Export control regulations for the export of goods

Guidance and processes for exporting goods

It is not possible to export a good before the inspection is completed.

Necessary documents and information can also be found in HanFRIED (under Legal Office) and on the website of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).

  • Registration

    If the total value of the goods to be exported exceeds the amount of 1.000,-€ or if the re-importation into the EU is intended, the respective department/scientist must register with the Department 2 - Finance and Procurement Division Tax and Customs Division de

    If the total value is less than an amount of 1.000,-€ and a re-importation into the EU is not foreseen, the shipment will be made independently by the department or via the post office.

    However, for each export it is necessary to create a so-called pro pro-forma-invoiceExternal link. You can find all details about their creation hereExternal linkIf you have any questions, you can also contact the Tax/Customs Department at any time.

  • Necessary documents and information

    If you intend to export a good, please declare it in time (2 weeks in advance) to the Taxes/Customs Department with the following information:

    • Customs tariff number (TARIC)
    • Article and model description of the goods to be exported (incl. serial number, if available)
    • Information on the procurement of the goods (date of purchase, seller, etc.)
    • Current market value of the goods
    • Details of consignors and consignees of the goods (if possible, all persons who have or are to have actual access to the goods, if already known by name)
    • Purpose of export (e.g. description of the research project or objective, loan, repair, etc.)
    • Hazardousness: In case of hazardous materials, please contact the Hazardous Materials Officer of the University Matthias Fleischer matthias.fleischer@uni-jena.de  or the responsible officer of your institute and submit an appropriate note in addition to the pro forma invoice.
    • For questions regarding the export of biological materials, please contact the Biosafety Officer Dr. Ralf Glaser bbs@uni-jena.de 
  • Finding the correct customs tariff number
    • diese ist grundsätzlich beim Verkäufer des Gutes zu erfragen
    • lediglich hilfsweise, kann sie über folgendes Tool EZT-OnlineExternal link ermittelt werden. Hierzu gehen Sie wie folgt vor:
      • auf der Startseite von EZT-Online gehen Sie auf "zur Ausfuhr" > "Einreihung" > "Warennomenklatur" 
      • in dem dann geöffneten Katalog wählen Sie die entsprechende Kategorie Ihres auszuführenden Gutes
      • durch Klicken auf das (+) vor dem Ordner-Symbol werden Unterkategorien eröffnet, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, das Gut zu spezifizieren
      • am Ende müssen Sie zu einer 8-stelligen Warenzolltarifnummer gelangt sein. Diese geben Sie in der Pro-Forma-Rechnung an.
      • Hinweis: die selbstständige Ermittlung über EZT-Online erfolgt in eigener Verantwortung und ist deshalb sorgfältig vorzunehmen. 
  • Examination of special export restrictions by the department

    Mittels der Zolltarifnummer können eventuell bestehende Ausfuhrbeschränkungen ermittelt werden. Größtes Augenmerks wird hierbei auf die Prüfung der Vorgaben der EU-Dual-Use-VerordnungExternal linkgelegt.

    Corresponding facts that could lead to an export restriction are determined by the legal office and then sent to the department for technical review. Following feedback from the department, the legal office can draw up the final export control note. This must be countersigned by a responsible person from the department and is then forwarded to the Taxes/Customs department for further use.

    Export before completion of the export control note is not possible!

  • Export restriction exists - then what?

    In the event that the examination of your goods to be exported reveals an export restriction, this does not mean that an export is completely excluded.

    Instead, a case-by-case export license is now required from the Federal Office of Economics and Export controls External link(BAFA). 

    The Friedrich Schiller University has an institutional electronic access to the application process. Further information on this procedure can be obtained from the Legal Office in the specific individual case.