lit glass globe

Jena Excellence Fellowship Programm

Promoting international exchange
lit glass globe
Image: Pixabay_Collage:Sabine Müller
Call for Nomination
Call for Nomination
Image: Mareike Rind

This programme is one of the essential parts of the »LIGHT, LIFE, LIBERTY – Connecting Visions« strategy of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. It is funded by the university allowance provided by the excellence strategy of the German government and the federal states. The Welcome Point of the University is responsible for coordinating the University-wide call for nominations.

The aim of the programme is to increase the Friedrich Schiller University’s visibility on international scale and its appeal to top-level international researchers. The purpose of the programme is to promote the focal research areas and to establish and foster new fields of research. The programme allows lecturers from the University of Jena to invite excellent researchers from abroad in order to promote and intensify the scientific exchange and dialogue. In addition, it gives young postdocs and established scientists from abroad as well as members of the University of Jena the chance to drive scientific projects forward and establish international collaborations.

Fellows 2024

Fellow 2024 Alexandra Filonenko
Dr. Alexandra Filonenko
Home university: Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University (Mykolaiv, Ukraine)
Host: Prof. Dr. Thomas Honegger
Host institute: Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Research topic: Perilous Realms: The Literary Magic of the Inklings
Fellow Uta Sailer
Prof. Uta Sailer
Home university : Universität Oslo, Norwegen
Host: Prof. Dr. Ilona Croy
Host institute: Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie
Research topic: Einfluss von Erwartung auf die Wahrnehmung und Verarbeitung nicht-schmerzhafter Berührung
Dr Mondal 16:9
Dr. Anirban Mondal, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Indien
Host institute: Institut für Festkörperphysik
Host: Jun.- Prof. Giancarlo Soavi
Research topic: Ultrafast spectroscopy and quasi particle dynamics
  • What is the Jena Excellence Fellowship Programme?

    The purpose of the fellowship programme is to promote the exchange and dialogue between scientists from abroad and scientists from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and to intensify international collaborations. The programme is open to senior fellows and advanced postdocs who want to do research at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. All professors of the University can nominate potential fellows. Every year, approximately four senior fellowships and four postdoctoral fellowships are awarded.

    The Welcome Point of the University is responsible for coordinating the University-wide advertisement of the programme.

  • Benefits

    What does the fellowship programme comprise?

    • monthly stipend of €4,600 for postdocs and €5,800 for senior fellows
    • funding duration: four weeks to six months (can be extended to 12 months)
    • fellows are provided with a monthly lump sum payment to cover material and accommodation costs and with an allowance for health and liability insurance

    Additional benefits

    • monthly allowance of up to €300 for the hosting institution to cover project costs
    • centrally organized welcome package for fellows (assistance in finding accommodation and placing children in schools and day care, tutoring service, language courses, organization of short visits to other German universities for networking, establishing contact and matching fellows with businesses in the region, family programme to discover the region)
  • Funding schemes

    Funding schemes:

    • "Tandem" Fellowship for an established scientist working together with a postdoc
    • "Klausur" Fellowship for a team of maximum four scientists from different countries
    • "Impuls" Fellowship for a distinguished figure who plans and organizes high-profile events
    • "Zukunfts" Fellowship to recruit new professors
    • "Freiraum" Fellowship for carrying out a large-scale research project
  • Nomination process

    Nominations of foreign scientists of all disciplines can be submitted within the nomination portal of the Jena Excellence Fellowship ProgrammeExternal link of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena at any time.

    The selection committee will only consider nominations by professors or researchers of the Friedrich Schiller University that are supported by the respective institute.

    Scientists may not apply directly, but have to be nominated.

    After the submission of all required documents, the Research Committee selects the applicants twice a year—in spring (March) and autumn (October). The period between nomination and decision depends on the submission date and can be up to six months.

  • Prerequisites

    The nominees need to meet the following prerequisites:

    Senior fellow: doctorate or comparable academic degree, and an internationally recognized scientific qualification, proven by achievements in the field of research (e.g. positive response to scientific publications or awards)

    Postdoctoral fellow: doctorate or comparable academic degree obtained in the six years prior to the nomination, and an internationally recognized scientific qualification, proven by scientific publications in journals and/or by renowned publishers refereed according to international standards

    Programme-specific requirements:
    Nominations for all fellowship versions are made by lecturers of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. In the "Tandem" Fellowship, the nominated scientist can choose the postdoc to work with.

  • Supporting documents to be submitted with the nomination

    Supporting documents to be submitted within the nomination portalExternal link as a PDF file:

    • brief synopsis of the nominee’s planned research project or concept for the lecture or conference programme; information on the strategic objective of the nomination as well as on the nominee’s planned involvement in the work of the hosting institution (maximum five pages)
    • information on the nominee’s scientific career (including curriculum vitae)
    • list of the five most important publications (in journals and by publishers refereed according to scientific standards)
    • signed declaration of consentpdf, 201 kb · de of the nominee

The nomination portal of the Jena Excellence Fellowship Programme 

The nominations by professors or researchers of the Friedrich Schiller University can be submitted within the nomination portal of the Jena Excellence Fellowship ProgrammeExternal link.

In order to log in to the nomination portal, you need to enter your university login credentials provided by the University Computer Centre and upload your nomination.

Before using the nomination portal, please see the call for nominations for information on the individual fellowship programmes and their required documents as a PDF file (max. 5 MB per supporting document; one PDF file per supporting document)

For a nomination, a signed declaration of consent from the nominee for the use of his/her data must also be uploaded to the portal. This document you will find here:

Einwilligungserklärung zum Datenschutz (german)pdf, 463 kb · de

Declaration of consent (english)pdf, 201 kb · de
