Information on the HISinOne project

Details about the implementation of the new campus management system


  • Balloons and decorations in colorful colors
    Image: vector_corp auf Freepik
    Milestone completed! All Applications and allocations of study places are now managed in the new system

    On 30 September 2023, we successfully completed our APP subproject (‘Application and Allocation of Study Places’). From now on, all applications and allocations of study places will be managed using the new HISinOne campus management system.

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The new campus management system ‘HISinOne’ by HIS eG is to be implemented as part of a major 10-year project involving employees from a wide range of areas and departments at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. In the course of the implementation, all administrative processes related to the student life cycle will be scrutinized and then evaluated and adapted step by step to standardize them comprehensively. This will be based on a professional acceptance and change management process that is designed to ensure successful project planning, structuring and design.

The section General information contains a list of the project goals as well as an overview of the overall project schedule, project organization and the responsible contact persons. For further information on the sub-projects (e.g. range of features of the modules that are to be introduced, project schedule and project status), please see here.

Current project status

last updated: current: 53% complete goal: complete implementation of HISinOne

General information

  • Project goals

    Objectives of the HISinOne implementation project

    • replacement of the current campus management system ‘Friedolon’, which is based on the discontinued GX and QIS products of HIS eG
    • transfer to the successor product ‘HISinOne’ (internal working name: ‘Friedolin 2.0)
    • mapping of administrative processes of the student life cycle
    • review, adaptation and further development of the existing business processes and workflows
    • increased efficiency and transparency of core and business processes of the University
    • optimized planning of courses and allocation of staff and facilities
  • Project plan

    HISinOne implementation—project plan

    HISinOne is to be implemented over a period of almost nine years. In the course of a preliminary project, three sub-projects were conceived, in which the product areas APP (application and allocation of study places), STU (student and fee management) and EXA (examination, course and room management) of the HISinOne system are to be introduced in line with the respective requirements of the departments (including the University Administration, faculties and student representation).

  • Project organization

    People involved in the HISinOne implementation project

    HISinOne will be introduced in a major University-wide project, directly involving a large number of University employees in order to be able to map the complex business processes in the system in accordance with the high requirements. The project structure is shown in the organizational charts, which list the project-wide committees, but also the employees involved in the individual sub-projects and their roles.

  • Project communication

    Contact details of HISinOne project staff

    Please see here for the contact details of the HISinOne Project Management Team. If you have further questions about the HISinOne implementation project, the Service Desk, the Friedolin 2.0 Portal, related topics, or if you are in need of training, please do not hesitate to contact the members of the Project Office.

  • Project history

    Chronology of the HISinOne implementation project


    Friedolin is short for ‘Friedrich-Schiller-Universität online’ and is the campus management system of the University of Jena. You can access it here: https://friedolin.uni-jena.deExternal link. It provides administrative and support features for all areas of the student life cycle, from the application and re-registration to the posting of grades and overviews. In 1999, HIS GmbH laid the foundation for this with the introduction of the module ‘Lehre, Studium, Forschung’ (in short: LSF; ‘Teaching, Studies, Research’). LSF (originally called ‘elektronisches Vorlesungsverzeichnis’ (eVV; electronic course catalogue)) allowed it to publish the course catalogue of the University online for the first time. In the following years, the eVV replaced the printed course catalogue. Since the summer semester of 2005, LSF/eVV was used throughout the University. One exception was the Faculty of Medicine with the University Hospital, which relied on its own electronic system due to special requirements. In the winter semester 2007/08, the faculties switched to modularized study programmes (bachelor’s/master’s programmes) for the first time on a larger scale. The new study formats resulted in new requirements for the administration, among other things. To support them and limit the additional workload, the HISPOS examination management system, which was already in use in some examinations offices, was expanded. In the winter semester 2008/09, the first QIS modules were launched at the humanities faculties. Friedolin was introduced and in the following years it was expanded and used more and more extensively.

    Friedolin 2.0 (working title in the preliminary project)

    Following the announcement by HIS eG that it was gradually phasing out the ageing GX/QIS product series, the University of Jena decided in 2018 to introduce a new system. The market of of campus management softwares in German-speaking countries is relatively small, with only a few comprehensive software solutions, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. After several years of observing the market, exchange with other universities, and a two-year phase of using a competing product in the course of Thuringia's pioneering role in the Dialogue-oriented Service Procedure ‘DoSV’, the University Management in 2018 unanimously decided on a preliminary project with HIS eG and the successor product HISinOne. In October 2018, the contracts for the preliminary project were signed and a steering group was set up. This group was tasked, among other things, with developing a project structure and setting up a support structure among interested stakeholders such as the faculties, Administration, Computer Centre and Student Representative Committee. The preliminary project was launched in March 2019. From April onwards, several kick-off workshops were held with the faculties, the Administration, the Computer Centre and members of the Student Representative Committee, as well as individual project working groups, in order to coordinate the preliminary project and to prepare and agree on the requirements for the future system. The replacement and transfer of the system was assumed to be a process lasting several years to be successively implemented following a positive evaluation of the preliminary project phase.


