

Flexible funds to support initatives in the interest of the LIGHT profile 
Image: Freepik/kjpargeter


LIGHT is open to innovative ideas from all LIGHT researchers. This funding line is intended to support initiatives that make a significant contribution to the further development of the LIGHT profile, but which are not covered by the funding lines described on the previous pages. These innovative proposals should help to develop the funding instruments of the LIGHT profile by evaluating the ideas arising in this funding line and transferring them to new LIGHT funding lines in the future.

Funding content

Any measures that intend to support the further development of the LIGHT profile can be proposed by professors and junior research group leaders. The development and specification in dialogue with the LIGHT coordination team is appreciated.

Funding amount

Up to 10,000 € per year in total.

Submission of proposals

Detailed information about submission modalities can be found on the previous page:

Funding program of the LIGHT profile