Durch das Display einer Kamera sieht man die Eröffnung des MINT-Festivals 2021.

Film and video productions at the University of Jena

Support for the release of audiovisual formats
Durch das Display einer Kamera sieht man die Eröffnung des MINT-Festivals 2021.
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)

Film and video productions offer the opportunity to communicate complex content in a vivid, modern and entertaining way. Do you want to present a research project or promote a degree programme? Audiovisual media have become an integral part of science, research and university communication. Friedrich Schiller University Jena would like to support you in your film productions and therefore publishes important standards for audiovisual formats of the University of Jena here with the aim of successful, comprehensive communication.

The concept – content and questions

A concept should answer the following questions: Who should see the film? Who belongs to the target group and what kind of film and video project would appeal to this target group? What do you want to achieve with the film project? What are your goals? Do you want to raise third-party funds with the help of audiovisual media or do you want to draw attention to a conference? Perhaps you want to promote a new degree programme – these are very different objectives and the implementation of the individual audiovisual productions is just as multifaceted.

How should the film idea be audiovisually designed and produced? Finally, the concept should also clarify the question of publication. Where, when and through which university channels should the video be distributed?

If the concept clarifies these questions, the first step is done. Send us your concept via Service-DeskExternal link de. You can be assured that we will support you and find the best way for a successful film production and distribution.

The realisation – graphic templates and film standards

Regardless of whether you decide to produce your project yourself, with the support of the University's Multimedia Centre de or commission a production company; by adhering to the corporate design guidelines for film formats, you will strengthen the visibility of the "Friedrich Schiller University Jena" brand and ensure a high recognition value. Here you will find valuable tips on our templates:

  • Belly bands
    Vorlage für die Verwendung einer Bauchbinde in Filmproduktionen der Universität Jena.
    Vorlage für die Verwendung einer Bauchbinde in Filmproduktionen der Universität Jena.
    Graphic: Susanne Bukatz

    Belly bands classify the speakers and indicate who they are and in which responsibility they are speaking.

    The templates are available in house blue and white in single-line and three-line form. You can use them both animated and non-animated.

    Tip: In longer film formats, repeat the belly bands if necessary because the audience may have forgotten the name of the person speaking. The subline can vary in content.

  • Filming permission

    If you would like to photograph or shoot at the University of Jena, please contact us by e-mail. Please let us know the exact location (building, room, laboratory or similar) as well as the time period of the desired photo/filming work. Please also provide information on the intended use (publication/medium, broadcast date) of the images.


  • Corporate Design

    The colours are based on our colour system, consisting of the house colour dark blue (house blue RGB 0, 47, 93 and the award colour gold RGB 174, 154, 99) and, if applicable, the respective colour values of the faculties. White and light grey are available as supporting colours.

  • Intro and Outro
    Vorlage für die Verwendung eines Intros in Filmproduktionen der Universität Jena.
    Vorlage für die Verwendung eines Intros in Filmproduktionen der Universität Jena.
    Graphic: Susanne Bukatz

    An intro can have an introductory character and classify the theme of a film and introduce it for better orientation.

    An outro can list the so-called credits at the end of the film: Who worked on it, what the title is and what year the production is from. An acknowledgement could also be placed here.

    Tip: For social media such as YouTube, an intro and an outro often make little sense because the target group wants to get into the topic immediately or the bounce rate after the end of the film is often very high.

  • Fonts

    Please use our house fonts "Roboto" and "Roboto Condensed". In the video productions, we mainly use the Regular, Italic and Bold font styles. You will find our recommendations in the templates.

  • Channel logo
    Genaue und detailierte Beschreibung der Verwendung des Senderlogos.
    Genaue und detailierte Beschreibung der Verwendung des Senderlogos.
    Screenshot: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

    To make the affiliation to the university clear, the university's word mark is used in a fixed form, size and position. The logo thus inserted also serves as copy protection for your project.

    For moving image content, we use the word mark without a seal as the logo so that it always remains easily recognisable regardless of the display size and resolution.

    Tip: Fade in the logo at the beginning with a soft fade – this corresponds most closely to viewing habits.

  • Quotes and Question Chart
    Vorlage für die Verwendung einer Fragetafel im Film
    Vorlage für die Verwendung einer Fragetafel im Film
    Graphic: Susanne Bukatz

    The quote and question boards are currently available as after-effects files (.aep) and as still image alternatives for use with Adobe Photoshop (.psd).

    Tip: Keep the questions and superimposed quotes short.

Release – YouTube and the Digital Library of Thuringia (DBT)

The University of Jena publishes a wide range of films aimed at the general public on its own YouTube channel. These include image films, explanatory videos or live events such as the Festliche Immatrikulation (matriculation ceremony). The entire MINT Festival 2021, for example, was broadcast live for the most part on our YouTube channel. With this channel, the University of Jena wants to address people interested in studying and research all over the world. As a social media platform, YouTube enables viral effects, direct communication with the target group and accommodates the university's efforts towards accessibility by offering the option of multilingual subtitling.

If you would like to publish your film on the University's central YouTube channel or advertise here, please contact us: hochschulkommunikation@uni-jena.de.
The Digital Library Thuringia (DBT) is another option for publishing video productions. Teaching materials are best kept here. Through the University Multimedia Centre (MMZ), lectures are recorded as well as conferences, workshops and other university events aimed at a very specific target group. If you would like to publish a film or video recording in this way, please contact the MMZ: mmz@uni-jena.de.


Films on the university websites

Audiovisual media can be integrated in our content management system (CMS) in various ways. These blocks are available for this purpose: Text and Video, Multimedia Gallery, Video Gallery, Slider, the Theme Stage and i-frame. Once you have decided on a block, you can integrate the film as an internal video, external video (link to YouTube), through the university's livestream server or as a DBT video. You can find out exactly how this works in our CMS-Handbuch.

Tip I: Embedding YouTube videos has the advantages that the video description can be more detailed, chapters can be included and multilingual subtitling is possible.

Tip II: Both internal and external videos look better with preview images on the web pages - be sure to use this function, then the user knows right away what to expect.

Note: Please always include a video description. This is the only way we can guarantee accessibility.

Beate Gräf, Dr
Head of Section
Section Marketing and Events
Foto Dr. Beate Gräf
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Room 109
Zwätzengasse 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
Irena Walinda
Redakteurin für Online, Social Media und Film
Section Press and Public Relations
Mitarbeiterfoto Irena Walinda
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
Universitätshauptgebäude, Room 3.21
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
Thomas Franke-Opitz
Section Marketing and Events
Portrait Thomas Franke-Opitz
Image: Agentur Ostseh
Room 111
Zwätzengasse 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link

We support you with your film project and would like to ask you to send a request via Service-Desk-Ticket External link de. Your request will be dealt with by the colleagues responsible, who will then get in touch with you directly.