    Product presentation of the manufacturer HIS eG in the assembly hall

    Image: Kerstin Schmidt

Information on the sub-projects

  • Sub-project 1 (APP)—application and allocation of study places

    In the first sub-project dedicated to the product area “Application and allocation of study places”, the following features will be fully operational from the 1st quarter of 2023:


    • a user-friendly dialogue provides guidance through the application process
    • easy-to-understand user guidance
    • paperless application
    • transparent and easy-to-understand application process
    • all files, supporting documents and supplementary applications are transmitted digitally
    • intuitive application for subjects
    • central portal for all applicant groups
    • automatic notifications
    • and many more

    Application processing

    • tailored online application forms (fully customizable)
    • more effective processing of applications
    • allocation of study places supported by an automatic generation of ranking lists with a wide range of settings for customization
    • individual processing workflows (simpler, better, digital)
    • intuitive use through specific references to application elements requiring review
    • digital issuing of notices
    • individual access rights according to user group
    • freely customizable individual task lists
    • comprehensive search, report and export options
    • case-by-case and mass processing
    • administration of supplemental documents sent digitally or by post
    • and many more
  • Sub-project 2 (STU)—student and fee management

    The second sub-project phase (STU) will cover the functional product areas of student and fee management. This project phase will run from 1/10/2022 until 30/06/2025.

    The first phase of this project period (01/10/2022-1/08/2023) is dedicated to process management. Working alongside representatives (key users) from all involved departments, our process workshops will focus on developing target processes by taking existing HIS eG processes as a reference. We will review these processes, discuss them and—if necessary—adapt them to the university's needs. To ensure the transparent and productive introduction of subproject 2 (STU), it is very important to us that all stakeholders are equally involved.

    The new system will offer STU target groups the following features:

    Student management

    • processing of single and high volume enrolment, re-registration and de-registration activities
    • creation of notifications, statements and certificates
    • central student data management
    • duplicate detection
    • guest auditor management
    • evidence upload for applications
    • support of the electronic student enrolment reporting system SMV (student health insurance)
    • and many more

    Fee management

    • collective processing of semester and course fees
    • credit calculation and reimbursement for single and high volume transactions
    • high volume fee calculation
    • direct debit
    • SEPA mandate management
    • flexible fee catalogue configuration
    • fees exemption and reduction on request
    • definition of tolerance amounts
    • support of study accounts (Studienkonten) and study credit (Studienguthaben) models
    • and many more
  • Sub-project 3 (EXA)—Examination, course and room management

    The third sub-project phase (EXA) will cover the functional product areas of degree programme, examination, course and room management. This project phase will run from 01/04/2022 until 31/12/2028.

    The first phase of this project period (01/04/2022-30/09/2024) is dedicated to process management. Working alongside representatives (key users) from all faculties and departments involved, our process workshops will focus on developing target processes by taking existing HIS eG processes as a reference. We will review these processes, discuss them and—if necessary—adapt them to the university's needs. To ensure the transparent and productive introduction of subproject 3 (EXA), it is very important to us that all stakeholders are equally involved.

    The new system will offer EXA target groups the following features:

    Degree programme management

    • degree programme mapping
    • curriculum mapping
    • modules mapping
    • and many more

    Examination management

    • examination regulations mapping
    • examination registration and opt-out
    • examination dates scheduling
    • grades recognition and submission
    • creation of notifications
    • summary of all examinations for each degree programme
    • and many more

    Course and room management

    • course and course dates mapping
    • course registration and de-registration
    • managment of room booking requests
    • room management
    • and many more

Contact information Project Management

  1. Doczik, Katrin Head of Sub-Project IT University Computer Center

    Universitätshauptgebäude, Room 3.32
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

  2. Franke, Anna Head of Process Management Sub-Project EXA Division 1
  3. Kaczmarek, Sarah Head of Process Management Sub-Project STU Division 1

Contact information Project Office

  1. Fürst, Nadine Project Communication Division 4
  2. Müller, Katharina Project Communication & Assistance Division 1