Several eyes look at a person with a paper in hand

Performance Assessment in German Academia (German)

Talk and Discussion by Dr. René Krempkow (HTW Berlin), in the Auditorium of "Haus zur Rosen" and online
Several eyes look at a person with a paper in hand
Image: James Yang
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It lectures
Dr. René Krempkow
Organized by
Anne Dünger
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Wheelchair access
Registration required

Please note: Due to the current traffic cicumstances, this event will take place ONLINE only! 

Date: Dec 8, 2023 
Time: at 14:30 h
Venue: online (Zoom Broadcast)

What is performance in the academic professional environment today and what criteria are relevant? Which impact do career paths such as tenure track have on the requirements placed on applicants? What does analysis of potential, academic age,   h-index mean and how can a diversity-sensitive appointment be made? Is an "objective" assessment of academic performance even possible?

These questions are becoming increasingly important. We have therefore invited the Berlin sociologist Dr René Krempkow as part of the Postdoc Days. In his lecture, he will address the topic of academic performance assessment in the context of selecting the best and assessing their potential. After all, it is often difficult to answer the question of which criteria actually matter when it comes to evaluating academic performance, and not just from the researchers' perspective. Those who are supposed to appoint or evaluate or support these processes also face major challenges due to high demands and complex interactions which need to be taken into account for a fair and transparent evaluation of applications.

René Krempkow will address these questions in our Afternoon Lecture. He will provide an overview of performance assessment and of current developments and challenges around it in Germany. 

Following the lecture, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and get into an exchange and discussions with the presenter and their fellow participants. The lecture will be in German and will be held live in the rooms of Graduate Academy in Jena, but will additionally be broadcasted via Zoom (link available after registration). It will also be possible to join the Q&A-Session on Zoom.

In order to join us online, please register via our form (see link below). 

Information about the lecturer

Dr. René Krempkow

Image: HTW Berlin

Dr René Krempkow holds a doctorate in sociology and works at HTW Berlin and IU - International University as a Senior Scientist and Senior Manager. Among other things, he led the nationwide survey on science management (KaWuM-Survey) as well as several projects on performance assessment and the support of young researchers at universities. He is involved in the project NuDHe - Use of survey- and process-based data in university development at IU and in the project "Impact analyses and evaluation in the Curriculum Innovation Hub" at HTW Berlin.


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