Photonics meets AI


Photonics meets AI
Graphic: Tung Nguyen/Pixabay

Participation in the conference is preferably on-site in Jena. However, we will try to make some parts of the program also accessible online. Both options are free of charge. On-site participants can display a poster with their work during the conference. There will be multiple opportunities to discuss the poster content throughout the entire conference.

Since we have a strict capacity limit, registration is required by filling the following form.

The initial registration deadline of 6 August 2024 has already passed and we have therefore issued all available tickets for on-site  participation in the conference. We will however keep the registration site open for late registrations, which will enter a waiting list and will be considered when tickets are returned.

Furthermore, all registrations, which will not receive a ticket, will automatically receive the permission for online participation.

If you would like to take part in the conference "Jena LIGHT – Photonics meets AI", please register in advance using the online form linked below.