Congratulations on the Deutschlandstipendium


Find out how we select our scholarship holders
Congratulations on the Deutschlandstipendium
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

What are the criteria for the allocation of scholarships?

The Deutschlandstipendium is mainly about talent and performance! However—apart from your personal background and achievements—your social commitment, willingness to take responsibility, and special social, family-related, and personal circumstances are also taken into consideration.

The Scholarship Committee of the Senate will then select the strongest applications. The committee is made up of the following:

  • Members of the Academic Affairs Committee;
  • Equal Opportunities Officer; and
  • Head of Division for Student Affairs.

Applications approved by the Scholarship Committee are subject to further approval by the Vice-President for Learning and Teaching, who then grants the scholarships.

By accepting a scholarship, you agree to immediately report any relevant changes, e.g.:

  • if you intend to change your study programme or university;
  • if you are unable to complete your studies within the standard duration of your programme;
  • if you take a break or withdraw from your studies; or
  • if you complete your studies as planned.

For more details, please see the Guidelines for the Application and Selection Process at the University of Jenapdf, 288 kb · de and the website of the Federal Ministry for Education and ResearchExternal link.

Scholarship schedule

Month Activities
March Deutschlandstipendium is advertised
Mid-March to mid-April applications are submitted via the online form
May to
applications are processed and assessed
July scholarship holders are selected by the Scholarship Committee
until mid August letters of approval / rejection are sent out
October beginning of the 12-month funding period
November scholarships are awarded in a ceremony

A look at the scholarship programme

The Deutschlandstipendium is a good opportunity to support talented and committed students at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. This film presents three of our scholarship holders.

Graphic: Freepik

Postal address:
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Dezernat 1 – Studierende | Division 1 – Student Affairs
Weiterbildung | Further Education
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena