Preparation of a tender application
If you are planning a project in the area of commercial activities (contract research or research-related services), the contact persons for research fundingExternal link in the Service Centre for Research and Tranfer (SFT) will support you in preparing a cost-covering calculation and a binding offer at standard market conditions and will provide you with current calculation overviews for your institution, suitable sample offers and other documents.
Please note that tenders may only be sent to potential clients after approval by the staff of the Service Centre for Research and Transfer.
Important information on project preparation can be found in the University´s Guide to Contract Research (Leitfaden zur Auftragsforschung, in German only) in HanFRIEDExternal link.
Project implementation
You can start your project work once the client has accepted the tender.
Projects with a net value of € 5.000 or more
Please note that for projects with a net value of €5,000 or more, a research contract must be concluded as well. The contact persons at the Legal Office DE deExternal link will assist you in preparing the contract.
Third party funding acccount
Please contact the Staff Unit External FundingExternal link DE in the Division for Finances and Purchasing to set up a third-party funding account for project administration (posting and mapping of income and expenses). They will provide you with regular financial overviews of your externally funded projects, prepare the necessary proofs of use and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about project management.
Recruitment of staff
For the recruitment of staff financed by third-party funds, please refer to the contact person(s) in the Division for Human Resources, Staff Unit Externally Funded Employees DE de with the relevant recruitment documents for academic staff. As recruitment procedures can take four to six weeks, please remember to plan the recruitment of externally funded staff with the Division for Human Resources well in advance.
Registration in the FACTScience research project database
In addition, the SFT will record your project data in the FACTScience research project database. Within the framework of ‘Transparency in Science and TeachingExternal link’, to which the University of Jena has committed itself together with all Thuringian higher education institutions and Jena University Hospital, selected project details appear in an annually updated report presenting ongoing externally funded research projects to the general public.
Project completion
For projects within the scope of economic activity, the Staff Uni External FundingExternal link in the Division for Finance and Purchasing will prepare a post-calculation of the project costs after the project has been completed on the basis of the time sheets submitted by the project management and the costs spent. The staff will provide you with the relevant forms for recording hours.
Based on the post-calculation, the staff in the Division for Finance and Purchasing then determine the proportionate return flows for the project management and post them to the collective accounts of the project managers or the budget in accordance with the agreed distribution model. Information on this can be found in the Guide to Contract Research (Leitfaden zur Auftragsforschung, in German only) External link.