- Academy for Teaching Development
Teaching is one of the core tasks of Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Teaching is highlighted as an important area of strategic university development because of the adoption of the "Strategy 2025 - Teaching". And indeed, there is a lot going on in teaching at the Friedrich Schiller University about which there is news to report and learn:
In the interview in the Teaching INQUIRED section, Prof Martin Ammon explains what is important in the introductory phase of studies and how students can be supported.
On 21 November 2023, the Dies Legendi - Teaching Day took place at the University of Jena on the topic of "Naturally intelligent! Designing teaching and learning with AI" and was met with great interest. You can find a review under Lehre IM DIALOG.
Under Teaching DIGITAL you will find information on an important further development of the online exams: in future, the declaration of independence will be submitted at the click of a mouse.
At the beginning of November, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science also held on-site discussions with external reviewers as part of the degree programme review process. You can find a short report under Teaching OF THE FUTURE.
You can find this and other interesting news in the current issue of the Teaching Newsletter at https://www.uni-jena.de/newsletterlehre04-23 External link
If you don't want to miss any future issues of the Teaching Newsletter, you can register here to receive a brief notification as soon as a new newsletter is published.
Would you like to present a teaching concept yourself or report on your experiences with innovative teaching formats? Would you like to share your ideas with others? You know an interesting student initiative for the further development of teaching at the University of Jena or a teacher who implements a special teaching concept? Then feel free to contact ale@uni-jena.de!