Professional Writing

The German- taught master's degree programme offers a literary and writing studies-based education in the subject area of non-fictional and fictional writing.
Key facts
Master of Arts
Admission restriction
without admission restriction (without NC)
4 Semesters
Teaching language
Tuition fee
Semester contribution
€ 272,65
Start of studies
Winter semester
Part-time possible
Application & Deadlines

Content of the study programme

I write to find out what I think

Susan Sontag

The master's degree programme in Professional Writing offers an excellent opportunity to perfect your writing skills while gaining a solid academic qualification. Students are trained in the subject area/field of non-fictional and fictional writing in an inspiring atmosphere of research and creativity. Their own writing takes centre stage and is supported by literary and writing studies. Intensive discussions of the results in a newly designed "writing workshop" train the ability to evaluate and edit texts in a reflective manner. The application-oriented focus is also evident in the master's dissertation: here, students can pursue a longer creative writing project - supplemented by a theory-led, reflective section.

The competency-based course content is flanked by tenders that deal with the social and institutional conditions of writing as well as the ethical responsibility of professional writers. Last but not least, the growing potential of generative AI is also observed and its support options for the writing process are both tested and critically scrutinised.


The master's degree programme is designed for a standard period of study|regular programme length of four semesters. The first semester comprises three basic modules of 10 CP each. The modules "Fundamentals of Reading and Writing: from Cuneiform to AI" and "Fundamentals of Narrative Theory" are compulsory for all students.
compulsory for all students. Furthermore, the module "Fundamentals of Rhetorical Communication" is available in the compulsory elective area "Fundamentals of Communication" for all those who had no contact with rhetoric in their undergraduate BA degree programme. Students who already have knowledge of rhetoric prove|to register for a module from German Linguistics.
Further compulsory modules must be attended from the second semester onwards. These mainly cover the craft of non-fictional and fictional writing, but also a module on the literary and cultural industry as well as the Ethics and Aesthetics of Writing. In addition, depending on your own interests and in order to develop your personal profile, you must prove 10 LP in required elective modules. In these modules, further knowledge and methods are taught in subjects such as Art and Film Studies, Communication Science or Cultural Anthropology/Cultural History. Three modules of 10 CP each must be completed per semester.
It is compulsory for all students to take part in the writing workshop, which is an integral part of the modules "Fundamentals of Reading and Writing: from Cuneiform to AI", "Craft of Non-Fictional Writing", "Cultural Mediation" and the Master's thesis module. It forms the backbone of the degree programme and connects the semesters on an ongoing basis. The fourth semester is intended for the final participation in the writing workshop and the master's dissertation.
The aim of the ongoing writing workshop is to establish a writing routine right from the start. It also serves the purpose of networking and exchange. It offers space for writing projects and text feedback. The writing workshop also teaches additional skills such as presentation techniques, research work and archiving. Finally, in the 4th semester, students have the opportunity to present a research proposal|thesis proposal and initial thoughts on their own master's dissertation in the writing workshop.

Why Jena?

Study where Romanticism began:

Jena is a place of cultural and historical significance. It was here that the early Romantics founded a residential community centred on conversation and writing, where Friedrich Schiller, Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling and Hegel taught, and where Goethe was a regular visitor. Budding professional writers will come across many traces of interesting role models. In addition, Weimar, Halle and Leipzig can be reached in less than an hour by regional train and invite you to make further cultural and historical discoveries.

Study where a city is characterised by the university:

A quarter of people living in Jena study, a small proportion at the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences, most at the Friedrich Schiller University. Its historical and modern facilities are spread throughout the city. Accordingly, localities, cultural events, public spaces and social networks are also geared towards the needs of young people. The surrounding mountains and forests and the Saale river, which is surrounded by meadows and can be reached within a very short time, also offer the ideal balance to the inspiring city life.

Study where young people meet open and interested teaching staff:

In Jena, seminars are usually limited to 20 participants. They are led by committed teaching staff who are trained in university didactics and who endeavour to create an appreciative learning atmosphere that encourages exchange and discourse. Self-critical thinking is practised and tolerance, openness and diversity are practised.

Jena offers young people the best requirements for a stimulating and fulfilling study programme in a cosmopolitan city.



The degree programme opens up a multi-faceted training perspective for anyone who sees their professional future in the field of literature and culture, journalism, public relations or knowledge transfer. Those who have completed the programme can successfully apply the wide-ranging writing and communication skills they have acquired in various social subject areas. These include positions in press and public relations work, but also in communication-based fields of work in politics or science and, last but not least, in the media, cultural institutions, foundations or companies.

Admission requirements

  • Undergraduate degree or equivalent

    The essential admission requirement for the Master's degree course in Professional Writing is a first professionally qualifying university degree (Bachelor's degree, state examination, diploma or equivalent). Admission to the course also requires applicants to have a professional aptitude for the course, which must be proven by submitting specific documents demonstrating an existing, advanced relationship to writing. 

  • Language Requirements

    1. Proof of proficiency in two modern foreign languages at language level B1 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Proficiency in Ancient languages (Greek/Latin) will also be accepted. 

    2. International applicants as well as Germans with a foreign higher education entrance qualification must provide proof of the German Language Test for University Entrance (DSH-2) or an equivalent (for details see Proof of German language proficiency below). 

Application documents

  • CV

    Your CV should have a tabular form, containing key information on your school record and academic career.

  • Letter of Motivation

    Please upload a motivational letter in which you discuss your reasons for taking up this study programme on two pages. This document will be evaluated against the same criteria as your text sample (see below). 

  • Writing sample

    A central component of your online application is a text sample of five pages. This can be an excerpt from one or more longer texts or several short texts. In addition, the content and formal approach must be presented and explained on one page.

