Study on ‘Resilience and inclusion experiences of students’
In this research project of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at TU Dortmund University, students with physical disabilities and/or chronic somatic illnesses are asked about their resources for mastering their studies and how they interact with social influencing factors as well as inclusive framework conditions and barriers at their universities in Germany. If you would like to take part in this study, you can access the survey via the following link:
https://umfragen.tu-dortmund.de/index.php/655318?lang=deExternal link
The survey is open until 22.12.2024.
Further information can be found here: https://kme.reha.tu-dortmund.de/forschung/projekte/laufende-projekte/studie-zu-barrieren-und-ressourcen/External link
CHE Ranking 2025
In 2025, the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) is once again conducting a survey of students in the following subject groups at our university:
German as a Foreign Language DaF/Daz, German Studies, Education Science, Romance Studies, Psychology and Materials Sciences.Participation in the survey is open to students in Bachelor's degree programs in semesters 03-08. The invitations to the survey are sent out by us as a university at mid-January 2025.
The ranking is briefly explained in this videoExternal link. Further Information can be found here de
Motives for deciding to study and starting a degree course
What was important to you when deciding on your degree programme at the University of Jena? Which information and counselling services at the University did you use and were they helpful to you? How satisfied are you after the first semester? Where do you see room for improvement regarding the start of your studies?
First year students who started their studies are currently being questionedExternal link. The invitation is sent by the University of Jena.
We kindly invite you to share your experiences and take the time to answer the questions. As a thank you, five Uni-Shop vouchers worth €20 each will be given away as part of the survey.
Thank you very much for your participation!
Your Vice-President for Learning and Teaching