On 30 January, Friedrich Schiller University will host its popular PhD Day again. Those who are interested in a doctorate, doctoral candidates and soon-to-be postdocs have the chance to catch up on information about relevant issues regarding the doctorate.
The lecture programme offers a diverse range of topics, such as: How can I finance my PhD? How can I improve my teaching skills? What can I do after the PhD? At an information fair, experts of several facilities of Friedrich Schiller University Jena will give advice about their different offers. The doctoral council (DR.FSU) invites you to a comfy get-together with hot drinks and cake at the Doc-Café, including a kid´s corner.
The PhD Day will be held from 12:00 to 17:00 h at the Rosensäle (Fürstengraben 27, First Floor). Further information regarding place and programme can be found here.