.