Leave of absence for caring affiliates
In principle, employees have the opportunity to reduce their working hours in certain situations (provided there are no operational reasons to the contrary) according to their individual needs (e.g. as part of part-time arrangements or special leave without continued payment of wages). Civil servants also have the option of adjusting their working hours individually.
Your case officer will inform you about the specific requirements for the respective working time adjustment. Please make an appointment in advance so that there is enough time for the advisory service(s)|consultations.
Under the Caregiver Leave Act or the Family Caregiver Leave Act, there are various options for reducing working hours or taking time off for employees with caring responsibilities. You can find an overview of the various leaves of absence here:
Short-term absence from work (§2 PflegeZG)
In an acute care situation, close affiliates can be absent from work for a total of up to 10 days per year without notice. These 10 days are intended to enable you to organise needs-based care. During this time, it is possible to apply for care support allowance as a wage replacement benefit from the close affiliates' care insurance fund.
The requirement is an acute care situation or an increase in the need for assistance (higher degree of care). Please inform your case manager and your supervisor without undue delay of the reason and the expected duration of the leave of absence. Upon request by the employer, a doctor's written) confirmation|certificate of the need for care must be submitted.
Your caseworker will be happy to inform you about the specific requirements that must be met and the implications of such an adjustment to your working hours. Please make an appointment in advance so that there is enough time for the advisory service(s)|consultations.
Care leave to provide care at home (§3 PflegeZG)
Employees with caring responsibilities have the opportunity to take up to 6 months off work in whole or in part to care for close affiliates at home. During this time, an interest-free loan can be applied for from the Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions to cushion the loss of income.
Partial or complete leave of absence is also possible in cases of caring for close affiliates who are minors in need of care outside the home.
The requirement is (written) confirmation|certificate from the care insurance fund or the MDK of the need for care, as well as written notification of the expected scope and duration of the leave of absence. The maximum period of leave is 6 months. If the employee has chosen a shorter leave of absence, an extension is only possible with the employer's consent.
Important: an application must be submitted to the employer at least 10 days before the start of care leave. The employee is protected against dismissal from the time the care leave is announced (maximum 12 weeks before the announced start date) until the end of the leave.
Your caseworker will be happy to inform you about the specific requirements that must be met and the implications of such an adjustment to your working hours. Please make an appointment in advance so that there is enough time for the advisory service(s)|consultations.
Leave of absence under the Family Caregiver Leave Act (FPFZG)
Employees with caring responsibilities have the option of taking part-time leave for up to 24 months (part-time at least 15 hours per week) to ensure that a close affiliate can be cared for at home for a longer period of time.
As with care leave, there is also an entitlement to an interest-free loan from the Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions during family care leave to cushion the loss of income.
The requirement is (written) confirmation|certificate from the care insurance fund or the MDK of the need for care, as well as written notification of the expected extent of the reduced working hours and the duration of the leave. The maximum period of leave is 24 months. If the employee has chosen a shorter leave of absence, an extension is only possible with the employer's consent.
Important: an application for family care leave must be submitted to the employer at least 8 weeks before the start of the leave. The employee is protected against dismissal from the time of announcement (maximum 12 weeks before the announced start date) until the end of the leave.
Your caseworker will be happy to inform you about the specific requirements that must be met and the implications of such an adjustment to your working hours. Please make an appointment in advance so that there is enough time for the advisory service(s)|consultations.
Care at a distance
Care for close affiliates often takes place at a distance. The care support centres in the region where your affiliates live will be happy to advise you.
- Overview of care advice centres nationwideExternal link
- Care advice centres throughout Germany: https://pflegenetzwerk-deutschland.de/thema-pflegestuetzpunkteExternal link
- the long-term care insurance funds of those in need of long-term care offer long-term care counselling in accordance with the legal|according to law|statutory regulations
- Online database for non-commercial advice centres in connection with "care" throughout Germany with search function by postcode:
ZQP (Centre for Quality in Care)External link
Some counselling telephone numbers are available on the BMFSFJ websiteExternal link for caring affiliates, including for caring children and young people.
Information on the topic of care
- Website of the Federal Ministry of Health
https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/service/pflegeleistungs-helfer.htmlExternal link
Here you will find the digital guide to care services as well as further information on new regulations in the (subject) area|field of care insurance law.
- Care Protection Association BIVA
An overview of the different regulations in the individual federal states on visiting restrictions and visiting regulations in retirement and nursing homes is available and regularly updated on the website of the BIVA Care Protection AssociationExternal link.
- Information portal Ways to care
www.wege-zur-pflege.deExternal link
Here you will find comprehensive information on all aspects of care
- Emergency folder - I am prepared
The emergency folder pdf, 2 mb · deis a tender pdf, 2 mb · defrom berufundfamilie Service GmbH. It keeps the most important personal documents for you and your affiliates well organised in case of an emergency.
- On the AOK "Family Coach Care"External link online self-help programme , you can find out how you can better cope with the often stressful day-to-day care routine and what support is available. Here you will also find an overview of various illnesses (e.g. dementia) and how to deal with them.
- Current brochure: Care - What to do?pdf, 8 mb · de
- Flyer "Better agreementbetween family, care and work"pdf, 648 kb · de from the BMFSFJ
Legal provision - what is available and what needs to be considered?
