Questionnaire on Innovative Didactic Methodologies

Brights Project: Bringing Higher Education Institutes Towards Sustainability


Thanks for your interest in this initiative and in the participation in the questionnaireExternal link!

This form is intended to map the state of implementation, diffusion, and utilization of Innovative Didactic Methodologies, with specific reference to the use of such methodologies for the delivery of sustainability-related contents.

The questionnaire is run in the frame of the European project BRIGHTS - Bringing Higher Education Institutes towards sustainabilityExternal link. The leading institution of this project is the University of Pavia (Italy), and the academic partners are the University of Cyprus (Cyprus), and the University of Cologne (Germany).

Why are we investigating the spread of innovative didactics? For the development of new student-cantered approaches and methodologies, characterized by:

  • Increased teacher-learner interaction
  • Increased teaching effectiveness
  • Upskilled teachers’ didactic methodologies to deliver new and constantly evolving topics such as those of sustainability

The target of this questionnaire are professors (all levels) or researchers that are holding a course, or teaching in a course related to the overall Sustainability-subject area. The courses that we intend to investigate are transversal: from Law, to Engineering, from Politics to Psychology. If you are delivering a course on sustainability-related contents, please let us know about your teaching modalities!

Please note that each professor/researcher can fill in the responses for up to three courses.

Privacy and use of data: The responses will be used internally to the BRIGHTS' project consortium, and the information will be treated in compliance to the Privacy GDPR Standards. No personal information will be disclosed. The responses will be used only as aggregate data; no personal responses will be published.

Again, a warm thank you for participating in the initiative! For any inquiry, please write an email to:

Estimated time for the completion of the questionnaire: 15 minutes.