PROMOS - Study-related group trips or competiton trips
Study-related group or competition trips can ONLY be requested by a university lecturer!
Fellowship specifications
The grant is made as a subsidy for travel and subsistence expenses by paying a flat rate per participant per day. The lump sum for trips is
- 45 / participant/ day
Please note that depending on the number and quality of the applications, group trips can only be funded for part of the requested amount.
The funding amount is paid after the end of the stay based on the final settlement (see excursion guidelines).
The maximum funding period is 12 days, and the trips may also take longer.
Application requirements
Groups of students from the first semester who are fully enrolled at the University of Jena can be funded under the supervision of a university lecturer. Individual prospective doctoral candidates can be participants in the group tour by arrangement. The number of participants must be a maximum of 15 (eligible).
Regularly enrolled students and doctoral students from German universities can participate,
a.) who are German nationals
b.) the Germans are on an equal footing in accordance with § 8 paragraph 1 number 2 ff., paragraph 2, 2a and 3 BAföG (in this The wording of the law applies, which can be found at: www.das-neue-bafoeg.de) External link
c.) non-German students and university graduates if they are taking part in a course of study German university are enrolled with the aim of graduation from the German university to achieve or do a doctorate at a German university.
Stays in the home country are excluded for the group of people described in b.) And c.). The home country is the country in which the student lives. Nationality plays a subordinate role here.
Application documents
University lecturers at FSU Jena are eligible to apply. A complete application for funding includes:
- Application form with financing plan
- Entry list
- Justification letter and program description with presentation of precise visits and visits. General information (e.g. visiting museums and universities) is not sufficient.
- Timetable (tabular process)
- Presentation of the content preparation of the participants at the University of Jena. Knowledge of the language of the host country should be available for common languages; basic knowledge is desirable for rarer languages, but not a prerequisite.
- Proof of contact from abroad, e.g. Invitations, confirmation of the program items. Cooperation agreements are not sufficient as proof of contact.
Application deadlines
01.05. for stays abroad from 01.07. until 31.12. of the current year
01.11. for stays abroad from 01.01. until 30.06. of the following year
(In the case of very early planning, a previous application date can also be used)
Please submit the complete application by e-mail in one PDF file: promos@uni-jena.de