Exchange the lecture hall for practical experience and secure a meaningful reference you can put on your resume to start your professional career.
With an internship abroad you can not only improve your foreign language skills but also make international contacts and find friends all over the world! The obstacles to completing a foreign internship are certainly higher than those of a domestic internship.
For this reason, you will find a list of programmes below that offer technical support for your project; there is also information on financial support. The responsible contact persons are listed according to programmes and can be found under Contact person.
General Information
In addition to the Erasmus+ study abroad, there is also the option to do an internship abroad through Erasmus+. The financial support is staggered according to country groups as well. Here you can apply solely for the promotion of the internship you are looking for or also for the placement of an internship. It should be noted, however, that placements cannot be guaranteed, and therefore, we recommend looking for an internship on your own as well.
The EU-Praktikumsbüro Thüringen is in charge of Erasmus+ internships in Europe. You can find the relevant contact information under Contacts. The Friedrich Schiller University's International Office will accept your application documents.
Via Erasmus+ ICM, you can receive funding for internships outside of Europe (for details see https://www.uni-jena.de/en/funding_internship_abroad). The International Office is in charge of this programme - please enquire through erasmusplus_international@uni-jena.de).
Possible destinations
- EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
- EWR states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
- Turkey
- as well as the overseas areas according to the Erasmus+ guidelines of the DAAD
For internships in Switzerland, students can contact the responsible authorities directly:
www.studex.chExternal link , www.s-o-l.chExternal link and www.ti.chExternal link
Funding is provided exclusively by Switzerland.Via Erasmus+ ICM the International Office currently offers scholarships for internships in the following countries:
- Japan (e.g. Humanities internship at Fukuoka University or self-organized)
- Israel (self-organized and provided the security situation on departure is safe)
- Canada (self-organized)
- USA (self-organized)
- Korea (self-organized)
Scholarships are awarded according to demand and available funding. If you are interested in a scholarship for an already organised internship starting before 01.01.2025, please contact us at erasmusplus_international@uni-jena.de.
Application period
If possible, please submit the application documents to the International Office five months before the desired internship begins. However, very short-term applications can also be considered.
If you are unable to submit the application documents in full, please contact the EU-Praktikumsbüro Thüringen.
These are the deadlines for internships via Erasmus+ ICM:
- 01.11.2024 for internships from January 2025
- 01.05.2025 for internships from July 2025
Necessary documents
Internships in Europe:
- Application form
- Chronological CV
- Transcript of records
- Letters of recommendation from your faculty/department to promote an internship through the ERASMUS + programme
Detailed information can be found hereExternal link.
Internships outside of Europe (Erasmus+ ICM):
- Application form
- Letter of motivation
- Official acceptance letter from the institution/organisation the internship takes places at
- Letter of recommendation from a professor
- Transcript of records
- Master's: Bachelor's certificate; PhD: certificate (Magister, Master, Staatsexamen etc.)
- Europass CV (https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/de/documents/curriculum-vitaeExternal link)
- Language certificate (at least B2 level in the working language and/or national language of the country)
- Proof of student status
You will find detailed information here.
Funding period
Internships with a duration of a min. of 2 months up to a max. of 12 months (per study cycle).
For Erasmus+ ICM there is also a minimum of 2 months. The recommended and maximum possible duration is 4 months (see current application call under Forms de).
Types of internships
The programme enables the promotion of internships
- in companies
- in social facilities
- sometimes also at universities
- It is therefore open to all fields of study at Thuringian universities.
Not for funding are internships
- in institutions and facilities of the European Union
- Institutions and organisations that manage community programmes
- in national diplomatic representations of the student's country of origin in the host country
The Erasmus+ ICM awards grants for internships at foreign partner universities, on the labour market abroad or in areas of general and vocational education or in youth related institutions. Internships with a focus on digital competencies are particularly eligible.
The following institutions cannot be the receiving institutions for internships in order to avoid conflicts of interest and double funding:
- EU institutions and other EU institutions, including specialised agencies (for full list see https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/agencies_enExternal link); as well as
- Institutions who manage EU programmes.
German country representations in Brussels can, however, act as receiving institutions for Erasmus+ ICM internships.
Further Information
If you have any questions about the application or need further information, please contact the project coordinator Ms Friedemann (contact person).
For further information, visit: EU Praktikum ThuringiaExternal link
General information
In this programme, graduates of all disciplines and all types of degrees (diploma, bachelor, master, doctorate) can apply for the promotion of an internship. Here, too, you can apply solely for the promotion of the internship you are looking for or also for the placement of an internship. It should be noted, however, that placements cannot be guaranteed, and therefore, we recommend looking for an internship on your own as well.
