Head in front of a blackboard with symbols that are connected with doing a doctorate

Livestreams of Phd Day

Livestreams of the PhD Day on 18 January
Head in front of a blackboard with symbols that are connected with doing a doctorate
Image: istockphoto.com

Programme in Großer Rosensaal:

13.00 h: 
Promovieren oder nicht? (Graduierten-Akademie)

14.00 h: 
Finanzierung der Promotion (Graduierten-Akademie)

15.00 h
Scientific publishing: E-Publishing and Open Access (University Library)

16.00 h 
Looking after your mental health during the doctorate (Mental Health First Aid Team)

17.00 h
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in der Phase der Promotion (Schreibzentrum)

Please note: In the livestreams there is no opportunity to participate in the event by asking questions or making comments.

Livestream Großer Rosensaal:
Starting on 13.00h on 18 January, you can find the livestream of the presentations which are held in the Große Rosensaal here
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Three Minute Thesis Competition 2020
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Programme in Seminarraum 103

13.00 h: 
Gute Lehre von Anfang an – Impuls aus der Hochschuldidaktik (Servicestelle LehreLernen)

14.00 h:
How to handle Research Data: From Theory to Practice (Research Data Management Helpdesk)

15.00 h:
Promovieren mit Kind (Graduierten-Akademie)

16.00 h:
Das Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (Graduierten-Akademie & Personalrat)

17.00 h: 
Dealing with scientific misconduct and conflicts during the doctorate: Support at Jena University (Persons of trust for Good Scientific Practice at University of Jena) 

Please note: In the livestreams there is no opportunity to participate in the event by asking questions or making comments.

Livestream Seminarraum 103
Starting on 13.00h on 18 January, you can find the livestream of the presentations which are held in the Seminarraum 103 here
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Three Minute Thesis Competition 2020
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)