Virtual 3D model of a Friedrich Schiller bust

Call for applications

Keep a close eye on application deadlines
Virtual 3D model of a Friedrich Schiller bust
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

When can I apply?

The Scholarships are advertised once a year for the winter semester at the University of Jena. You can find the current call for applications for the academic year 2025/26 here.pdf, 407 kb · de

The Germany Scholarships are advertised once a year at the University of Jena for the winter semester. The application period for the academic year 2025/26 begins on 15.03.2025 and ends on 15.04.2025. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications outside of the application period.



Postal address:
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Dezernat 1 – Studierende | Division 1 – Student Affairs
Weiterbildung | Further Education
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena