Tenure Track, Way to professorship

The Tenure-Track Project at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena

Supported by the Tenure-Track Programme of the Government and the Lander
Tenure Track, Way to professorship
Image: istockphotos.com

The FSU Tenure-Track Project

Friedrich-Schiller University Jena aims at lowering the academic age at which a young researcher is appointed as professor for the first time. Furthermore, it seeks to strengthen an early academic indepence and self-responsibility of young researchers and improve both the plannability and transparency of academic career paths. Consequently, it has established the Tenure-Track professorship and issued a statute on the recruitment and appointment of Tenure-Track-ProfessorshipsExternal link in May 2017 (in German).

With its Concept for the Promotion of Young Researchers and the Implementation of Tenure-Track professorships, the FSU was also a succesful competitor in the first round of the Tenure-Track Programme by the Governement and the Lander in 2017, and was given approval for all 12 submitted applications for Tenure-Track professoral positions. Until 2032, all these twelve professorships will be funded with a sum total of up to 11.3 million EUR.

The funding includes a so-called "strategic addition" that is used to promote the general implementation of the Tenure-Track professorship and the academic cultural change coming with it.

Thereby, FSU invests into the accompaniment of all Tenure-Track professors at the University, regardless whether they be financed by the above-mentioned programme or by other financial means. The accompaniment comprises the Qualification Programme de for Tenure-Track professors and the Mentoring ProgrammeExternal link with mentors from within the professors' faculties. Furthermore, FSU is supporting the nationwide networking of Tenure-Track professors and the network of all German universities that seek to establish Tenure Track as a career path in the long run.

Contact Persons regarding all Tenure-Track topics

  1. Cantner, Uwe, Prof. Dr Project Management Tenure Track Office of vice-president for Early Career Researchers and Diversity Management
    vpwiss.nachwuchs@uni-jena.de +49 3641 9-401300 +49 3641 9-401302

    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

    Uwe Cantner
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
  2. Blaesing, Kristin, Dr Project Coordinator, Mentoring Programme Office of vice-president for Early Career Researchers and Diversity Management
    tenure-track@uni-jena.de +49 3641 9-401370

    Accouchierhaus, Room E003
    Jenergasse 8
    07743 Jena

  3. Walther, Jolene Tenure-Track Appointment Procedures Präsidialamt
    jolene.walther@uni-jena.de +49 3641 9-401020

    Universitätshauptgebäude, Room 2.25B
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

    Jolene Walther
    Image: Daniela Siebe
  4. Uthleb, Anne Personnel Management Tenure-Track Professors Division 5
    anne.uthleb@uni-jena.de +49 3641 9-415111

    Universitätshauptgebäude, Room 0.36A
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

  5. Timm, Mareike nationwide network of Tenure-Track Professors Graduate Academy
    mareike.timm@uni-jena.de +49 3641 9-401317

    Haus für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs - Zur Rosen
    Johannisstraße 13
    07743 Jena

    Mareike Timm
    Image: Louisa Reichstetter
  6. Stiegler, André nationwide Tenure-Track network of the participating universities Graduate Academy
    andre.stiegler@uni-jena.de +49 3641 9-401319

    Haus für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs - Zur Rosen
    Johannisstraße 13
    07743 Jena

    André Stiegler
    Image: Louisa Reichstetter
  7. Dünger, Anne Cultural Change in the Postdoc Phase Graduate Academy
    anne.duenger@uni-jena.de +49 3641 9-401318

    Haus für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs - Zur Rosen
    Johannisstraße 13
    07743 Jena

    Anne Dünger
    Image: Louisa Reichstetter