Project funding within the application process for coordinated funding programs
Network scheme
Image: Pixabay/Pete Linforth
LIGHT intends to establish structure-building research and teaching programs that significantly shape the profile of the University of Jena. Therefore, LIGHT Connect supports initiatives that enable broadening the range of topics and strengthening thematic innovation.
In particular, existing top-level research is to be linked to new research structures and research areas between the LIGHT, LIFE and LIBERTY profiles.
Funding content
Researchers of the LIGHT profile can apply for funding within the application process to establish new research structures. The focus is on supporting new coordinated funding program initiatives on advanced stage, so that the submission of a funding proposal is planned within a maximum of 18 months. LIGHT Connect provides a flexible budget for proposal preparation for submitting a new coordinated DFG funding program (CRC, RTG, IRTG, FOR or similar). The funded initiatives should have a clear thematic link to LIGHT; the planned applicant consortium should consist mainly of researchers from the LIGHT profile.
Please note the information on submitting proposals (see below)!
Funding amount
Up to 20,000 € per initiative.
Submission of proposals
Proposals should be submitted by the initiators of the planned coordinated DFG funding program or at least supported by a statement of the initator(s). The proposal or statement should clearly explain which coordinated DFG funding program is planned and how the requested funds will significantly support the application for the coordinated DFG funding program. A schedule should also be outlined that provides a submission of a proposal for the coordinated DFG funding program after 18 months at the latest.
Further information about submission modalities can be found on the previous page: