internationally connected study programmes

University partnerships

The University's international collaborations in higher education
internationally connected study programmes

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena has a good international grounding. Its scientists and scholars maintain a wide-ranging international relations to/international collaborations with respected universities and other institutions around the world. Engaged in scouting out the complementary and forward-looking topics and study opportunities, as well as by target-oriented networking and by developing international collaborations, the University encourages the academic exchange at all levels.


guest stay with Erasmus+ worldwide
guest stay with Erasmus+ worldwide
Image: Britta Salheiser (Universität Jena)

Being a partner to around 300 European universities within the Erasmus+ programme, the University of Jena fosters the subject-related exchange of students as well as scientists and scholars, and other staff members. Please refer to the current list of our Erasmus+ partnerships. de.

If you have questions about the Erasmus+ programme, please refer to Mrs Jana Blumenstein in our Study Abroad de team.


Bilateral partnerships

Bilateral partnerships at the FSU Jena
Bilateral partnerships at the FSU Jena
Image: Björn Barz

In addition to the Erasmus+ partnerships, the University concluded cooperation agreements with more than 200 universities in over 50 countriesExternal link which enable the research-related collaborations as well as the exchange of students, scientists, and scholars. Do you have any questions related to these collaborations? Please do not hesitate to contact the International Office (see below).


Would you like to extend or adjust existing collaborations? Or are you interested in initiating a new one? For more information, please click here.


International Office