In the interview in the Teaching INQUIRY section, we asked Professor Kracke about dealing with inclusion and diversity as added value in everyday university teaching. In the Teaching IN DIALOGUE section, you will find information on the Inclusion Working Group of the Academy for Teaching Development, on surveys focussing on diversity and inclusion and on the University of Jena's contribution to the IBS symposium 'Neurodiversity and Studies'.
The medical and physics student councils awarded their teaching prizes in the summer. In addition, the University of Jena has acquired 3 fellowships for innovations in digital university teaching this year. You can find reports on this in the section Teaching AWARDED.
The Dies Legendi - Day of Teaching will take place on 19 November 2024 and invites you to the topic Let's communicate! Discourse culture in courses invites you to participate and exchange ideas (Teaching OF FUTURE).
You can find this and other interesting news in the current issue of the teaching newsletter at https://www.uni-jena.de/263373/newsletter-lehre-03-2024 de