Science Slam

Already for the 10th time, there will be a Science Slam at the Sommerfest of the Graduate Academy. On the 4th of June 2020, it will be your chance to present your research in front of an audience outside the subject's area in an entertaining and enjoyable way. If you remember endless seminars and presentations as dry as a bone, this might sound like magic (which has to be learned in Hogwarts). But this is not about magic, its about passion for science, enthusiasm for new topics and fun with your own research.

Until 30 April 2020, the Graduate Academy will be looking for participants of this special science competition. Being fast pays off since only a maximum of seven slammers can be accepted and we will follow the strategy "first come, first serve". Besides the unique Schiller-Trophy, you can win 100 Euro.

You can register via email to: Your mail should contain the following information:

  • Name,
  • Phone number,
  • Faculty/Institute,
  • Topic and Supervisor of your dissertation
  • (preliminary) Title of your presentation.

Deadline is the 30th of April 2020.

What is the GA Science Slam?
Researchers are presenting their current research to a broad and multidisciplinary audience in a colorful and interesting way. Unlike poetry slammers, science slammers are allowed to use devices such as pictures, videos or live-experiments in order to put the audience under their spell. Each slammer has 6 minutes to persuade the crowd which has to decide who will be the Science-Slam-Champion 2020 and wins the Schiller-Trophy plus 100 Euro.

Videos of Science Slam 2019

Sebastian Hundt
"Preußen in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Alles Bismarck oder was?"