Dragon boat

Regional competences China

creditable in Basic Module 1 for the China Competence Certificate
Dragon boat
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Event details
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Types of event
Internationales Centrum "Haus auf der Mauer"
Johannisplatz 26, seminar room
07743 Jena
Google Maps site planExternal link
Ferdinand Stenglein | Institute of Geography
Yi Zheng | Friedrich Schiller University of Jena's external office in China
Linus Schlüter | Sinologist and project coordination ChinaKooP
ChinaKooP | International Office
Language of the event
Wheelchair access
Registration required

You will receive a certificate of attendance for participating in the two-day seminar, which can be credited towards the China Competence Certificate with 16 units in Basic Module 1, Regional Competencies.

Seminar programme

Thursday, 26 June 2025, 9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Time Content
9.00-9.30 Welcome and getting to know each other, expectations and prior knowledge (0,75 UE)
9.30-11.00 China's history since 1840 - the invasion of the West, Linus Schlüter (2 UE)
11.00-11.20 Break
11.20-12.20 Political system of the People's Republic of China, Linus Schlüter (1,25 UE)
12.20-13.20 Lunch break
13.20-14.50 China's education system, Zheng Yi – Connection from Beijing (2 UE)
15.20-17.00 N. N.

 Friday, 27 June 2025, 9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Time Content
9.00-10.30 Geographies of China I, Ferdinand Stenglein (2 UE)
10.30-10.50 Break
10.50-12.20 Geographies of China II, Ferdinand Stenglein (2 UE)
12.20-13.20 Lunch break
13.20-14.50 Geopolitics: Taiwan and the South China Sea, Linus Schlüter (2 UE)
15.10-17.00 Dishing out secrets:
10 years of active travelling through China, 10 years of work at the Confucius Institute, Linus Schlüter (2 UE)

The seminar will be held in German. Questions may be asked in German or English.


Please register for the seminar:

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