The EU-Praktikumsbüro Thüringen is in charge of Erasmus+ internships in Europe. You can find the relevant contact information under Contacts. The Friedrich Schiller University's International Office will accept your application documents.
Via Erasmus+ ICM, PhD students can receive funding for internships outside of Europe (for details see https://www.uni-jena.de/en/funding_internship_abroad). The International Office is in charge of this programme - please enquire through erasmusplus_international@uni-jena.de).
Erasmus+ (Europe):
- University degree obtained in Germany or abroad, which should not be older than 5 years
- Resident in Germany
Erasmus+ (ICM):
- Enrolled student at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Possible destinations
- EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
- EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
- Turkey
- as well as the overseas territories according to the ERASMUS + guidelines of the DAAD
For internships in Switzerland, students can contact the responsible authorities directly:
www.studex.chExternal link , www.s-o-l.chExternal link and www.ti.chExternal link
Funding is provided exclusively by Switzerland.Via Erasmus+ ICM the International Office currently offers scholarships for internships in the following countries:
- Canada
- Israel
- Japan (e.g. Humanities internship at Fukuoka University or self-organized)
- Korea
Application period
For internships in Europe, applications can be handed in on a continuous basis.
If you are unable to submit the application documents in full, please contact the EU-Praktikumsbüro Thüringen.
The following deadlines apply for internships via Erasmus+ ICM:
- 01.11.2024 for internships from January 2025
- 01.05.2025 for internships from July 2025
Scope and duration of the funding
Erasmus+ Europe:
- Subsidy for stay, travel and insurance (depending on the country, for a maximum of 26 weeks),
- Grant for linguistic and intercultural preparation.
These are grants for additional expenses abroad. Please consider your own additional funds.
Erasmus+ ICM:
- Grants periods of 2 months minimum (12 months maximum per study cycle). The recommended and maximum possible duration is 4 months (see current application call under Forms de).
- Monthly allowance of currently 700 EUR/month
- One-off travel allowance (see European Commission's distance band calculatorExternal link)
Further information
For more information on internships in Europe, see: EU Praktikum ThuringiaExternal link
For more information on internships outside of Europe in selected countries, see: Funding options for internships.
General information
At the Friedrich Schiller University, teacher training students of all subjects have the opportunity to complete the integrated, approximately 5-month-long practical semester (Jena model of teacher training) at a school abroad with full recognition.
Ms Ehrhardt is responsible for internships during the teacher training course. You can find the contact information at contact person de.
School search and possible schools
The search for a school should start at the Friedrich Schiller University during the first two semesters in order to be able to complete the practical semester at a school abroad in the 5th or 6th semester. In general, applying at schools is recommended at least one year in advance. It is possible to apply at partner schools of the Friedrich Schiller University or to find a school on your own that meets the necessary requirements. In addition to German schools abroad, these can also be German international schools or national schools abroad.
Regardless of whether you want to complete the practical semester (Jena model of teacher training) in Thuringia or abroad, registration takes place once a year from 15 October to 31 October via an online form on the homepage of the Center for Teacher Education and Research for the following school year.
Even if you want to complete the internship abroad in the following summer semester or if you have not yet found a school abroad, you must - like all other students - register for the internship in October of the previous year. Registration for the internship semester is independent of your application to the school abroad; i.e., even if you are completing your internship abroad, you must regularly register with the Friedrich Schiller University for your internship.
Duration of the practical semester abroad
5 months or 16 weeks of school time must be completed at a school abroad (excluding holidays/breaks) in order to have the internship semester recognised according to the Jena model of teacher training abroad with the corresponding credit points.
Further information
For more information, see: http://www.zlb.uni-jena.de/Lehrerbildung/Praxissemester.htmlExternal link
If, after studying the extensive information that is available on the internship abroad website, you still have questions and would like more information, you can find all the contact information at contact person de.
AIESEC and IAESTE are organisations run by students for students. Both organisations help find internships for German students abroad as well as for foreign students in Germany. AIESEC mainly supports students in business administration but also in the humanities and social sciences, while IAESTE supports students from the fields of natural engineering.
For more information, see www.aiesec.deExternal link
Language assistants abroad
The PAD gives students the opportunity to work as a foreign language assistant at a school abroad. The teaching activity must be carried out for one school year (approx. 8-10 months) and is paid for. The student will observe and assess at first and later teach the class on their own (approx. 12 hours per week).
Further information and application documents can be found at: www.kmk.orgExternal link
Federal representation for medical students
The bvmd offers various options for a stay abroad. Here we present the various foreign programmes and explain some of the basics regarding formalities.
Further Internet addresses for internship searches
For more information, see https://www.daad.de/ausland/praktikum/de/External link