For further information on a research traineeship click here.
Type/objective of your study visit
Select your study programme. You may apply for one, two, or three subjects which should fit to your studies at home. Choose your modules/courses from these. Study programmes for guest students in the academic year 2024/25pdf, 46 kb · de
- Attending subject-related courses: Guest students should complete a Learning Agreement (“Before the Mobility”) for 30 ECTS credits before their arrival. Please read the information on ECTS and the studies open to guest students. The study visit and individual academic achievements can only be confirmed on your Transcript of Records if you regularly attend courses throughout the semester and successfully complete the required tasks.
- Guest students on research visits at a faculty of the University of Jena: During the application process a Supervision Agreementpdf, 359 kb · de must be submitted. The research visit can only be confirmed and a Transcript of Records can only be issued if you regularly visit your research centre, actively collaborate on your project, and regularly contact your research supervisor.
Duration of your study visit
Guest students will be enrolled if they intend to stay at the University of Jena for a maximum of 12 full months. In exceptional cases, a study visit may be extended by six months upon formal request.
Semester ticket and other costs
There are no tuition fees at the University of Jena. Every student pays the usual semester fee for the semester ticket and must prove a German or European health insurance that is accepted by the University.
The usual fees are charged for extra-curricular activities (e.g. language and sports courses).
Please read our information on costs and financing your study visit.
After the nomination, the International Office Jena invites students to the application portal. This usually happens at the end of May/November. Participation in the online application workshop is strongly recommended (date to be announced).
Nominated students must apply online
- by 15 July for winter semesters (1 October to 31 March) or the full academic year
- by 15 January for summer semesters (1 April to 30 September)
If you have any questions on nominations, applications, and the admission of international guest students, please send an email to Ms Sylvia Canario Acosta at
Experience Jena: Take part in an Exchange Programme
This episode is about the guest study programme at the University of Jena.
Graphic: Sabine Müller · Audio: University of Jena