- Light
- Life
- Knowledge Transfer and Innovation
Published: | By: Janine Kalisch/Marco Körner
The Friedrich Schiller University Jena is receiving funding from the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) amounting to more than ten million Euros. The funding will be used to acquire research-relevant infrastructure that is to be used in collaboration with the Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technologies (Leibniz-IPHT). This will expand the research focuses on biophotonic and microscopic methods for applications in medicine and pharmacy, as well as in the life and environmental sciences, by the end of October.
Opening up new interdisciplinary research topics
The new equipment infrastructure not only allows for further progress in the fields of biophotonics, fibre optics, and quantum technology, but also provides the opportunity to open up new interdisciplinary research topics. Important nationwide relevant and innovation-policy course settings for this project include the "Roadmap for Improved Patient Care through Health Research and Digitization" and the "Artificial Intelligence Strategy".
Strengthening the university's profile lines
The new IT infrastructure is also intended to deepen the cooperation between the University of Jena and the Leibniz-IPHT, as well as the collaboration of the jointly appointed professors. At the same time, the university's profile lines LIGHT and LIFE are strengthened, the development of regional infrastructure is promoted, and national and international visibility is increased.
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