Erasmus flags


General information and study abroad placements
Erasmus flags
Image: Britta Salheiser (Universität Jena)

Flying for hours is not necessary when looking for new impressions. There are already many unforgettable experiences and encounters waiting for you in our neighbouring countries.

The Friedrich Schiller University sends almost 300 students abroad every year. After completing the first year of studies up to and including the doctorate, students can get funding for a stay abroad of three to twelve months at a foreign host university.

The partnerships of the ERASMUS + programme are tied to the individual departments and/or courses. Due to the coordination between the partner universities and the respective department, you will be able to enjoy a high-quality exchange that, with the courses on offer, is a useful addition to your studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Advantages of ERASMUS+ study

  • no tuition fees at the host university
  • mobility funding graded according to country groups
  • comprehensive support and advice from permanent contacts before, during and after your stay abroad
  • acknowledgment of study achievements 
  • participation in free intercultural training and language courses possible
  • Participating countries
    • member states of the European Union
    • EFTA/EEA countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway as well as Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, and Macedonia

    Caution: As of the academic year 2014/15, Switzerland no longer participates in the ERASMUS programme. Studying in Switzerland is, however, still possible. As the Swiss government subsidizes exchange activities, you can receive a partial grant for your stay at one of our Swiss partner universities. For more information, please contact your host university in Switzerland.

  • Study of the effects of ERASMUS+

    According to the Erasmus Impact Study, young people who complete parts of the their studies or training abroad not only acquire new expertise but also important cross-cutting skills that are highly valued by employers.

    A new study on the impact of Erasmus, the EU exchange programme for students, shows that graduates with international experience do much better in the job market. They are only half as likely to be unemployed over a longer period of time compared to those who did not stay abroad for study or training, and their unemployment rate is 23% lower five years after graduation.

    The study, conducted by independent experts, is the most extensive of its kind to date; it is based on almost 80,000 responses from both students and companies. For more information about the study please read the official press releaseExternal link.

  • Statistics

    HereExternal link you can see in which countries your fellow students spent their stay abroad, as well as the most popular cities and universities in Europe.