(Daytime) childminder refers to the care of children between the ages of 1 and 3 by childminders. The care of up to 5 children usually takes place in the childminder's own home or in rented rooms.
The childcare costs are based on the fees regulations of the City of Jena and depend on income (the number of children entitled to child benefit in the household is also taken into account).
Parents who have already returned to work or study before the child reaches the age of one can be placed in a daytime) childminder. The requirement is proof of employment.
Contact person:
Employees of the Youth and Education Department
For more information please click HEREExternal link.
Daycare centre
From the age of 1, parents with their main residence in Jena have a legal right to a childcare place in a day-care centre in Jena.
Registration takes place via the city of Jena's daycare centre portalExternal link. Parents have the opportunity to register for day-care centres from the birth of their child.
Parents receive a binding letter of acceptance|binding promise from the receiving day-care centre approximately 4 - 6 months before the desired admission date.
In addition, students and employees of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena are given priority in the allocation of places in the 4 day-care centres in Jena run by the student services organisation Studierendenwerk Thüringen. Registration for the day-care centres of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen is always done via the Kita-Portal of the City of Jena - an additional status query for students/employees is made.
The school landscape in Jena offers a variety of educational concepts from which parents can choose the right type of school for their children. In principle, there is freedom of choice of school in Jena.
In addition to primary schools, regular schools and grammar schools, there are numerous alternative school types, such as comprehensive schools and community schools with different educational concepts.
Here you willExternal link find all the necessary information, current dates and an overview of all schools in Jena.
Herepdf, 7 mb · de you can find the current school guide of the city of Jena.
JUni-Kinder - flexible childcare on campus
Friedrich Schiller University Jena offers flexible childcare for students and staff in cooperation with the student services organisation Studierendenwerk Thüringen. Here, children from the age of 3 months to 6 years can be looked after for up to 4 hours a day.
Childcare is provided in childcare blocks (1 block = 2 hours) for a maximum of 10 hours per week.
- 5.00€ per block for students
- 10.00€ per block for employees
- 15.00€ per block for external students.
Payment is made by Thoska or SEPA bank transfer at INFOtake. For initial registration, please contact INFOtake (Ernst-Abbe-Platz 5, 03641-9 400 506).
Childcare guide
Friedrich Schiller University Jena welcomes families to everyday university life and actively supports the agreement between work and family life. This guide is intended to provide an initial overview of the various forms of childcare available.pdf, 655 kb · de
If you have any questions, the Family Office 'JUniFamilie' will be happy to help and advise you.