Johanna Huber

Recipient of a Deutschlandstipendium funded by the Matching Challenge 2023

Felix Herold received one of the six scholarships "Deutschlandstipendium" funded by the Matching-Challenge de 2023.

What are you studying and why did you choose this course?

I am studying psychology as a major in my 5th bachelor's semester. Before that, I completed my apprenticeship as a healthcare and nursing assistant after graduating from high school and worked full-time in the profession until 2021. During this time, I worked in neurology and became aware of the field of psychology. During the Covid pandemic, I worked in a neurological intensive care unit and realized through the many new challenges that I would like to expand my knowledge and that I am interested in mental health and clinical psychology. For this reason, I decided to study psychology.

Why did you apply for the Deutschlandstipendium and what does the support mean for you?

I originally wanted to use the Deutschlandstipendium to finance a semester abroad. Unfortunately, this was not possible for personal reasons, which is why I used it to complete an internship at the Charité in Berlin. I also continue to work as a healthcare and nursing assistant at weekends and during the semester break alongside my studies. For this reason, I don't have much time left over and the scholarship has given me the opportunity to reduce my working hours a bit, which gives me more time for my studies and free time.

You received one of the first scholarships financed through crowdfunding. What would you like to tell the people who donated?

Thank you to everyone who donated! You are making an important contribution to making academic education more accessible for all and helping students to pursue their academic goals and support their personal development.