Employees of the University of Jena have the opportunity to use the digital health platform "AOK bewegt" free of charge. Here, interested parties can use a wide range of content and formats - for example on the topics of exercise, nutrition, communication or good workplace design.
The permanent, free (and of course voluntary) use of the external platform is made possible by the cooperation between the University of Jena and AOK PLUS to establish a university health management programme. The tender is currently only available in a German-language version.
The digital health platform "AOK bewegt" offers you a wide range of health-related options:
- Digital, for everyone, everywhere: you have access to the online platform at any time, from different devices and locations with your individual login
- Health in all its facets: You can expect content on a wide range of topics, including, for example: healthy leadership, nutrition and recipes, exercise with exercise videos, compact Psychology knowledge, break design ideas, ergonomics tips, breathing techniques, self-management - and much more!
- Variety through formats: Health literacy means not only knowledge, but above all implementation! This is supported on the "AOK bewegt" platform by stimulating formats, for example: articles, videos, posters, challenges and podcasts
1. open link: https://aokbewegt.deExternal link
2. enter fit code This link requires a loginde(access code) + email address (business or private) + password of your choice
3. get started: You can get an overview, personalise your settings and start benefiting from the platform's health offers immediately.