Event details
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- End
- Types of event
- Informationsveranstaltung
- Video chat
Video chat – Zoom
Further information can be found in the event description Data protection informationpdf, 101 kb - Organized by
Graduate Academy
- Contact
Anne Dünger
- Languages of the event
- German
- English
- Wheelchair access
- Yes
- Public
- No
13.30 – 14.30: Von der Forschung zur Anwendung: Mehrwerte des Wissens- und Technologietransfers für Post-Docs (Online)
(Dr, Marcel Drescher and Immo Feine, Innovations Managers; Nucleus Jena)
Knowledge and technology transfer is becoming increasingly important: it enables the application of research results in practice, contributes to solving real problems and reinforces the connection between science and the general public. Specifically for scientists, transfer activities offer a variety of added values, such as personal and professional development.
In this workshop, we will take an in-depth look at the term "transfer" and develop motives for transfer activities. By exchanging ideas and experiences, you will be encouraged to actively think about your own transfer projects. You will also learn about the support services offered by Nucleus Jena, a joint initiative of FSU Jena and EAH Jena, for the realisation of transfer intentions.
The workshop is aimed at all post-docs who would like to find out more about the possibilities of knowledge and technology transfer.
This event will be in German.
Join this event via Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 650 0422 1187
Code: PD24
14.30 – 15.30: Workshop: „Communicate your Science! / Sag‘ es einfach!“ (Online)
(Dr Marco Körner, University Communication Office)
Making your own research accessible and presenting it beyond the scientific community is not only important because it is increasingly required in research funding applications. Moreover, it can also be a way to stand out from the scientific community and find new opportunities for cooperation - and not at least to open up new career opportunities. The event will highlight the importance of science communication for your own career.
Join this event via Zoom:
https://uni-jena-de.zoom-x.de/j/65004221187External link
Meeting-ID: 650 0422 1187
Code: PD24
16.00 – 17.30: Career Talk / Karrieregespräche: Dr. Björn Fröhlich, Carl Zeiss AG (Präsenz/on site)
(Dr. Björn Fröhlich) German/English
Talk with Dr Björn Fröhlich, ZEISS SMT GmbH, Karrierwege@ZEISS,
Venue: Digital Innovation Hub, Post Carré, entry through Ernst-Abbe-Straße
Dr. Björn Fröhlich of Zeiss SMT GmbH will give answers and details of his personal career path, important job decisions and the question how to transition successfully from academia to industry.Note: Event is part of Zeiss Campus Tour on 18. and 19. June 2024: Campus Tour (zeiss.de)External link On June 18 and 19, there will be the opportunity to visit the ZEISS Campus Tour at Eichplatz Jena, and get into an exchange with Zeiss employees on job options and career paths at Zeiss.
11.00 – 12.15: Info Lecture „Neue Führungskultur? Eine Diskussion zur Rolle von Führungskompetenzen in der akademischen Karriere.“ (Online)
(Isabel Fuchs, FSU Jena; Irina Kohlrautz, PH Ludwigsburg; Jessica Wilzek, PH Schwäbisch-Gmünd; Katharina Zilles, RU Bochum)
This event will be in German, but the presenters will be happy to provide you with an english translation of their presentation on request.Ausgehend von einer eigenen Untersuchung von Landeshochschulgesetzen, Tenure-Track-Ordnungen, Berufungssatzungen und Stellenausschreibungen (2022) geben die Referentinnen einen Input zum Kulturwandel der Führung in der akademischen Welt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Rolle von Führungskompetenzen in Tenure-Track-Verfahren. Folgende Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt:
- Welcher Anspruch an Führungskompetenz besteht im Rahmen dieser Verfahren?
- Wie wird Führungskompetenz bewertet?
- Welche Bedeutung haben Führungskompetenzen für den wissenschaftlichen Karriereverlauf?
- Welche Maßnahmen zur Entwicklung von Führungskompetenzen sind wirksam?
In der Diskussion mit den Teilnehmer:innen wird es um die gemeinsame Erarbeitung von Strategien zur Stärkung individueller Kompetenzen gehen, um den sich wandelnden Anforderungen der akademischen Karriere zu begegnen.
(In English: Departing from own investigations into the higher education laws of various German states, as well as tenure track guidelines, professoral appointment statutes and job announcements, the presenters will provide an input on the topic of recent changes of leadership culture in academia - with a focus on German tenure track. There will be an extensive discussion also with the audience to strategize together for tasks like strengthening your individual comptencies for meeting the challenges of the academic career).
Join this event via Zoom:
https://uni-jena-de.zoom-x.de/j/65004221187External link
Meeting-ID: 650 0422 1187
Code: PD24
14.30 – 15.30: Talk and On Site Visit ZEISS future high tech headquarters
(Barbara Kirchner, Carl Zeiss AG)
The meeting point for the visit to the Zeiss High Technology Site headquarters is the HTSJ Bürgerinfo office in Otto-Schott-Straße 7 (ground floor of brick building). There, Barbara Kirchner will give a short introductory presentation and guide the visitors on site of the new Zeiss Headquarters.
ZEISS Hightech-Site Jena - Construction projectExternal link
This event requires a registration. You can register with this link de.
14.00 – 14.45: Postdoc Representation at Jena University? Coffeetime talk (on site / hybrid)
Postdocs make an essential contribution to research, teaching and transfer at universities. At the same time, the postdoc phase is a career stage signified by high mobility and competitive challenges.
The University of Jena does not yet have an independent representation of postdocs. This offers the opportunity to increase the visibility of postdocs and to involve their perspectives and expertise more strongly in the self-administration of the university. A postdoc representation cannot only improve the framework conditions for postdocs, but also may help strengthen their own identification as postdocs and promote interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation among postdocs.We discuss with representatives from the university's mid-level faculty and the German Postdoc NetworkExternal link over the question of what opportunities there are for postdoc representation in Jena and what challenges there are in setting up such a representation.
Join this event via Zoom:
https://uni-jena-de.zoom-x.de/j/65004221187External link
Meeting-ID: 650 0422 1187
Code: PD24
15.00 – 16.00: How to become a good doctoral supervisor? A brief primer on research supervision (online)
Info Lecture by Dr Gunda Huskobla (in English):
How to become a good doctoral supervisor? A brief primer on research supervision
How are supervisors equipped and prepared for their supervising tasks? When is research supervision considered to be “good”? Are there any general standards or indicators? What structures and tools can help to manage different roles and expectations in research supervision?
This session provides you with a first glance at important aspects of a professional PhD supervision relationship. We will exchange on current developments, supervisory styles, typical challenges (e.g. supervising without disciplinary responsibility) as well as promising tools and practices.
Target group: Postdocs who aim at pursuing an academic career and who want to prepare for their future task of supervising doctoral researchers. No prior experiences in (co-)supervision are necessary.
Join this event via Zoom:
https://uni-jena-de.zoom-x.de/j/65004221187External link
Meeting-ID: 650 0422 1187
Code: PD24