Healthcare proxy
With a health care proxy, you can grant another person the right to act on your behalf, for example if you are no longer able to do so.Advance care directive
With an advance care directive, anyone can decide in advance who the court should appoint as their legal supervisor|mentor. The legal carer is responsible for legally managing the affairs of the person concerned. This is intended to enable the person receiving care to continue to participate in public life and legal transactions. They should be able to organise their life according to their own wishes and ideas within the scope of their abilities.Living will
With a legally|according to law|statutory living will, you can specify in writing in advance whether you consent to or prohibit certain medical measures in the event that you become incapacitated.HereExternal link youwillExternal link find a detailed overview of the health care proxy, the care directive and the living will, forms and also text modules for the living will.
Financial support - an overview
The care support centreExternal link (in the Goethegalerie Jena, office staircase B, 2nd floor) will be happy to advise you on all questions relating to the need for care as well as care structures and offers of help in the Jena region.
Abbildung Pflege
Image: In Anlehnung an: https://www.johanniter.de/dienstleistungen/pflege-und-beratung/pflege-das-sollten-sie-wissen/das-pflegestaerkungsgesetz-ii-psg-ii/ -
Returning to work after care leave
The University of Jena supports you in all matters relating to the agreement between work and care so that you, as affiliates, are able to cope with care responsibilities on the one hand and the demands of your often hectic everyday working life on the other.
In addition to the counselling services offered by the Care Coordinator at the JUniFamilie' Family Office on the Ernst-Abbe-Platz campus, we also have a wide range of up-to-date information material available at the Family Office. You are also welcome to borrow the care case with all the important materials free of charge from the Family Office 'JUniFamilie'.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- Carer's guide at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Family Office 'JUniFamilie', Ernst-Abbe-Platz 5, 07743 Jena
Phone: 03641-9-415417 -
Strength for everyday life - course for caring affiliates
Many people, especially women, care for their affiliates in need of care in their own homes. Behind this is the desire to provide a loved one with the best possible care. This takes an incredible amount of strength and energy. The reserves of strength are often exhausted - one way to recharge your batteries is a course of treatment for caring affiliates. You can find more information HEREpdf, 727 kb · de.
Pension for carers
Care can affect anyone, whether as a gradual process or an acute situation. To ensure that care is not at the expense of your own pension provision, the care insurance fund of the person in need of care may pay pension contributions for the carer. Find out herepdf, 460 kb · de what you need to consider
Events on the topic of care
Reconciling caring responsibilities with the demands of everyday working life is a major challenge for carers. The need for care can affect anyone, whether suddenly or as a gradual process.
A large number of decisions|ruling|judgements have to be made in an (acute) care situation. In cooperation with the AOK and external organisations, we offer regular events on the topic of care. You can find more information HEREExternal link
Interesting facts about dementia
Project: open ear for caring affiliates (offers help for caring affiliates)
- Counselling available on Mondays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on: 03641 945173
The Local Alliance for People with Dementia provides an overview of the various cross-organisational tenders for people with dementia and their (caring) affiliates in Jena.
You can find more information HEREExternal link
Dementia discussion group:
The Jena Care Support Centre and the Senior Citizens' Office offer affiliates of people with dementia the opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. The discussion group for affiliates of people with dementia meets every first Monday of the month at 13:30 in the rooms of the Jena Care Support Centre.External link
Self-help groups in Jena
Self-help groups offer advice, help and support from people with the same condition. All tenders can be accessed via Selbsthilfe in JenaExternal link, the advice centre for self-help in the city of Jena, Kastanienstraße 11.
The care support centreExternal link provides comprehensive information about existing self-help tenders in Jena.
Contact persons and further information on reconciling work and care
You have a legal|according to law|statutory entitlement to care counselling, for example from the care insurance funds or the care service advisors of the care services. The care support centre will also be happy to help you with your specific questions about assistance and support services in the context of caring for a close affiliate.
- Jena care support centre
HereExternal link you will receive comprehensive and neutral advisory services(s)|consultations on all questions relating to the need for care as well as care structures and offers of help
Goethegalerie Jena, Goethestraße 3b, office staircase B (2nd floor), 07743 Jena
Phone: 03641-50 76 60
- Care telephone
The BMFSFJ care telephone, together with the website www.wege-zur-pflege.deExternal link, is a tender for people seeking advice on all aspects of care. It is aimed at caregiving affiliates, people in need of care, advice centres such as care support centres, employers and those close to caregiving relatives.
Tel.: 030 20179131
You can find more information here pdf, 338 kb · de
- Network of caring affiliates:https: //www.wir-pflegen.net/ External link
- Internet portal for caring affiliates (telephone psychological advisory service(s)|consultations): https: //www.pflegen-und-leben.de/strategien-hilfe/weiterfuehrende-infos/External link
- Care counsellor at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Family Office 'JUniFamilie' of the institution of higher education
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 5
07743 Jena
Phone: 03641-9 415 417If you have any questions on the subject of care, please contact the care counsellor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. You can also borrow the care case with a wide range of information material on the subject of care from the JUniFamilie' Family Office free of charge and without any complications.
You can find the institution of higher education Family Office 'JUniFamilie' HERE de.