    The texts are examined according to

    • Structure and organization,
    • Use of language (expression, style, grammar, spelling),
    • creativity and originality,
    • design and layout.
  • University entrance qualification certificate

    Please upload at the online application system your university entrance certificate/school leaving certificate. Usually, this means the school graduation diploma (German "Abitur"), i.e. the diploma that makes you eligible for studies at an University or other institution for higher education. Be mindful of the fact that here, we do not need any University diploma but a High School diploma! 

  • Previous university degrees earned

    All previous University degrees (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, etc.) if available before the application deadline - if not, please make a note of the anticipated date of issue of your degree certificate. Please upload your University degree or the most actual, detailed transcript of records/ mark sheet of all semesters available to you, should you not hold your degree certificate at the time of application. The main document is the degree/ transcript based on which you apply for the master programme.

  • Detailed transcript of records

    Detailed transcript of records/ mark sheet of your first, subject-specific University degree, with which you apply for the master's programme. This transcript MUST contain an overall cumulative grade point average or average mark.

Additional application documents for international students

  • Proof of German language proficiency

    For German taught master's programmes, i.e. programmes with (predominantly) German as language of instruction, a sufficient German language proficiency proof is mandatory.

    The Friedrich Schiller University Jena accepts the following certificates as German language proficiency proof exclusively:

    • the Goethe-Zertifikat C2 (GDS),
    • the Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz (DSD II),
    • the TestDaF, minimum TDN 4 in all four parts of the examination,
    • Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH), min. level 2 (= DSH-2),
    • Certificate telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule (min. level "befriedigend"),
    • a German language examination in the framework of an assessment test at a preparatory college.

    Please note: We strongly recommend that you provide the required German language proof at the time of applying.

    You have not yet taken the DSH exam, the TestDaF or another equivalent exam (see above) or have not yet received the test result? Then please do the following:

    • Upload a certificate attesting your German language skills at min. level B2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) AND
    • upload a confirmation that you have registered for a language exam (e.g. DSH examination, TestDaF or an equivalent examination) to your online application. Please make sure to register for the test well in advance. In case you receive an admission offer, you must provide the language certificate by the time of enrolment (by the end of March resp. the end of September)!

    The following applicants are exempted from providing proof of their German language skills:

    • Applicants, who have obtained a German taught bachelor's degree within one of the following countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. This applies only to degrees that were awarded by a university in the relevant country (no satellite campuses or international branch campuses in other countries, no correspondence course degrees, no joint- or double-degrees with institutions in other countries);
    • Holders of a German, Austrian or Swiss (from school where the language of instruction is German) university entrance qualification.
  • Translation of foreign/external application documents

    Every mandatory application document from foreign/external countries must also be available in either English OR German translation. Such a translation has to be conducted by officially acknowledged/ sworn translators or translation offices.

  • Proof of grading system

    External/foreign degree certificates/ transcripts of records must contain information on the grading system (= description of the maximum grade possible and the minimum passing grade) used at the respective University. 

  • Certificate APS

    Applicants with degrees from India, Vietnam or China must submit the original APS-certificate issued by the German Embassy.

  • University entrance exam

    Applicants from the following countries must submit a certificate of their university entrance examination/college entrance examination:

    • Iran (College entrance examination certificate or certificate of pre-university course/year)
    • Republic of Korea/South Korea: SAT (Scholastic Ability Test)
    • People's Republic of China: College entrance examination certificate ("Gaokao")

Programme Coordinator | Study Advisor

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk von Petersdorff

Frommannsches Anwesen, Fernowflügel, Room 130
Fürstengraben 18
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link

Office hours:
Sommersemester 2024
Donnerstag, 14.00 - 15.00 Uhr

Programme Coordinator | Study Advisor

apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Braun
Master Service Centre

Office hours:
Telephone consultation:
Tuesday - Thursday
10 am - 11 am

Personal consultation:
Tuesday - Thursday
2 pm - 3 pm

Live chat:
mondays and fridays
10 am - 12 noon

Ticket enquiries via Service Desk at:

Postal address:
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Master Service Centre (MSZ)
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena

Video chat: To the video chat – Zoom Videochat ZeitenTuesday - Thursday
3:15 pm - 4 pm
Password Master Data protection informationpdf, 101 kb

Central Student Advisory Service

Office hours:
We offer consultations in person, by telephone, and via Zoom. You can make an appointment by calling us on +49 3641 9-411111 (Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 to 11:00) or outside these office hours on +49 3641 9-411200. You can also use our remote help desk.

Consultation hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (9:00 to 12:20), Tuesdays (14:00 to 18:00), and Wednesdays and Thursdays (14:00 to 16:00).

Video chat: To the video chat – Zoom Videochat ZeitenMondays to Fridays (12:30 to 13:00) Password ZSB2020 Data protection informationpdf, 101 kb

Student Service Centre

Opening hours:
Mondays (10:00 – 12:00)
Tuesdays (13:00 – 15:00)
Wednesdays (10:00 – 12:00)
Thursdays (13:00 – 15:00)
Fridays (10:00 – 12:00)

You can also use our remote help desk at
or send us your enquiries by post.

Telephone hours:
Mondays to Fridays
(9:00 – 11:00)

Postal address:
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
07737 Jena

Academic Office for Student Affairs and Examinations

Office hours:
The ASPA is currently closed for visitors. We are working on a solution and will update you on our homepage.

We are still available via telephone or request via the Servicedesk Portal.

Telephone enquiries:
Monday and Friday: 09:00-11:00
Wednesday: 13:00-15:00

International Office - Students staying abroad

Universitätshauptgebäude (UHG), Room Room 0.22 & 0.22A
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link

Opening hours:
Please see the office hours of the individual persons (follow the link on the left).