Theses in different colours

Announcement „Diversity meets Science“: Prize for thesis with gender and diversity perspectives

Applications possible until 18 December
Theses in different colours


In contemporary research, the core dimensions of diversity play an important role in almost all disciplines: for example, when it comes to sociocultural notions of gender and sexuality in the humanities and social sciences, the consideration of physical conditions of users in technology development or the individual needs of different age groups in medical early detection and care.

In order to highlight this diversity at Thuringian universities and to promote young researchers and scientists, the Thuringian Competence Center for Equal Opportunities (TKG) is awarding the »Diversity Meets Science« prize for theses with gender and diversity perspectives, which is endowed with 2.000,-€ for the sixth time.

Applications are accepted from graduates of all disciplines at Thuringian universities whose thesis (bachelor, master, diploma, state examination or doctoral thesis) takes a gender/diversity perspective and was submitted within the past two years (since 1 August 2021). The application deadline is 18 December 2023.

Further information on the call for proposals and application modalities can be found hereExternal link