Ombuds persons

Ombudspersons for international students

Support and advice in case of conflicts
Ombuds persons
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

How can the ombudspersons help you?


  • listen to you if you have problems, are discriminated against or suffer from harassment.
  • conduct a safe, comfortable and confidential one-on-one discussion with you outside formal channels.
  • analyse conflicts and problems objectively and impar­tially.
  • offer innovative and informal, cooperative rather than confrontational, solutions, and try to find them together with you.
  • provide valuable advice and guidance for successful problem-solving.
  • mediate impartially in case of conflicts with other university members or institutions.
  • collect complaints and enable the dialogue between students and the University.

Dear international students,
do not hesitate to contact one of us. We will be glad to help you!

Prof. Dr Erika Kothe
+49 (0)3641 - 949291

Prof. Dr Andreas Gebert
+49 (0)3641- 938550