Contract signing with Rector Lazeretti/UNMdP 2020

Initiating international partnerships

Information for faculties and institutes at the University of Jena
Contract signing with Rector Lazeretti/UNMdP 2020
Image: Michael Schröder-Oehrling

The International Office is your point of contact for initiating and maintaining collaborations with international partner institutions of higher education. We also advise on funding opportunities for establishing partnerships.

Initiating international university partnerships

  • Phase 1: planning

    Please contact us at an early stage. We provide you expert advice on putting your idea into practice. To ensure a smooth process, please proceed according to the steps below.

    In an initial meeting with the International Office:

    • please present us the future partner institution and the central point of contact at your department for the collaboration anticipated.
    • we clarify the essential aspects of the contract together based on our template.
    • we point out the elements of the collaboration which you should take into consideration, in particular the student and staff exchange.
    • advise you on funding opportunities.
    • we discuss the steps required before signing the contract.
  • Phase 2: drafting and signing the contract

    If necessary, the International Office will invite you to additional consultations. In the initial phase, it is your exclusive responsibility to maintain the contact with the partner institution. Having defined all details of the implementation together with the International Office, the cooperation agreement with the partner institution may be signed. It is inevitable to comply with the regulations on signing documents. As a general rule, every contract must be submitted to and approved by the International Office before the President signs it.

  • Phase 3: implementation

    Does the collaboration include the student and staff exchange? Please consider the specific information about the respective target audience. Do you have any further questions? The International Office will be glad to advise you during the whole contract period.

    Is your partner institution about to pay you a visit in Jena? Please contact us if you need some information material. If members of the Executive Board or the International Office visit the partner institution, we contact you to involve you in our activities.

  • Phase 4: consolidation

    As a general rule, we only conclude fixed-term contracts with partner universities. Prior to an upcoming extension of the contract, we evaluate the collaboration together in order to adjust the contract details accordingly.

Special case: collaborative international degree programmes (double degree)

  • Definition

    International degree programme collaborations (often called "Double Degree") are offered on the basis of existing master's programmes. Students are enrolled in the same subject, i.e. their studies are subject to the same study and examination regulations as their peers in undergraduate programmes. The cooperation agreement should be concluded with a foreign partner institution that offers a master's programme whose aims of qualification are compatible with those of a master's programme at our University. This enables a student exchange for one or two semesters as determined, including a mutual recognition of the academic achievements. Graduates of this of study option are conferred a masters degree by both partner institutions.

    What do our collaborations look like in practice? Here are some examples.

  • Phase 1: planning

    Do you want to initiate an international degree programme collaboration? Please contact us at an early stage as the process takes its time. We provide you expert advice on putting your idea into practice. To ensure a smooth process, please proceed according to the steps below.

    In an initial meeting with the Office of the Vice-President and the International Office:

    Depending on a stage in the process, you will receive additional documents to facilitate the initiation of the collaboration:

    • planning guide
    • details on the procedure
    • points of contact in the Universitys administration
    • draft of the cooperation agreement.

    Third party funding applications

    Are you are planning an application for third party funding (e.g. DAAD, Erasmus) which includes the establishment of an international degree programme cooperation? Please note that your Faculty Council, the Office of the Vice President Teaching and the International Office must be consulted before submitting the application. The letter of endorsement from the faculty should be submitted to the International Office to accompany the application.


    Please contact us now: and 

  • Phase 2: implementation

    On a regular basis, there will be bilateral consultations with the Office of the Vice-President and the International Office. In addition, you will need to be in contact with other persons in the Universitys administration in order to implement the administrative aspects of the study option. Jointly, we will document these steps and results within the planning guide, in the degree programme data sheet, and in the cooperation agreement.

    In the initial phase, it is your exclusive responsibility to maintain the contact with the partner institution. Having defined all details of the implementation, the cooperation agreement with the partner institution may be signed. From this point on, the study option may be advertised. It is furthermore inevitable to comply with the regulations on signing documents. As a general rule, every contract must be submitted to the International Office before the President signs it.

  • Phase 3: the collaboration starts

    When initiating the programme collaboration, i.e. from the beginning of the first application period for the first semester and during the first round of the degree programme option, you may ask the points of contact for support in order to enable a good start of your collaboration.

  • Phase 4: consolidation

    We will be glad to help you after the implementation of the collaboration, too. A regular evaluation of the collaboration gives you the opportunity to improve it and to realize its full potential.


In case of Erasmus+ partnerships, please contact Jana Blumenstein (Study abroad).


Claudia Hillinger, Dr
Dr. Claudia Hillinger
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
Universitätshauptgebäude, Room 2.66
Fürstengraben 1
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