Ein Student lässt sich im Internationalen Büro beraten

Support and advisory services

Studying successfully with support
Ein Student lässt sich im Internationalen Büro beraten
Image: Nadine Mrosewski

Your academic success is important to us! That is why we are committed to constantly providing good advice.
In areas where the International Office cannot help, we refer you to other services.

Please select the area in which you have a request and discover the many options for receiving support:

Before your studies

  • Ein Student am Laptop im Seminarraum
    Image: Nadine Mrosewski
    Digital Onboarding The International Office invites you to online workshops before your arrival with information on preparation: from visa to suitcase packing, health insurance, finding accommodation and enrolment.
  • Graphic design start studying international
    Graphic: B. Salheiser unter Verwendung eines Designs von S. Müller/Universität Jena
    Preparation and enrolment All information on the enrolment of international students
  • students doing slack lining
    Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
    Welcome Buddys In the mentoring programme, students at the University of Jena volunteer to support international first-year students after their arrival.
    Register before you arrive.
  • Studierende mit Laptop und Buch
    Image: Nadine Mrosewski
    Online courses for preparationExternal link On the website "Study in Thuringia" there are free courses to help you prepare for your studies and life in Germany.
placeholder image — Logo podcast international
Enrolment made easy

Today we're talking about important dates and the individual steps of your enrolment and where you can find support after your arrival.

Graphic: Sabine Müller · Audio: University of Jena

You can find more helpful information and advice in our podcast “Uni Jena international” - also perfect for practicing German!

Do you still have questions? - The International Office will be pleased to help.

At the start of the semester

  • Schilder am Campus
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
    Orientation Days

    During the Student Orientation Days (STET) you will receive all the important information you need for a successful start into your studies.

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Welcome buddies: support for your first steps in Jena

This episode is about the support for international students in Jena directly after their arrival and while studying through the mentoring programmes of the International Office.

Graphic: Sabine Müller · Audio: University of Jena

At the university

Laughing students in a seminar

Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Here you will find all possible contact persons at the University of Jena.

You may also find an answer to your question in our FAQ.

All about the university: Life in Jena

Students talk in the Park

Image: Nadine Mrosewski

Life in new foreign country is not always easy - but there is support available!
Take a look at our FAQ, if there are already answers to your questions.

Please select the area for which you have a query:

After your studies

Eine Gruppe unterhält sich vor dem Uni-Hauptgebäude

Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

The following offers provide you with support finding a job and starting a successful career: 

  • Symbol picture
    Image: Christoph Worsch
    Stay in touch with us! If you have studied at the University of Jena, you can register in our Almuni database.

  • Logo Code of Conduct
    Image: DAAD
    Code of ConductExternal link

    Friedrich Schiller University Jena joined the National Code of Conduct for Foreign Students in 2010. This Code of Conduct is intended to ensure and further improve the quality of support for foreign students. It lays down minimum standards for the quality of foreign students at German universities in terms of information, advertising, admission, support and aftercare, which international applicants can rely on.