Your academic success is important to us! That is why we are committed to constantly providing good advice.
In areas where the International Office cannot help, we refer you to other services.
Please select the area in which you have a request and discover the many options for receiving support:

Today we're talking about important dates and the individual steps of your enrolment and where you can find support after your arrival.
You can find more helpful information and advice in our podcast “Uni Jena international” - also perfect for practicing German!
Do you still have questions? - The International Office will be pleased to help.

This episode is about the support for international students in Jena directly after their arrival and while studying through the mentoring programmes of the International Office.
Emergency: accidents, fire, damage etc.
- Fire:
Stay calm!
Small fire: Extinguish with a fire extinguisher or blanket
Large fire: Leave the building and activate the fire alarm
Call the fire department: 112 - Accident:
Stay calm and ask for help
Call an ambulance: 112
If an accident occurs at the university or on the way between the university and your home, be sure to report it immediately to the Studierendenwerk, Department of Social ServicesExternal link. The costs will be partially reimbursed by the insurance company. Damage to third-party property (e.g. due to fire, water, carelessness) should be reported to your private liability insurance. - Burglary/theft:
Call the police: 03641 81-0
Write down a list of stolen items, document the damage
Inform the rental company - Psychological emergency:
Call the telephone counselingExternal link or 112
- Fire:
If you live in a hall of residence, the Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link is responsible;
Residential tutorsExternal link help international students settle in and organize cultural events.The Jena Tenants' AssociationExternal link offers members advice on tenancy law issues. The free legal advice service for studentsExternal link can be consulted in the event of legal problems with renting.
Discrimination and hate crime
- Discrimination in Jena
Anti-Discrimination Office of the City of Jena: https://antidiskriminierung.jena.de/enExternal link - Right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence in Thuringia:
ezra - Counseling center for victims of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence: https://ezra.de/en/home/External link - Anti-Semitism in Thuringia:
rias - Research and Information Center on Anti-Semitism Thüringen: https://report-antisemitism.de/en/rias-thueringen/External link - Hatspeech online:
https://elly-beratung.de/External link - Discrimination at the University of Jena:
Diversity Office: https://www.uni-jena.de/29195/diversitaetsbuerom de
Support and counselling may also be offered by some migrant self organizations and associationspdf, 83 kb · de.
- Discrimination in Jena
- Emergency with danger to life: 112
- Non-acute emergencies: 116117
- The emergency outpatient clinicExternal link is located in Klinkum Lobeda.
- Find a practice or a specialist doctor: https://www.116117.de/de/englisch.phpExternal link
- Information on the German healthcare system: https://www.uni-jena.de/unijenamedia/58775/gesundheitscoaching.pdfpdf, 3 mb · de
- Doctors in Jena who speak Englishpdf, 523 kb · de
- German-English health dictionaryExternal link
- Stay or get fit with the offers of health management de and university sports.
Mental health: stress, loneliness etc.
Please take advantage of the free, confidential advice
- at the International Office or
- at the Psychosocial CounselingExternal link Service of the Studierendenwerk or
- the First Aid for Mental Health de or
- the Campus Couch de: Here, students lend you an anonymous and confidential ear.
Health ManagementExternal link and university Sports offer a range of services to reduce stress.
The telephone counselingExternal link service also offers free and anonymous support in acute cases.
In case of doubt and acute suicidal tendencies, however, an emergency doctor should be called (112).
Contracts: housing, work, cell phone etc
If you have questions about contracts and legal problems, please use the free legal adviceExternal link service for students.
The consumer advice centerExternal link, which also offers advice, also has many good tips.
And there is the student legal advice service paralegalExternal link.
The tenants' association in JenaExternal link offers members advice on tenancy law issues.
Trade unionsExternal link can check employment contracts and provide advice on employment law.
When looking for a job, please also note the requirements of the law on foreigners: non-EU citizens whose main reason for staying in Germany is to study may only work 140 days (up to 8 hours/day) or 280 half days (up to 4 hours/day) per year without a special work permit; this does not apply to work as a student or research assistant. Fee-based work is considered self-employment and must be approved in advance by the immigration authority.
Right of residence
- Foreigners' Registration Office of the City of Jena: https://rathaus.jena.de/en/node/6232External link
- Specialist service for migration and integration Jena: https://www.awo-mittewest-thueringen.de/fachdienst-fuer-migration-und-integration.htmlExternal link
- The Migration and Participation Law ClinicExternal link (MAP) project advises and supports migrants free of charge. It also offers accompaniment to appointments with the authorities.
- The legal advice serviceExternal link of the Studierendenwerk can also help with legal problems.
Loss of objects
Please ask at the lost and found office of the city of JenaExternal link.
If you have lost something at the university, please ask the porter in the respective building.
Language: learning and practicing German
- The Language Center of the University of Jena offers lessons for many modern foreign languages and also for German as a foreign language.
- Our podcast “Uni Jena international” is also a good way to practise German.
- You can look for tandem partners at the language tandem exchange at the International CenterExternal link's house party, for example.
- University groups, sports courses and other activities offer good opportunities to get in touch and talk to other people. Take the plunge!
Leisure time: meet people, discover Jena
Discover the intercultural campus life at the University of Jena: interesting events, the international center “Haus auf der Mauer” and various student groups await you.
You can find even more tips on leisure activities in Jena here.